Bird’s Nest

in birds •  7 years ago 

Over the weekend, we discovered a newly created bird’s nest in the rafters of our back patio.

We have had this issue before, and we let it play out one year and let the birds use the back patio, only to have bird poop everywhere and a tough clean up afterward which stained the paint in the area of their nest.

This time, we promptly removed the bird’s nest and put a deflated beach ball up there to stop the birds from coming back and re-building in the same spot. Thankfully, there were no eggs in the nest yet, so the birds will just have to relocate this time.


What do you think – should we have let the birds live in the rafters while they had their babies this spring, or were we correct in order to remove the nest from patio and protect our personal property?

I am generally on the fence on this – if it does not hurt anything, I would tend to let the birds do their thing. However, after doing the cleanup and the long term affect it had from the last time, I felt it was right to have the birds move on. We have a few trees they can use instead, so they should use those and not my house!

Thanks for the input and conversation,

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Hi my friend @brian.rrr 👋 I wish u r fine , Well you've removed the bird's nest before you lay eggs ، Otherwise it was difficult to remove it ، Other than that, it's always hard to clean the shit out of the ground ، Leaving her nest on the trees is a wonderful idea and we are on the doors of spring، good luck my dear friend @brian.rrr 👍👍😉
All the best for you 😃

Everyone here is missing the obvious thing: The bird nest was relocated before the birds got settled in, before they laid their eggs. So, really, the birds were probably a little confused but then adapted and found a new place to build their home.

What this discussion is missing is the use of a deflated beach ball stuffed into the rafters as a stopper?! What about the beach ball and its purpose in life? Wasn't it MADE to be, well, a ball at the beach? What will happen to it, come summer, when the family leaves for lazy days at the oceanfront, but the beach ball is still stuck up in the rafters, as a "No Occupancy" sign for the local birds?

That beach ball is being denied its inherent right to float through salt-flavored air, whizzing over sand and dipping into the waves crashing on the shore.

It's a sad, sad thing.

Hahaha, that was funny!

Thanks for the upvote, @brian.rrr. I appreciate it!

We had the exact same issue about 10years ago. We didn't catch it on time and we had a whole family up there chirping constantly and making an absolute mess of the deck that extended from our master bedroom. As soon as the summer was over and we could make sure they were all gone I sealed up all the possible points of entry with chicken wire. Even worse, three years ago we had a raccoon break off the Whirly Bird on our roof (Vent) and make a nest in our attic. The total devastation of the attic was so sad. They used the bathroom all over the place and destroyed a lot of the insulation. Ended up costing $400 to have them humanely removed. Then we had to replace the insulation and clean. What a disaster. I don't blame you one bit. It's not worth it.

I think that tree was used to make your house think that. Was there a tree in your house? Did you hurt the nature that birds should nest? If the answer is yes, the bird should make a nest.

I think it was the logical answer. If you're a tree, you should let it.

I congratulate you on a different point of view.

  • Mainly this is up to you because these animals feel sheltered but it is as you say, it is your house and they will dirty a lot because they will always be attentive to the places where you are so that they are calm, so the most essential thing would be outside what is more comfortable.

birds nest this is a very god tropic of you.i think it would do the same as you since that is not your habitat maybe it was what they found those birds but maybe they did not feel good there. so it is best to use the trees you have in your home. i am inspired of your post..great work sir...@brian.rrr

Hello my friend @brian.rrr I hope you're fine. Well personally I would say that it was good to remove the bird's nest and cover it with that ball because if you kept leaving them there then they would lay eggs in the nest and then they would keep growing more and more birds there and once they grew up several birds there if it was to make it more difficult to remove the nest, because there are newborn birds more that are growing, it was harder for you to remove them because they had the home completely made. In your case you took it off in time because they had not yet laid eggs so it was good that you removed it from the rafters of your backyard, so you take away the headache of having to clean the poop always. And the idea of passing the nest to a tree is perfect, because it is much better because they can also do all their needs whether they mess up or not, and there they can have their children quiet in the spring.

Friend I think it would do the same as you since that is not your habitat maybe it was what they found those birds but maybe they did not feel good there so it is best to use the trees you have in your home and for sure they will feel calmer birds and you

I think I could not have let them live there because it can bring damage to the structure of their house later it is good that they let them use their trees they will be more comfortable as you also ceo that it is not good for the birds to be there then they also fill the place with your needs

It's a good idea about the deflated ball I think it had not occurred to me but I think you did well then the birds could bother them if they had their babies in that place it is better to do it in their environment, greetings to your beautiful family @brian.rrr

Birds with the nest in your apartment is quite a difficult question are asking about....
It wud have been better if hou let them be i the apartment....they feel safe in there, that is why they build up their nest in that place .....
But on the other hand they shit here there everywhere ....that thing kills cant just go daily and wash the shit out of the floor is best to keep them out on some tree and let them enjoy the nature and let them be there.....coz it is where they actually belong....

If you feel bad about taking the nest down just try to build a little birdhouse.



I think, you should let the birds live in the rafters while they had their babies this spring. @brain.rrr

can u hear Cuckoooo!!!!

God teaches the birds to make nests, yet the nests of all birds are not alike

I think it was the right thing, I do not think that is so serious. It is a matter of health, and that is delicate. Greetings.

Leave them , its nature , here in the UK it's frowned upon to move nests , some birds you can't move it's against the law

I would of done the same thing because it's not a natural nesting area. The wasp nests are what I really hate though. lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


The art of the bird is to conceal its nest both as to position and as to material, but now and then it is betrayed into weaving into its structure showy and bizarre bits of this or that, which give its secret away and which seem to violate all the traditions of its kind.

I think this was the right move..
I know it feels bad at first, but it just gets too irritating with time if you let them be there

They should use trees for there nest, full of nature and fresh air, you did a great thing

Well Brian, I think that as an animal lover I would have let the birds have their nest, however you have a good point, you left them once and they caused you discomfort, besides that you did not cause them any harm and as you say, outside you have trees that they can use.
I think that the birds should understand what their place is and that, although your house may be a beautiful place to have babies, you do not want them for now haha
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