BlogHide Resteemsosloo (25)in cn • 7 years ago【食譜】白切雞秘訣在「浸雞」!又嫩又滑配三款風味蘸汁1.北方風味汁材料: 鹽半茶匙、 糖四分一茶匙, 鎮江香醋1茶匙、 老抽1湯匙, 蒸雞原汁或雞上湯4湯匙、 麻油1茶匙、 葱花1湯匙、 紅辣椒碎1湯匙。 2.泰式風味汁: 泰國雞醬1湯匙、 蠔油1湯匙、 青檸汁1湯匙、 椰糖半湯匙。 3.海南風味汁: 糖1湯匙、 生抽2湯匙、 白醋1茶匙、 蒜蓉1茶匙、 薑茸1茶匙、 麵豉半湯匙、…osloo (25)in cn • 7 years ago(紅火蟻)颶風水浸打不死,會浮水面自救美國德州受颶風「哈維」吹襲成為澤國,洪水不但摧毀人類家園,連紅火蟻也要傾巢而出「組織自救」,有災民指不時看到一群群紅火蟻圍成一團求生,因此涉水要特別小心。 紅火蟻怎麼會這樣漂浮求生呢?德州昆蟲學專家麥錢特(Mike…osloo (25)in cn • 7 years agoAV片呃人!近9成女性表示「揉胸根本不會爽」日前在日本論壇《2ch》中,有網友在討論區分享之前節目調查的內容,其中表示將近90%的女孩子,在性行為時,都對「搓揉胸部」沒有什麼感覺,讓不少過去都以為「揉胸是愛撫中必備的」男性網友驚呼「這不可能啊」。 有女網友表示「難道男生被揉胸的時候就會比較興奮嗎」、「這就跟不是每個男生都喜歡『口交』是一樣的道理吧」,…osloo (25)in cn • 7 years agodel.osloo (25)in takoyaki • 8 years ago[日本美食] 讓〈章魚燒〉完美沾滿海苔粉的DIY裝置!大家好! 初夏的微風愉快的撫摸臉頰,大家最近過得如何? 雖然完全沒有關聯,但是《章魚燒》實在是很好吃呢! 原本是大阪的在地點心,現在就連台灣也到處遍布章魚燒攤販,是一種非常受歡迎的平民小吃。 金黃色的外觀,搭配熱騰騰的內陷,咀嚼時充分感受到章魚的嚼勁與來自海洋的鮮美在口中擴散,真是太棒了。 「畫龍點睛的海苔」…osloo (25)in iq • 8 years ago[IQ Test] Do you know the answer?John, Jack, Joseph and Jordan participated in a running race. Only the winner finished the race in 10 minutes. Which TWO pieces of information can tell you who the winner was? (1) John finished…osloo (25)in reasoning • 8 years ago[Reasoning Test] Do you know the answer?Scenario: 「Researchers have successfully mapped the genetic code of the mouse and have generously elected to make their findings available to scientists everywhere. A genetic model of the mouse is…osloo (25)in chinese • 8 years ago[重口味! 粵語翻譯] 閱微草堂筆記 : 卷二十瘍醫殷贊庵,自深州病家歸,主人遣楊姓僕送之。楊素暴戾,眾名之曰橫虎,沿途尋釁,無一日不與人競也。 一日,昏夜至一村,旅舍皆滿,乃投一寺。僧曰:「惟佛殿後空屋三楹。然有物為祟,不敢欺也。」楊怒曰:「何物敢祟楊橫虎,正欲尋之耳!」促僧掃榻,共贊庵寢。贊庵心怯,近壁眠,橫虎臥於外,明燭以待。…osloo (25)in chinese • 8 years ago[重口味! 粵語翻譯] 閱微草堂筆記 : 卷十二「烏魯木齊多狹斜,小樓深巷,方響時聞。自譙鼓初鳴,至寺鐘欲動,燈火恒熒熒也。冶蕩者惟所欲為,官弗禁,亦弗能禁。 有寧夏布商何某,年少美丰姿,資累千金,亦不甚吝,而不喜為北里游。惟畜牝豕十餘,飼極肥,濯極潔,日閉門而沓淫之,豕亦相摩相倚,如昵其雄。僕隸恒竊窺之,何弗覺也。忽其友乘醉戲詰,乃愧而投井死。」 --- 紀曉嵐〈閱微草堂筆記〉 卷十二 [粵語翻譯]…resteemedkitcat (65)in colorchallenge • 8 years agoColor Challenge - Friday Blue - Water Castle in Telc 泰爾奇小鎮的水中城堡Telc is a small town in the Czech Republic. Its land is surrounded by three lakes and this gives the town an exceptional geography. With the cloudless sunny day, the water castle appeared in the…osloo (25)in maths • 8 years agoIf 86 = 91, 68 = 19, 52 = 41, then 79 = ?Anyone knows?osloo (25)in cn • 8 years ago早些日子回中國探親,發現中國進步不少!。我早排返大陸探親, 過關入大陸果時, 發現家陣大陸關口要過2個閘, 到底為咩? 唔知, 總之關口比一年前嚴左好多 連登成日有人吹奏大陸電子貨幣幾勁幾正, 我表哥就係我面前show個停車場app, 原來家陣大陸停車場唔收現錢, 要用咩咩寶過數, 我老豆問佢停泊費幾多, 我表哥話唔知, 個app話幾多就幾多 返香港果時坐長途巴走, 點知原來由今年3月開始…osloo (25)in cn • 8 years agoAI在可見將來都不能取代人類。話ai會取代人類的學者,都是活在象牙塔入面,不知現實世界發生什麼事, 直至2017年,好多人還在用03年的ms office,很多誇國大企業都非常古老,70/80年代的電腦system, 之前有新聞,講述有銀行要重新僱用已退休的programmer,因為他們懂得維護個非常舊的system…osloo (25)in language • 8 years ago請問呢度有無華人用家?Steemit 主流都是英文。好像不太見到有華人用戶。osloo (25)in economy • 8 years agoAnyone know what are these coins?Just get it from the cab driver.osloo (25)in joke • 8 years agoWhy the ocean is BLUE in color?Because the fishes keep making "blue blue blue" sound in tge water. :)osloo (25)in science • 8 years agoMaths problem from the entrance exam of Hokkaido University「Please pick a number between 1 and 100. Under the circumstance that no other candidates pick that number, the candidate who have picked the largest nunber may get an extra 60 marks.」 So, what…osloo (25)in science • 8 years ago[Stephen Hawking] Humanity has just 200 years to escape EarthHumans must find a new home in space in the next 200 to 500 years if we are to survive, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned. (Source: Dailymail uk, 2017.06.21) Humans: Hey. . . . . in the long…osloo (25)in travel • 8 years ago[Holiday Trip] 10 reasons for NOT going to Hong Kong.Too crowded. Same type of shopping malls everywhere. AND you may find the imported goods are more expensive than the US. People don't wear a smile, except salespersons. Hot and wet.…osloo (25)in sports • 8 years ago[Kobe Bryant] Just wanna share an oil painting!It is really nice, isn't it? A young Hong Kong artist called Roy Cheng draws this. He specializes in capturing NBA super stars through painting brush Credit: 「Roy Cheng Artworks」