Raw, Unfiltered Yoga

in yoga •  7 years ago 


Just like practice, this picture is raw. There’s no hiding, no cheating, no pretense. In life we can put on a good face, we can wear pretty clothes, use make up, spin the story to sound pretty. Once a person gets on the mat all that falls away. Repeated yoga practice over many years strips us away of all that’s untrue. It can be scary, exhausting, peaceful, and exhilarating. Some days I experience one emotion; other days I experience what feels like all the emotions. For now, all I know is I intend to keep on practicing.

I’m taking a one day hiatus from my stretching series to post about this day in my yoga journey.

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Love this also
Looks great my dear :-)))


Ah!!! I love scorpion in phincha mayurasana. I practiced it today. I loooove that pose!

You're the best @akashas

Thats some serious control and strength right there,

Nice exercise!

wow! awesome!
Should ask my son to learn from you!

check out my latest post... my 2 years old baby is doing yoga too! LOL

Aw!! There’s tons of kids yoga videos out there. If you’re lucky there are some kids yoga classes too (hopefully there are in your area).