in bodybuilding •  last year 

After spending a couple of hours on the World Wide Web, you can find hundreds of free and ready-made training programs for all occasions. From simple, written for a beginner who has recently come to the gym to pre-competition schemes that only professional bodybuilders can cope with. Most of these programs were made by star coaches or champion athletes, so, in theory, they should work very well and give returns to all who use them. But in reality, despite all the "stardom" of such programs, very few gym-goers will be able to get a noticeable effect from them. What is the reason for this injustice, and why everyone who wants to change their body should order an individual training program, and will be discussed in this article.

Read more... https://bestbodyblog.com/individualnaya-programma-trenirovok-skupoj-platit-dvazhdy/

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