BlogHide Resteemstvlee (61)in life • 22 days agoThe Sheep of the Good ShepherdPsalm 23:1 (NASB) “The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be in need.” The Lord not only knows our feelings but also understands our true needs. Even when we do not receive what we desire, He still…tvlee (61)in life • 27 days agoReflection on LifeLife can be a beautiful melody if we let God compose it. 如果我们让上帝作曲,生命可以成为一首美丽的旋律。 Trusting the Lord to face life, every morning is a brand new picture! 靠主面对人生,每一个清晨都是嶄新的畫面! No need to live in…tvlee (61)in cn • 3 years ago闪烁我们在 2021 年农历新年期间收养了一只猫。她的名字是 闪烁 (Twinkle)。 她原来在 2019 年圣诞节期间,还是一只小猫时受了重伤;结果被人在路边救出来了。 “闪烁” 到了我们家最初的几天,慢慢的适应新环境。随后,她习惯了新居,现在对我们非常友好。 每天早上,她都会等着我们去抚摸她。 她也喜欢在我们的后院逗留。 每当有变色龙或鸟类时,她就会在后院变得非常活跃。…tvlee (61)in cn • 3 years agoTwinkleWe adopted a cat during the Chinese New Year 2021. Her name is Twinkle. And it was rescued by someone during the Christmas season in 2019, when she was badly wounded as a kitten. Twinkle is tender…tvlee (61)in cn • 4 years ago饮水思源人类倾向于寻找自己的根源,这是一个很好的本能。 通常,这可以帮助人们更好地了解自己今天的身份。 但是,寻根可能相当吃力,并且还需要冒险精神。 如果我们追溯到人类的起源,这就像是一次信仰之旅。 对于某些人,他们有机会浏览他们的家谱,并找到他们第一个祖先的名字。 对于那些相信他们是上帝创造的人,那么上帝就是人类的创造者和天父。因此,作为被造的人,对祂心存感激,而找出祂造人的目的便至关重要。…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years agoRoot SearchingIt’s a good instinct that human beings tend to search for their roots. This can usually help people get to know better who they are today. However, root searching can be tedious, and often it…tvlee (61)in cn • 4 years ago重点 PRIME毫无疑问,新冠肺炎已对全球造成了前所未有的影响。许多人面对动荡、不确定、复杂和模棱两可的情况,我想提出几点供大家参考。我在此使用“PRIME”依次分享每一个缩写字母的含义。 “P”提醒我们“假设”(Presume)自己可能随时会失去稳定的工作。 这种思维提醒我们必须未雨绸缪。如果我们等到失业后才开始寻求解决方案,到时候进行的损害控制也可能为时已晚。…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years agoPRIMEUndoubtedly the effect of COVID19 is unprecedented across the globe. As many are confronted by the volatile, uncertain, complexed and ambiguous situation, I like to offer a few points for their…tvlee (61)in cn • 4 years ago另一个母亲节今天又是母亲节。 尽管世界仍受到流行病新冠肺炎的笼罩,但是母爱依然长存。的确爱能消除恐惧。 我妈妈於九年前去世,她是一个普通的女人,生了六个孩子,並能够在有限的资源下养育我们。 没有爱,那将是困难的。 然而,母亲的身份就是爱。 每位母亲似乎都会本能地以爱的方式养育自己的孩子。 确实,并非每个母亲都可以被视为伟大的母亲。 然而身为母亲的身份,它始终是一个伟大的身份和特权。…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years agoAnother Mother’s DayToday is another Mother’s Day. Although the world is still very much enclosed by COVID19, the threatening pandemic, the love of motherhood is still prevailing. Indeed, love casts out fear. My mom…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years agoWhere Should We Go from Here?COVID19, is a pandemic spreading itself to most of the countries. Several waves have hit Malaysia, our country. Besides, the people do face economic and political challenges. Confronted by the…tvlee (61)in teammalaysia • 4 years ago何去何从?新冠肺炎震撼力如今遍及世界各国,而一波又一波的疫情冲击我國马来西亚,加上经济政治上的挑战,种种可见的迹象和不能预测的未来,很容易令人感觉不知何去何从?…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years ago闲暇身为人,我们确实需要休闲的时间。虽然轻松地工作是一件好事,但是却很难在工作时一直包持轻松的心情,所以闲暇确实可以让人享有一个机会,令他们在进入下一个阶段的工作前自我刷新。 有好些娱乐活动适合在休闲期间进行;而我喜欢做的其中一件事是在闲暇时看电影。 尽管看电影本来是一种娱乐,我通常会选择具有几方面特点的电影。…tvlee (61)in steemit • 4 years agoLeisureAs human beings, we do need leisure. It’s always good to work with a relaxed manner. However, it is quite difficult to be relaxed in time of doing hard work. Therefore, leisure does provide an…tvlee (61)in teammalaysia • 4 years ago创新什么是创新? 它可以指把两样东西放在一起,然后能够更方便、更省钱地实践这两样东西原有的个别目标。 例如,今天的许多旅客都在使用滑轮式行李箱,这是通过将滚轮板与行李箱组合在一起的发明。 在这种发明面世之前,旅行者不得不将行李放在滚动板上,这遠不如今天的滑轮式行李箱方便。…tvlee (61)in teammalaysia • 4 years agoLooking at Life from the Natural SeasonsIn places where there are four distinct seasons, discerning the weather and knowing what is needed for a different season is critically important. However, most people born and raised up in such…tvlee (61)in esteem-cn • 4 years ago从自然界季节看人生有四个不同季节的地方,辨别天气並对不同季节需要有所認知乃至关重要。 然而对生於斯及长於斯的大多数人都会具有应对季节变化的生活技能。 相比之下,许多人反而对自己不同人生阶段的生活没有作好适当的准备。 提到人生的季节,我的意思是说我们在世上的生命通常可以分为四个季节。 换句话说,从出生那天到高中毕业,这个人就像经历了一个夏天。 这是一个孩子从婴儿成长至青少年时期。 在此期间,身体成长非常明显。…tvlee (61)in steem • 4 years agoA Reflection on the Presidential Candidate DebateToday, I watched the first debate between the US presidential candidates. The debaters were Donald Trump and Joe Biden. According to status, they can be referred to as international figures, so…tvlee (61)in cn-malaysia • 5 years agoWandering and Turning Point 徘徊和转捩点The global consequence of COVID19 is indeed unprecedented. Many people have to bear with Movement Control Order (MCO), now the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). Generally, the people have…tvlee (61)in partiko • 5 years agoBack to Good Habit 回到好習慣It is not easy to build up a discipline such as contributing articles regularly. Once it is built up, it becomes a habit. However, stop doing the routinised activity, it will become normal and cease…