你們如何看待遲到?我看似有點精神分裂 What do think about being late? I feel like Schizophrenia

in cn •  7 years ago 

(photo source: Linkedln)

Yesterday, I was holding an event. I had a full preparation. I hired enough man power. Everything was done well before the event, and even the set up was done on time. Finally, the event nearly screwed up because of the late of a celebrity.

A week before, the celebrity told me that he couldn’t arrive. I felt disappointed but rearranged all the rundown to suit his absence. And then a day before the event, he said he could come. I changed the rundown again to welcome his presence. I sent him the address, the nearest car park and told him a call time 30 mins before the event started. I told him to arrive at 2pm. So at 2pm, he called me, “When is the latest time I can come?” “Our event starts at 2:30pm” I answered. “I know that the event starts at 2:30pm. I am asking when is the latest time I can come.” I was stunned and couldn’t answer. Should I tell him he should arrive by 2:30pm? But obviously, he couldn’t. And the event started at 2:30pm! What should I answer? Seems he noticed I was stunned and said, “I should arrive at around 3pm. See you.”


Before the story continue, let me talk about my view to lateness. Three main point: I am afraid of others to be late, I am afraid of being late, and I seldom be late. I am very afraid of a plan being disrupted. And lateness, is one of the main factor to disrupt a plan. I always feel mad of my colleague being late of work because they disrupt my daily plan. I seldom be late, not only because of disrupting my plan, but also to show my respect to everybody. I was always 15 mins to 30 mins early than the call time.

It is my view to lateness. I always like to say to my colleagues, “In a meeting of 10 people, if you are late for 5 mins, it means 9 people have to waiting for you for 5 mins. You are wasting total 45 mins!” I am always concern of the problem of lateness in my daily work and life. But during some important moment, like the event I was holding, I felt calm about it.

(photo source: Shutterstock)

回到故事當中,我把電話放下,就跟我身邊的戰友說:「我們的活動要遲三十分鐘開始,如果有嘉賓鼓燥,你們就幫忙安排一下吧。」然後我就靜靜坐下,繼續滑手機。下午二時五十分,大人物又打來了:「我在停車場門口塞車了,三時來不了。」「好吧,你盡快。」我靜靜的回答後,跟司儀說:「你安排一些小遊戲,讓氣氛好一點吧,我想他三時十五分應該會到的。」然後我再次靜靜坐下,繼續滑手機,完全無視了身後嘉賓們的不滿 (他們不知我就是活動主辦)。好不容易,大人物三時十五分到了,遲了足足七十五分鐘,我們的活動也終於能開始了,我對司儀說:「把稿盡量簡潔掉,只說重要的。」就讓活動繼續進行,最後,活動比預定的遲了三十分鐘完成。

Come back to the story. I put down my phone and told my colleague, “The event needs to be late for 30 mins, if some guests clamor, try to please them.” Then I sat down and went back to my phone. 2:50pm, the celebrity called me again, “there is traffic jam, I can’t arrive on 3pm.” “ok, do your best.” I answered, and said to the emcee, “Try to say something, hold some little game, I think he will arrive at 3:15pm.” Then I sat down and went back to my phone. Finally, he arrived at 3:15pm, 75 mins late. And we started our event.


After the event, I started to feel strange about myself. I always felt mad for my colleagues being late in some little stuffs. But during important situation, why was I always calm? It’s not the first time already, do I really concern about the problem of lateness? I felt as if I had Schizophrenia. You may say it’s because I could do nothing to a celebrity. But I want to say, there were also 3 helpers being late in the event. But I also had no big feeling about it.

回到公司,我無聊的在網上搜查一下關於遲到的文章,其中有一篇很有趣,它說:「近日BBC專題文章引用研究,指出習慣遲到的人其實並非無禮或懶惰,只是「天性如此」,他們大多性格樂觀、喜歡刺激、容易焦慮。」我細想一下自己的性格,樂觀?No, 我很悲觀。喜歡刺激?我挺喜歡的。容易焦慮?是的。看起來,我應該是偏向習慣遲到的人吧!但,我卻是超級守時的人。

Back to office, I searched some articles about lateness on the web. I found something interesting, “The punctually-challenged often share personality characteristics such as optimism, anxiety, or a penchant for thrill-seeking, experts say.” Let me think about it. Optimism? No, I am pessimistic. Anxiety? Yes I am. thrill-seeking? Yes I am also. Seems I should be punctually-challenged. But I am not.

(photo source: pixabay)

然後還有一段:「英國認知行為治療師Harriet Mellotte則表示,較為自卑的人對自己較為挑剔,傾向花費更多時間檢查自己的工作或行為,因此往往未能準時提供報告,亦更易遲到。」嗯……我自知是不折不扣的自卑者,但我沒有很易遲到。噢!我精神分裂了!

One more sentence, “Individuals with low self-esteem are likely to be critical about their abilities which may cause them to take more time to check their work.” I admit that I have low self-esteem. But I am always on time. So I am now really confused. Oh! Schizophrenia.


But I believe I will still be punctual in the future. And this moment, I want you to share your point and view about that. I want to understand more and discovered myself about the point of “lateness”.


Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

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Muy buen post, la puntualidad es muy importante para nuestras vidas

Saludos :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks! Although I don't understand your language :)


  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 

对对对!當然我知道小wilkin是例外 :)

我會罵公公 XDD

  ·  7 years ago 


公公就是 , 對老公的爸爸的尊稱. :P

  ·  7 years ago 


不是你想的那樣!! 我是貪圖他兒子~ XDD

  ·  7 years ago 


不好意思,這個Aaron Li經常調戲女孩子的@@小心

原來是這麼回事啊... 假裝要搶男神,事實上是要調戲女孩子! @@



  ·  7 years ago 



其實守時係一種基本態度, 遲到比人的感覺有點不尊重, 但現實上好多人卻認為遲到是奉指, 有時不禁令人生氣

  ·  7 years ago 


For me being late is the worst. I hate waiting myself and what I expect from others i first have to do right myself.
And when you want to be professional in your job, people have to be able to depend on you :)


  ·  7 years ago 

遲到是天性嗎? 難怪身邊有些人是什麼場合都會遲到的.

  ·  7 years ago 
