The Zealeum ecosystem is powered by the generation of Health and wellness data gotten from users as they utilize the Application with the exchange of the data with the Zealeum tokens. This tokens are of an ERC20 type based on the ethereum blockchain and its the major form of payment and reward for a large range of services present on the platform.
Zealeum main aim is to monitize and reward users for the use of data and healthy living with the use of Zealeum tokens. This platform has the hopes that with more partners accepting it, it will become a very important market tool for the user data coupled with the health related benefits as they utilize Zeal tokens as the main means of exchange.
Who are the Zealeum Ecosystem Participants
They include everyone who is directly or indirectly connected with the platform and they include
The Individuals - these the the main users that utilize the platform for health technology activities such as tracking of fitness and wellness, planning of nutritional timetables, monitoring of their chronic illness, etc and they are usually rewarded from use of the applications.
The Professionals - These are the trained officials that a user can procure their services when he or she need them for advice and maintenence. They include the fitness trainers, the medical doctors, the physiotherapists, and so on. They view a customer health and wellness history and give customised services to them based on their needs.
The Establishments - These are professional institutions or establishments that rewards users for patronising their services in the form of zeal tokens and they include fitness centers, insurance companies, nutritional centers, etc.
The Information Brokers and The Data Buyers - these data purchasers buy user generated health data on approval from the individuals users and pay in the form of Zeal tokens. This data is then used to further develop and evolve the platform.
As a result, the Ecosystem is made up of people who have the sole aim of developing the platform and they all get rewarded in the process.
How does the Zealeum Ecosystem Interconnect With One Another
The users that utilize the platform are given a Zealeum account that displays his or her Zeal token balance, the reward programs they participate in and their health profile.
This health profile is the users entire medical history which could be his medications, test results, medical visits, family history, etc. and this health profile is very important as it complies all the segregated medical information of a user into a single place and makes it very accessible to medical professionals. These profiles are very transparent, efficient, secure and can be easily transferred to the necessary skilled personnel.
There is also a marketplace where users can interact with the health establishment to purchase their services with the zeal tokens they earned. This market has a variety of services ranging from medical advises, nutrition and diet advice and others.
The Professionals and the Establishment have two different options when dealing with the users; they can either collect zeal tokens for the payment of the services they offer or they can offer zeal tokens to users to sign up and utilize their platform.
Thus, the Zealeum Ecosystem is maintained by numerous users and participants that will promote the use and the development of the platform as they all interact with one another. Everyone benefits as they use the platform and as more partners get involved with it, it will be the first of its kind in the world.
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Author - hamzeto;u=1189991