Introduction to Ayuerveda: The Vedic Sciende of Life

in yoga •  7 years ago  (edited)

Among world cultures, the Indian civilization is not only ancient, but also unique. The Vedas are at the root and base of a vast culture and civilization. These are perhaps the oldest manuscripts known to existence in any literary heritage. The four Vedas are: Rgveda, Yajurveda, Sāmaveda and Atharvaveda. Āyurveda is the oldest treaties known to man that talk about health and wellness treatments, and is considered as part of the Atharvaveda. This book provides very useful information based on evidence, about the mysteries behind the principles of one of the oldest writings about wellness and how to live a peaceful and balanced life, the Āyurveda.

In the Indian culture, the four most valuable aspects of human life are dharma, artha, kāma and moksha – duty, wealth, desire, and liberation, and the only vehicle to attain auto-realization is to find freedom from the eternal experience recurring cycles through the work with our bodies. That is why we need to stay healthy, to be able to work hard, and to be able to follow a daily routine on an adequate way without finding any stress in it and by doing so ben able to do our daily tasks in a more joyous and efficient way.

The purpose of Āyurveda is to protect the health of a healthy person and then cure the afflictions of the sick one. In this workshop you will learn the bases of Āyurveda, its principles and how they work, as well as to determine constitutions, unbalances and how to make a basic diagnostic.

Price: Early Bird (Ends October 16th) - $50 Full Price - $60

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Student of the KPJAYI, Jose Luis Velez has practiced Ashtanga Yoga since 2008 and has been studying under the guidance of R. Saraswathi Jois since 2016. He has studied Yoga Philosophy and Sanskrit in Mysore, India with teachers like Lakshmish Bhat at the KPJAYI and Vidvan Prof H.V. Nagaraja Rao from the Mysore University and the Maharaja's Sanskrit College. He has also studied Ayurveda with the Vaidya Nixia Lino and Ayurvedic Massage at Suyoga Ayurvedic Massage Center in Mysore. Jose travels yearly to Mysore, India, to study, reconnect and learn directly from the source.

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