RE: And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

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And you claim to be 'awake', smdh.

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

Or, we could value work in ways that didnt make us slaves of those that have more money than us.
You neighbors will know if you underwork or overconsume.
This method places value on reputation rather than wallet size.
Seeing that wallet size can be gamed by bad acting, seems to me that reputation is a better measure of wealth creation.

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A lot of that slavery is on the spending side.
A lot of people overspend and give an illusion of wealth.
There are a lot of rich people who don't overconsume. I think there is a book called Millionaire Next Door.

Ok, but under my proposal conspicous consumption becomes shameful, whereas a premium is given to leisure and pursuit of arts and home endeavors.
Instead of 50 or 60 hours in somebody else's shop one can spend 20 hours a week in producing for the group and the rest of the time as they deem fit.
Rather than working 40 or 50 years to make somebody else richer they work 20 or 25 to replace what they consume over their lifetime.
Im telling you, kropotkin did this math 100 years ago, before automation could make more than spinners sitting at spinning wheels, candle makers, and buggy whips obsolete, there is no need for banksters to ride herd on us like we were cattle.
But your indoctrination is to reject that notion as impossible.
Have you read Brave New World, beta? It is from 1932(?).
I can link it if you want.

Sounds good on paper but it reminds me of the pilgrims failed experiment.
People can get by now working 20 hours a week. If they did enough sharing maybe they could get by on 10 hours a week but that would probably be pushing it.
A summary would be better. lol

The govt breeds babies in bottles.
The slaves dont know they are slaves and love their slavery.
Drugs are freely given to those that have to function at higher levels than the gammas and epsilons.
It doesnt take long to read, and there are no shortcuts to wisdom.

Usually people pay for invitro.
I agree.
People need to get off drugs.
Wisdom can be summarized.

The contribution is approximately 20k hours over a lifetime.
How you get those hours would be up to you and the type of work you choose to do.

20,000 hours is not too bad. A husband or spouse could work 15 hours a week for 30 years and hit that. I think it's good to do some work.

If we want stuff, somebody has to build the replicators.
There will be plenty to do, no worries there.
Somebody has to man the space stations.

The more stuff we want the more we have to work.
I think wealth creation and value are very important. I don't think our "assets" like cars should depreciate as much as they do. Depreciation destroys wealth. Bigger and more expensive houses cost more money and generally have higher taxes and fees associated. I think we could all have nice simple affordable houses and nice simple affordable vehicles that get good gas mileage and we should not need to work very much.

Thats the idea, more time to live life, less time in the mines to enrich the owners.

If i leave a working car, i have not consumed it, only a portion of its time.
Same with houses.
I think you should have as grand a house as you can build, or get folks to build for you.
When you die, it will pass into other hands.

Depreciation is a crapitalust trap.
Without money to enslave us it loses its meaning.
Without money there are no fees or taxes.