VEDANTA is a school of philosophy within Hinduism. It is a summary of the teachings that can be drawn from the legends of the Araniakas (scriptures 'of the forest'), and of the Upanishads (writings composed approximately from the sixth century BC).
What does Vedanta Philosophy say?
"Like a diamond that is covered in mud, the Atman shines in all its
splendor within us, yet its presence is covered, its bright purity
masked by endless layers of ignorance, misidentifications, incorrect
knowledge and misguided perceptions."
ATMAN meaning from the Sanskrit ātman, which literally means "essence, breath, ego or soul".
It is important to emphasize that we are not trying to become something other than what we already are. We do not try to become perfect, we already are. This is our true nature. To act according to it, with nobility, sincerity and kindness, lifts the veil of ignorance, which hides the true reality. Anything that deforms this reality is a distortion of the truth.
Therefore, the ethics of Vedanta is based on a simple method of reasoning, where each action or thought presides over the question: does it bring me closer to the truth or does it take me away from it?
If we consider the same question from another point of view we ask ourselves: What prevents us from realizing the truth?
The answer is: the ego, the feeling of "me" and "mine." The great teacher Ramakrishna said: "the feeling of me and mine has concealed Reality and that is why we do not see the truth."
And he continued: "when the ego dies, all problems disappear."
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