Introducing Woody to the World While We Take A Look Back At Who Else I've Created Over The Years

in art •  6 years ago  (edited)

I've put a few of my various styles on display lately, for all to see.
Did you know I also work on cartoon-like characters from time to time?

Say hi to Woody.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Woody.jpeg


We dive into the archives.

When I began sharing my artistic talent to the world here, on this platform, I never thought I'd plunge into the realm of comics and cartoons.

I was more about bright, abstract images back then.  Simple eye candy.

Then one day I produced this image:

I'm Melting

Things changed after that.

I began experimenting.

When I started here, I was still stuck in the stone ages.  The technology I was using to produce images was ancient and I knew, in order to be competitive here, I'd have to up the ante.  I'm Melting was one of my first experiments using new technology and software I had invested in to help advance my career here.  I had a lot to learn though and even today, there are still a few buttons and tools I have not tried.

Because I was combining art with writing, there were days when I'd need illustrations of characters to go along with the stories.

I started out with a simple and fast approach.  Producing new content daily for my early viewership here meant I'd have to be quick.

Melvin Tap Dancing Christ.jpeg
Melvin Tap Dancing Christ

Is He Out?

Finger Puppets?

I can do better, I thought to myself.

I was right and I found that out after working on my first ever animation:

Normone Living Large

I produced the images for the animation nearly two years ago.  After earning $1.22 for the entire post, I was feeling slightly discouraged, but not defeated.  I learned a lot producing that post but also realized I wouldn't be able to produce content daily unless I found a happy middle ground between cheesy finger puppets and full out animations consisting of twenty stills, that took hours to produce, amounting to about twenty seconds of entertainment.

Enter, Chuck

Trolling Chuck - Copy.jpeg

Chuck - Copy.jpeg

Morning Wood Chuck.jpeg

Chuck taught me a valuable lesson.

If I wanted to include illustrations of characters to go along with some creative writing, all I really needed to do was create a cast of characters, then place them in different settings, much like actors in movies.  If Arnold Schwarzenegger can be a Terminator in one story and a twin of Danny DeVito in another story, so can Chuck.

So I set out creating this cast of characters.  Strangely enough, and due to the fact I assumed my following would want to see something new and exciting every day, I rarely used the characters more than once or twice.  Instead, I've been creating new characters on an almost regular basis, mainly because I simply enjoy doing it now.

Let's have a look at this cast of characters.

The theme of this collection is basically every cartoon/comic character I've created.  Not all have names of their own yet.  If it had eyes, it's here.  What started out as an idea to create a cast of characters quickly turned into one fascinating collection of standalone works of art.

Peeping Tom - Copy.jpeg
Peeping Tom

The Love Child - Copy.jpeg
The Love Child

Bloody Mess.jpeg
Bloody Mess

Inside the Belly - Copy.jpeg
Inside the Belly of the Beast

Superman Blend - Copy.jpeg
Superman In A Blender

Sven - Copy.jpeg

MrFukensmausch - Copy.jpeg
Mr Fukensmausch


Bomer - Copy.jpeg


Cow Boar Fish.jpeg
Cow Boar Fish

Tony the Cleaner.jpeg
Tony The Cleaner



Cow Lick - Copy.jpeg
Cow Lick

Choke the Chicken.jpeg
Choke the Chicken


NoNamesLeftToUse - Out of the Blue.jpeg
Out of the Blue

NoNamesLeftToUse - What Have I Become.jpeg
What Have I Become

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The Looker

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The Helper

NoNamesLeftToUse - Mind Blown.jpeg
Mind Blown

NoNamesLeftToUse - Unfinished Business.jpeg
Unfinished Business

NoNamesLeftToUse - Right Back Where I Started.jpeg
Right Back Where I Started

NoNamesLeftToUse - Head Instead.jpeg
Head Instead

NoNamesLeftToUse - Tumcat.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Meanchester.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Two-faced Cat Lady.jpeg
Two-Faced Cat Lady

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Nasty Cold.jpeg
The Nasty Cold

NoNamesLeftToUse - Mohratard.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Scary White Man Sleeps.jpeg
The Scary White Man Sleeps

NoNamesLeftToUse - What's Up Sasha.jpeg
What's Up Sasha

NoNamesLeftToUse - Belinda.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Magnificent Morton.jpeg
The Magnificent Morton

NoNamesLeftToUse - Wonderful Information.jpeg
Wonderful Information

NoNamesLeftToUse - What's On Your Mind.jpeg
What's On Your Mind

NoNamesLeftToUse - Emily.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - The Contentinator.jpeg
The Contentinator

NoNamesLeftToUse - Bob Loblaw.jpeg
Bob Loblaw

NoNamesLeftToUse - Wicked Warren.jpeg
Wicked Warren

NoNamesLeftToUse - This Mirror Looks Cool.jpeg
This Mirror Looks Cool

NoNamesLeftToUse - John Thinks A Lot.jpeg
John Thinks A Lot

NoNamesLeftToUse - You're Finished.jpeg
You're Finished

NoNamesLeftToUse - Snicklefritz.jpeg

NoNamesLeftToUse - Woody.jpeg

I hope I didn't forget anyone.


I tried my best to list them all in the order they first appeared.  Even I can see the gradual improvement over the months.  This madness started over two years ago, I hope you enjoyed seeing it all together like this, and I look forward to sharing many more with you in the future.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"I hope you were here today to see this..."
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© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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I have now procured "Head instead" for my avatar.

Have a nice day.

Not even a thank you? Jeez. Remind me never to leave spare change on the table with you around.

Seriously though, look at the avatar, it looks sweet as!!

Ouch that hurt.

But at least you gave your vote to a worthy witness.

We certainly appreciate all your support. Still love you.

Spare Change?! Where?

So first of all, outstanding collection of artwork as usual. Lucy and Head Instead are probably two of my most favorite in this collection.

Second of all, regarding Woody, am I staring down the barrel of a woodpecker there, or am I just imagining that?

It's a bird-like being, of sorts. More like a baby robin beak on something with eyes. I can't say those are feathers. Nothing I do is supposed to make sense.

And here all this time I thought everything was supposed to make sense.

I am letting you know now that Chuck put Superman in the blender.

Meanchester has a special power where he can leak his mucus on unwitting victims. This gives them an insatiable lust to consume liquefied hero. Afterward they have no recollection of the event.

The only to hope to stop someone under this spell is to recruit The Helper. I have sent him to Chuck's house with the antidote (purple liquid), which he has placed in a cup on Chuck's counter. The trick is getting him to drink it before it's too late.

I'm going to recommend sending in Bomer. His hypnotic gaze will put Chuck into a trance, at which point Chuck's roommate Sven and slip the cure into his mouth.

Please let me know how it turns out.

Chuck forgot to put the lid on the blender. There's Superman all over the kitchen now. It's on everything.

That's not mucus, it's the cat's tail. The cat ate his way through Meanchester's head and became his brain. They're having a hard time working as one and continuously bump into the walls around the kitchen. The mess is not being cleaned up.

The Helper is still busy making toys for his boss, Santa. There won't be any days off for another month or so.

Bomer was too high to make it into work today. Sven was also feeling like shit, for some reason.

Things aren't looking good.

I am sorry to inform you, but there is more going on than you think. I sent my fixer, Tony the Cleaner over to take some covert photos, and this is what he brought back with him:

more going on.jpg

Look, I don't know what is happening in this image, but I think Bomer is up to a bit more than simply smoking the reefer. Clearly he is in cahoots with The Helper. Mr Fukensmausch, Bomer's old gym coach warned me about his interest in witchcraft back then. I think a full investigation would be prudent.

Clearly this is getting out of hand. I called the cops.

wtfcop 288-2016.12.04-02.17.41.jpg

The cop was killed by the Tarblexian Defuzzing Unitoid.


We're not dealing with amateurs here.

That's some good work dude.

hehe, thanks. I was just trying to follow your style. But truth be told, I just took the photograph.

Now that was a fun trip down memory lane! It's really cool to see the progression and development of your skills, which are mad ;) There's not a one that I missed, I am then and now your super fan.

Some of those eyes are peering into my soul...
They were a good pick to show progression, eyes aren't easy to do- I know because it was something my dad was always praised for, having life like ones, and you're nailing that now.

Yes, though I didn't jump in knowing absolutely nothing, I've still managed to improve over time, and probably will continue to improve as time passes. I learn something new nearly every time I work.

As for the eyes, well, it's been difficult to bring them to life all while maintaining some kind of a cartoonish look to them. I'm slowly finding that balance. I learned how to make eyes long ago in art class, on paper. Producing them digitally, while attempting to create my own style means what I learned then doesn't help much now.

It's Lucy and the whole gang! I see Emily is here. Hi Emily. Delighted.

Everyone showed up but dammit, every time I look through if feels like someone's missing. I also have about twenty on the go, incomplete, so maybe that's why.

Don't you love how steemit helps to mold and turn our creative paths? My art, since joining, has also been affected postively and my Singularity series (which I hope to get back to) is also highly influenced by my being on here.

When I started here I planned on writing about serious things. I didn't even know there was much of an art scene going on. When I decided to focus more on humor and put on a show for people, the art followed suit. My earlier work that wasn't shared on this platform is the polar opposite of what we see here.

daem that's a sweet gallery

hey NN do you take commissions? i wondered what a "fcuking Awesome!" would look like coming from your sic skills

cheap fucking awesome.jpeg

Probably like that but better and not a cheesy rush job.

It's all in they eyes apparently. Thats what we say here but we mean Aye's

It's all in the eyes indeed. They say that here as well but I think they're saying ice.

HAhahahah!! Yes indeed, they most likely are!

lol I assumed I had met most of them, but nope. What a blast! Superman in a blender reminds me of my favourite Christmas joke...

I'm still thinking a few got left out, for some strange reason. There might be more, and there were a few I could have included here, but didn't, because they fit into other categories better.

How does the joke go?

Q: It's 2 jokes. What is red and green and goes round and round really fast?
A: A frog in a blender.
Q: What do you get when you add milk to it?
A: Frog Nog! hahaha!

That's straight outta the dad joke closet... LOL!


No way! My dad wouldn't tell one like that! :-(

Would you like to hear my other Christmas joke?

Yes. Yes I would like to hear it.

Of all the reindeer, my favourite one is Olive. You know, Olive the other reindeer.

Oh boy...

How have I lived this long, and never once heard that joke?

What a fine selection of works you have here!

I don't have a favourite, and neither do I have any Acid to enjoy freaking myself the fuck out whilst observing the above. Phew :)

Thanks and yeah, best viewed while not on a bad trip. 99% of this was produced sober. Can you believe it?

Ok wow, these are ridiculously good.

I'm currently torn between really wanting to start making digital art myself, just to see if I can create something awesome, or giving up entirely because there's no way I'm ever matching all these.

In any case, I should stop the sycophancy and start making an actual comment.


Umm. I guess I identify most with The Looker? Though I want to say Mind Blown or Unfinished Business, this one calls to me. As does Snicklefritz, which is scary considering my comment on it.

If it helps, I'm self-taught. Learned on my own. I think anyone, provided they're at least somewhat creative, should be able to pick up even a mouse and produce something worthwhile. Just takes practice and plenty of experimentation. Forget about comparing your stuff to others as well. I don't. There's always someone better, so just do your own thing.

The Looker I produced to go along with a Christmas story, last year. Mind Blown, I can't remember the original post. Unfinished Business turned out to be a flop, but my memory might be failing me. The art is nice but I think the post sucked or it was a quiet day here...

provided they're at least somewhat creative,

And therein lies the problem.

I like The Looker. He looks sweet - big scary face, snuggly puppy kind of third eye. The Nasty Cold is very interesting. I recognize about half of these.

The Nasty Cold was produced while I was dealing with a nasty cold. I think I had some cold meds in my system at the time as well.

Generally that creature lives in my throat during a nasty cold, rather than the head. That guy gets around.

Would be nice if it would just settle down somewhere else and stay there. Luckily I'll only get sick maybe one time in a year, if that. I don't mind the lazy days and the fancy pills give me a buzz.

Hardy Canadian. It becomes sweater weather here and I get the sniffles.

The Scary White Man Sleeps is one that always makes me look twice (or more)....I am convinced that one day, when I gaze upon him, his eyes will open and that will be much scarier lol

I've been planning on doing an animation involving that piece, and it's intended to be a real eye opener. I've just been waiting and hoping more curators come back to this world before I start going full idiot with my creativity again.

Awesome....I look forward to it. If you give me a heads up I will take a whiskey before viewing so I don't pee my pants.

Your imagination amazes me. That is quite a cast of delightful characters. It makes me wonder what's going through the mind when you create each personality. And also how they would interact with each other. Thanks my friend for sharing your talent.

What's going through the mind? Usually I have the music blaring inside my head so it's kind of hard to think. I'm just focusing on the visuals.

Very nice @nonameslefttouse ... Upvoted... Blessings.

Thank you.

I nees to start making sure my daughter is not around when I am looking at your posts... too many questions I am not prepared to answer will come... Great portfolio though!

I've combined many of these images with a form a humor many adults don't even seem to get, so yeah, it's safe to say my work is far, far from the mainstream. I do take that all as a compliment though! LOL!

You are a great artist man,, 1.22$ for first post means a lot if you take it positively.
By the way good collection you have

Posted using Partiko Android

My first twenty posts here combined earned a dime. I knew I'd be starting at the bottom, I knew I'd have to work my way up, so I did just that.

It's kind of funny thing,, first you upvote my comment then unvote it back,, isn't it funny?
What your strategy regarding this?
I will love to hear answer from you man.

Posted using Partiko Android

Those leaving comments but refusing to vote for the post will not get a vote for their comments. It's only fair.
Comment upvotes here are to be considered a curation reward boost. Thank you.

You didn't vote for the post.

That is good strategy, vote for vote.
But I'm not interested in this deal of you.
Have a good day.

Posted using Partiko Android

And I'm not interested in supporting people who might only be saying nice things to get a vote out of me. It's not vote for vote. If someone decides to support my work, and spends time leaving a genuine comment, it only makes sense for me to give them a token of my appreciation. It's no different than me offering someone a coffee for coming to my shop to browse the wares. They didn't come for the free coffee.

Hello @nonameslefttouse, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!