Arsenic Lullaby Blog complaining about moving and some sketches

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

I am just now finally finished moving...and as you can imagine I am tired. I capped off the five day struggle with a 45 minute argument with my ex landlord over 17.00. yeah...I dunno...I was tired and crabby from moving all of my worldly possessions . I don't know what the ex landlord's excuse is...other than either he really needed the 17.00 or he's a simpleton. I'm guessing it's the latter.

You ever have this happen to you- you point out that someone is not making any sense and they are continually contradicting themselves, and they respond with some shit like "well, I know you're really good at arguing but..." and then they go back to making the same moronic point? as though because you are good at arguing, they aren't really incorrect and just seems like it because you know some sort of verbal magic tricks. Numbskull...There is no one here but YOU and ME, and if you yourself are coming to the conclusion you are losing the's because your not making any sense? are wrong? are contradicting yourself? all of the above? Like...there wasn't any audience there to clap for me and not him. You know what I'm saying? I get that from time to time that somehow me being good at arguing negates the possibility that I am correct and the other person is wrong.

If you're a grown ass adult that can't string a thought together without contradicting yourself, that ain't my problem, and by the's real easy to "be good at arguing" when you are right and the other person is wrong. See, you need to remember more stuff when you're wrong/lying/making sh*t up, than when you are simply correct.

The whole argument was a complete waste of time, I probably spent more than 17.00 on energy drinks over the four days of moving. (or was it five days?...Saturday to Friday morning...cripes that's 6 days!) But, like I said...I was tired and crabby and didn't feel like letting it go. In the end I didn't have to pay the, pin a medal on me.

...the more I think about it, the more I didn't actually come out ahead, because if you had said to me " I will pay you 17.00 to talk to this moron for 45 minutes" I would have said "no thanks, keep your money"...and yet, that's what I did. I spent 45 minutes talking to him for a net gain of 17.00. Not really a net gain, because he wanted me to pay him 17.00...and since he didn't have a gun on him, he had zero chance of me handing him why the f*ck did I even bother responding at all? My judgement isn't a sharp as it usually is after so many days of packing and lifting. I've wasted like another five minutes typing about it. But it's better to get it off my chest, ya know? Hey, thanks for listening.

Then I realized I haven't posted in a few days because of all the here's some random stuff (older commissions)








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I wonder how many will get the Jonestown reference and what @lordvader will think of you showing him losing a fight.

Sounds like you are better off without that landlord. People will argue over the smallest amounts as some sort of principle. Hope the new one is better.

defiantly better off, and the new place in much better. Yeah that Jonestown reference is a deep cut, haha. #comics

You didn't know how long it will take. And sometimes arguing is more about the principle and inability to let go. Been there many times :).

True, in all honestly, I could have just said "yeah, good luck with that" and walked away...but I think my subconscious wanted to argue for the sake of stalling a little before dragging a couch down the stairs. #comics

Hey dude. Breath. It's over now :)
Like your drawings! Well done's over, upward and onward. Glad you like the drawings! #comics

brilliant cartoons!!!

Thanks! #comics

OH YEAH!...oh no. 🤣 #comics

exactly :/ #comics