in yoga •  6 years ago 

It is allergy season - there are many of us are suffering from Watery eyes, Bouts of sneezing, Running noses, coughing, etc. These are the common allergic symptom of the attack of Bacteria and Viruses. But luckily, Yoga can help!!


  • Shoulder Stand and other Inversions

Open nasal passages and improve drainage. You should not do this for more than 1 minute at a time.

  • Plow Pose

It opens the muscle at the base of the skull and back of the neck, when these muscles are loose, drainage will clear.

  • Bridge and other Backbends

It opens the chest. You can do this with Balance ball. It is the best way to expand the chest and lungs and increase the lung capacity.

  • Three-Part Yogic Breath

It helps to increase lung capacity and also reduces stress which is helpful to improve immunity.

  • Fish Pose

It is the best way to open chest, lungs, and throat to free the breath.

Try these poses and I am sure it will be helpful to fight with allergic act.

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