BlogHide Resteemskernelink (25)in china • 7 years agoUrban transformation of Taiyuan City, ShanxiTaiyuan, referred to as "Bing", also known as the state, called Jinyang, also known as the dragon, is a city with 4700 years of history, the history of ancient history of the city built in 2500. In…kernelink (25)in cambodia • 7 years agoCambodia Dancekernelink (25)in travel • 7 years agoThe body is timeThe body is time, The time that goes on, And we, But a soul is fleeting. 肉体是时光 , 不停流逝的时光 , 而我们 , 不过是一个灵魂的瞬息kernelink (25)in angkor • 7 years agoThe beauty of Angkor (1) - Preah Khan - travel around the worldAs many royal buildings in the Angkor ruins, there are many ancestors and to commemorate the building, Preah Khan is a typical representative, here are a sword legend, jewelry inlaid Santa, symbol…kernelink (25)in us-russia • 7 years agoUS changes sub into "underwater carrier". US and RUS upgrade their respactive "trump cards" for rivairy again."Underwater carrier" may have future naval war transformed.US intends to upgrade "Sci-Fi warship".US is conducting studies on launching UUV from sub to attack enemy sub. UUV is quieter than manned…kernelink (25)in life • 7 years agoBacon cheese steamed bread (A)01 Anyway, the Steamed Buns cut a few knives, but do not cut off 02 Bacon cut a small piece (or ham) 03 Put Bacon into the crevice of the steamed breadresteemedjerrybanfield (74)in dlive • 7 years agoSteemSummer May 25, 26, 27 near Palm Beach, Florida, USA?Will we enjoy a weekend together in Florida for a steem meetup named "SteemSummer" because our time connecting in person is invaluable? Here are the possible dates and venue for the event…kernelink (25)in fun • 7 years agoPrawns with salt and pepper01 cut off the shrimps 02 pick out the shrimp line 03 with a bamboo stick string 04 dipped in a layer of dried starch 05 the oil is heated and fried 05 fry to the appearance of…kernelink (25)in bungee • 7 years ago忘掉尘世烦恼 或许你只需要一根绳子有些人喜欢蹦极这项运动带来的刺激与快感,有些人为了挑战自我而尝试蹦极,在今天蹦极已经成为一种广为人们所知的极限运动,今天探长就和大家聊一聊蹦极这项户外极限运动的渊源。 早在公元500年,在南太平洋瓦努阿图群岛的部落。一名妇女为逃避丈夫的虐待,爬上了高高的可可树,用一…kernelink (25)in china • 7 years ago中国专家认为,兵马俑赴美展出合规,不展出就没保护价值。近日,“兵马俑在美国费城富兰克林科学博物馆展览时被人掰走手指”的消息引起人们极大关注。针对网民对这次秦俑出境展出的质疑,中国陕西省文物交流中心负责人指出,这次展览是严格按照国家有关规定进行的。按照中国国家规定,兵马俑是可移动的文物。“只要在安全可控范围内展出,是可以的。秦兵马俑坑埋藏着8000件俑,目前修复的有2000件,除铜车马外,中国国家文物局对其出境规定单次不能超过10件俑。”中国陕西省文物kernelink (25)in china • 7 years ago这个可以有,中国浙江全省试点“小学早上推迟上学”:让孩子吃好早餐、睡饱觉。对于推迟上学政策的效果,不宜过于乐观,而且,推进这一政策,必须注意地区差异,需要广泛听取居民意见,进行民主决策。…kernelink (25)in olympics • 7 years ago关于如何评价平昌冬奥会上加拿大队颁奖前扫了扫颁奖台的土这一举动?加拿大运动员出来“扫颁奖台”以外,在接颁奖官员的吉祥物的时候,是戴着手套与之握手的。但是!他们与中国队握手的时候却是摘去手套。在现代礼仪交往当中戴手套与人握手是不礼貌的行为,而加拿大运动员这样做,就是明确的告诉本届冬奥会的组委会和奥运会官员,你们的无耻不能获得别人的尊重!…kernelink (25)in china • 7 years ago中国代表团在平昌冬奥会的表现我对此次平昌冬奥会中国代表团的表现评价为:发挥正常,冰上略有下滑,雪上实现多项突破,北京2022可期。 今天平昌冬奥会就要闭幕,从奖牌数量上来看,中国代表团与前几届相比有所减少,但整体发挥实属正常,并没有让人大跌眼镜之处。而且本届冬奥会,韩国队坐拥东道主优势,中国队在强势项目如短道速滑上,受到了不少饱受争议的不公平对待,这也是影响中国代表团本届冬奥会奖牌数的重要因素之一。…kernelink (25)in china • 7 years ago在中国农村,常见的腌菜有哪些?北方的冬季是漫长的,过去在没有温室大棚的情况下,数九寒天里除了当家的白菜,吃上新鲜蔬菜是不可能的。所以老百姓都会储备一些腌菜过冬,而且腌菜能吃很长时间不变质。 在河北省石家庄市周边腌菜主要有腌酸菜、腌韭菜花、腌萝卜、腌咸鸡蛋、西瓜酱等。乡间的腌菜季主要在秋天。…kernelink (25)in love • 7 years agoiI love My dog----- Golden RetrieverFor a long time, I like Golden Retriever, smart and smart coexist. I can accompany you quietly all day. I can run all day, and I learn many skills by myself. I'll take express delivery, close down…kernelink (25)in fivestar • 7 years ago越是另类的酒店越受欢迎,比如“迷你五星”酒店卖的不是房间、餐饮,而是一张标榜你身份和社交属性的标签。 (维也纳Ruby Marie顶层露台)…kernelink (25)in casino • 7 years ago说说我在澳门赌场玩的感受。我在不久前去过澳门赌场,我们是去旅游,不是专程去赌的。 但是到了澳门见到赌场就一定要进去见识一下。花了大半天时间将澳门几个著名的地方走了一圈,吃了晚饭就进普京。…kernelink (25)in love • 7 years ago我是怎么娶到外国媳妇的?我们老板娘说晚上叫我跟她一起去见客户,刚开始我不大情愿,因为每次陪她去见完客户,都是吃饭喝酒,很晚才能回来。 但是想不到我们今天见的潘经理也带了个女助理来,而且还是个外国女孩,一个在中国留学刚毕业出来的实习生,她叫安娜。很漂亮,我印象中的外国人基本上没有几个长得好看的,而安娜真的很美,性格也很随和,爱笑。…kernelink (25)in marrying • 7 years agoWhat's the difference between marrying money and marrying love?A friend told me some of the entertainment gossip is not a top male star was a considerable age rich phase, she invited the actor to her company, after the meeting, she put a car keys on the table…kernelink (25)in american • 7 years agoWhat are the Americans and Russians arguing about in Syria?Two things are contended: one is hegemony, the other is a strategic space. First, hegemony. After the Second World War, the earth has sprung up two superpowers, the United States and the…