BlogHide Resteemsresteemedveronicalee (86)in photography • 4 years ago화성 용주사 방문며칠전 아들과 수원 열화원을 둘러본후 귀갓길에 화성 용주사에 들렀다. 몇년전 와본 곳이지만 아직 해가 많이 남아서 다시 가보기로 했다 용주사는 정조대왕이 아버지[사도세자]에 대한 효심으로 지어진 사찰로 다른 절에서 볼수 없는 홍살문이 절 입구에 높이 솟아 있었다. 사도세자와 어머니 혜경궁 홍씨를모시기 위해 지어진…resteemedsteemitblog (77)in guide • 4 years agoSTEEMIT - A GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERSWelcome to Steemit! Steemit is a blockchain-based social media Dapp (decentralized application) that creates communities where users are rewarded for sharing their voice. It's a new kind of…resteemedcjsdns (88)in hive-160196 • 4 years ago주지나 말걸기운 내라 bDollar (BDO) 주지나 말걸/cjsdns 내게는 아들이 셋이 있다. 두 놈은 나와 아내 사이에서 낳은 자식으로 자라면서 온갖 행복을 가져다준 놈들이다. 가정 형편이 좋지 않았어도 어떻게든 잘 키워 보겠다고 온갖 정성을 다 쏟아가면서 키웠으며 한이 되었던 가난을 대물림하지 않겠다는 생각으로 나쁜 일 빼어 놓고는 할 수 있는…amoakoderry (25)in hive-150232 • 4 years agoAmazing Traditional cloths in 🇬🇭 GhanaExamples of... most traditional wear of Ghanaian made by Ghanaian men not machine .. . This is designed normally for.. 💖 🧒young children .. . This is called.. smock .It is mostly… (73)in hive-150232 • 4 years agoETH的价格和gas之间有什么联系值得一提的是,gas只是一个抽象单位,它仅存在于以太坊虚拟机中,用户实际上总是在以太坊网络中支付交易。 使用单独的单位来度量计算工作的主要原因是这样可以将其与ETH的价格进行分离。 这意味着ETH价格的增加不会改变交易成本。如果网络活动保持不变,而随着ETH的价格上升,我们应该会看到gas价格的下降,因此以ETH衡量的最终交易成本应该保持不变(美元价值)。…resteemedxiangsong (65)in hive-150232 • 4 years agoCeFi解救,DeFi扩展在大多数情况下,DeFi本质上是未经审查的,这是区块链的创始原则之一。而现实情况却大不相同,监管越来越严格,DeFi服务提供商要么被迫将其服务中心化,要么完全脱胎换骨。这严重阻碍了DeFi被采用,因为在这两种情况下,用户可能会停止使用DeFi服务,更有甚者会在不受监管的DeFi平台上面临被诈骗的风险。 CeFi可以帮助弥补这一差距。作为进行KYC /…resteemedtelangpu (65)in hive-150232 • 4 years agoNFT 的主要应用场景NFT 具有非同质化、不可拆分的特性,可以用于锚定现实世界中商品和区块链上的数字资产。用例可以涵盖游戏道具、数字艺术品、门票等,具有唯一性和不可复制性。NFT 的独特属性使其具备收藏属性,便于用户进行点对点交易。加密艺术家还可以利用 NFT 创造独一无二的数字艺术品并在加密交易市场中进行销售。 NFT 的主要应用场景包括游戏、知识产权、实体资产、身份证明、金融文件、票务等:…resteemedtongpingxia (66)in hive-150232 • 4 years agoMirror 发展迅猛合成资产里另一个涨势凶猛的就是 Mirror,在上个月投资者抱团作战主战场的券商平台 Robinhood (罗宾汉)被多家美国本土券商却先后宣布限制 GME、AMC 的股票开仓后,该合成资产平台顺势推出发起投票,上线了 GME 股票对应的合成资产交易,为有交易需求的投资者提供了不受中心化平台交易限制的新可能。 作为新秀,Mirror 发展迅猛,已经成为最大的合成美股交易平台,平台已经上线了…resteemedcheva (77)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago新奇玩意3D打印笔新奇玩意3D打印笔…resteemedwherein (69)in hive-193186 • 4 years agoA Photobombing week with Steem and WhereIn communityHola amiga & amigo, para Steemian WhereInian kalian. Apologize we can't use either of your languages, but in STEEM, we always have each others! Over the past 1 week, we're glad that we have…resteemedcheva (77)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago剑龙装甲车剑龙装甲车 给小宝贝买了不少的积木玩具,小宝贝最喜欢摆弄的还是这种磁铁积木,今天她和爷爷一起,设计了一个奇怪的车子,总共4对车轮,看样子再种性能不错。和现实中的有一些装甲车很像。上面应该是小宝贝自己设计的,她很喜欢用三角形座金字塔。这辆车最后就像背上长着剑形骨板的恐龙--剑龙。我觉得叫剑龙装甲车还是很贴切的。 [WhereIn Android] (resteemedmarkwang (56)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago给儿子做的炒鸡蛋,纯...给儿子做的炒鸡蛋,纯纯的嫩嫩的,下锅一分钟不到,起 [WhereIn Android] (resteemedprotoss20 (53)in steem • 5 years ago"Kate's choice" has great potential@jayplayco recently introduced a new project called "Kate's choice" (see [JJM] Steem 50% Sale program - JJM's Kate's Choice ). The title itself is already interesting: steem 50% discount…resteemedprotoss20 (53)in steem • 4 years ago[Witness update] Supporting curation project: ecosynthesizerIt has been almost 3 months since our last post. We want to assure you that we were not idling - we were silently observing what's going on, not only in Steem but also in crypto scene. We are…amoakoderry (25)in hive-188403 • 4 years agoSome Great Women leaders In 🇬🇭 GhanaMeet one of the Great Woman who designed the Ghana flag 🇬🇭 🇬🇭 🇬🇭. . This woman in his time designed the flag of Ghana 🇬🇭, of which each color stands for a meaning..... 💖 Indeed women are…amoakoderry (25)in hive-120412 • 4 years agoSome delicious food enjoyed by ghanaiansHave a look at some wonderful food enjoyed by 🇬🇭 Ghanaian. . This food is one of the most food enjoy by majority of the 🇬🇭 Ghanaians, mostly by the GAs, part of Ghanaians. This food is…resteemedliuzg (77)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago逆流而上,继续充能SP逆流而上,继续充能SP 玩steem的朋友都知道在steem的世界里SP才是王道,账户里没有SP或者SP太少是一件非常痛苦的事情,经常会感到步履维艰甚至寸步难行。 在币价低迷的时候大多数人优先考虑的是把steem/SBD充能成SP,以此方法来提高账户里SP的增加速度。但是到了币价高起的时候很多人的想法就被套现主导了。 最近看到很多朋友在 power down…amoakoderry (25)in hive-101145 • 4 years agoHealth Benefit of Mushroom to the bodyin hive-101145 • 4 years agoGetting to know me well(My physical picture)From : amoakoderry To:My new friend My name is Amoako Derrick.I am 18 years boy .My hair is dark and well trimmed.I am very short and fair in complexion.I live in Ghana, a hospitality known…