BlogHide Resteemssanshisihao (25)in cn • 7 years ago她凭什么俘获整个亿豪家族人的心!薛宝钗,这个《红楼梦》中的经典人物,凭借其独特的人格魅力与圆滑的处世之道,俘获了整个贾府的人心。她究竟做了些什么?又是如何做到这种境界的?我想有以下几个原因。 (一)本就才华横溢,但却大智若愚,藏巧于拙。…sanshisihao (25)in cn • 7 years ago终于发现这个国家崛起的秘密齐桓公,这位赫赫有名的霸主,曾在管仲等良臣的指引下,带领齐国走向前所未有的辉煌。不得不说,管仲的奇策起到了不可替代的作用。在管仲的进谏中,提倡奢侈是其主要建议之一。为什么管仲会提出如此令人匪夷所思的意见? (一)顺应时代,稳定社会…sanshisihao (25)in cn • 7 years ago堂堂帝王竟对一个囚犯言听计从,他到底说了啥(一)齐恒公与管仲的佳话传了几千年,一直流传至今。想当初,管仲支持的是另一位公子---齐恒公的死对头,而且管仲在逃亡途中,差点杀死齐恒公。自然而然,在齐恒公继位后,管仲成了阶下囚。在管仲好友鲍叔牙的耐心劝说下,齐恒公决定不计前嫌,立管仲为相。在管仲的辅佐下,齐国日渐强大,最终称霸。今天我们来看一看管仲如何用智慧帮助齐恒公解决难题。 (一)找出根源,寻找良策…resteemedhaejin (88)in bitcoin • 7 years agoBitcoin (BTC) Evening Update: Pattern DiscernmentSUMMARY STRENGTH in NUMBERS! We are 21,529 strong in followers! These trolls who downvote not only the blog but also the comments....their objective is to harass and cuss to prevent…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years agoHow to be the first one in the game PUBG(1)I think the most important things are blood volume and information(where others are).If you want to be the first one,you should avoid fighting. 1.The information about others is more important than…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years agoTo be a better man(2)At last,I gave up---because I knew how I was,fat foolish,without ambitons.I went back.I saw her again at the door when I went out---she smiled to me!!! I was raptured.At the next moment ,she said…sanshisihao (25)in health • 7 years agoI Can Help you Calorie intake calculatorThe Harris-Benedict equation, also known as the Harris-Benedict principle, is used to estimate what a person's BMR (basal metabolic rate) and daily requirements are. Your BMR total is multiplied by…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years agoHow Many Calories Should We Eat a Day(2)Recommended daily calorie intakes vary across the world. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, the average male adult needs approximately 2,500 calories per day to keep his weight…sanshisihao (25)in health • 7 years agoHow Many Calories Should We Eat a Day(1)The number of calories you need to eat each day depends on several factors, including your age, size, height, sex, lifestyle, and overall general health. As an example, a physically active 6ft 2in…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years agoTo be a better man (1)Three years ago ,I was a fat and lazy man .I did not have any dreams .I thought life was boring and there was nothing interesting.But I made a big change when I met her. She was not beautiful but…sanshisihao (25)in story • 7 years ago重温三十六计,在生活中如何运用(一)(一)瞒天过海 共敌不如分敌,敌阳不如敌阴。翻译:先打击气势旺盛的敌人,不如后打 击气势旺盛的敌人。 古人云:治兵如治水:锐者避其锋, 如导疏;弱者塞其虚,如筑堰。…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years ago从管子的故事中,获得人生的智慧(三)(一)运用智慧,收取物品 桓公说:"曲防战役时,百姓有很多借债来供给国家军费的,我想替他们出钱偿还,该怎么办呢?"管仲回答说:"请您下令:令富商蓄贾凡握有百张债券的献马一匹,无马者可以向国家购买。这样,马价一定自然上涨到百倍之多。这也就是说,国家的马匹还没有离开马槽,曲防战役的费用就足够偿还了。" (二)运用智慧,帮助他人…sanshisihao (25)in fun • 7 years ago从管子的故事中,获得人生的智慧(二)(一)运用智慧,掌握财富…sanshisihao (25)in good • 7 years ago从管仲的故事中,学习人生的智慧(一)(一)利用智慧,调整物价…