hey my fren-- golmam sachs banks are everyone frend.... dont get agnry at them- they ar the peples frens.. maybe think befor you tout yor hate tord the banks.. yu can surly trus them :)
yor bes bet is to stop invesing in cyrpto coniz and jus sen themm cyrptos to my walet for safe keeping-- yor bettr off invesing in the uniterd stats dollers becuz it has proven vailue ovr almos a thousend yeers....
yu are spreding lies like kelvin spakly rayping childrin 30 yeers ago
@blocktrades is rite, sen more bitmoniz to them- yu can trus them... yu can also trus me an sen yor coiniz to my wa,let for safe keepinh. :)my survise to yu for free
@joe.public is blaming the rich peple for poor peple poorness
shame on jo pubelikc for givi hope to the peple- galdmen sechs and walls forgon is fren of the peple and only want best for yu..
peple are the sheepys''' an dont tneed ther coinz- only mor us dollers yu can byu from gorlman sechs and worls forgo..
-yor welcom stemit peple- i seved yu from making big mistake lisntnign to @jo./pubeic...
im vigilenty advise worior for the peple of stemit.!
i am the worior for the stemit peple~~!!