Introducing King America

in you •  4 years ago 

Hello Subjects of the Kingdom of America,

You are welcome!

Follow King America for insight into American Culture. Topics discussed will be, but not limited to:

Old Movies
Why America loves Anime
Sea Animals
International Radio Stations
Classic Architecture and Fashion
Regular People
Irregular People
Stock Trading
Non-American Sports
American Holidays
Memes I like
Memes I do not like, but still post
Folk Music

I am sure there will be more added to this list of super important topics. I will be setting up ways for you, the people, to donate to America. If you donate, you will gain new American social credit points that will help you get more of whatever you are looking for in life.


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Ok, ok, you can have that corner of the world, but I was here first, tyvm!

Other than that, welcome aboard.
Good luck, steeming isn't easy.