进到 Steemit 是被 @tumutanzi 推荐的, 注册成功的当天就发了封邮件, 想加入他建的微信群. 印象里他有提过要做一个微信群好友名录, 正好旅游前这几天事情不多, 花了点时间用 Python 折腾了一个名单发了过去.
发完名单就突然想到了上一篇文章里面用来处理排行榜的代码, 想想如果给群里好友来个排行呢? 上一篇文章碍于篇幅就没输出全部中文区的排名, 而真正尝试者又寥寥无几(这里要赞一下 @zsilence 的行动力). 光说不练假把式, 实战演习一下好了, 给群友做点福利.
有了昨天的代码基础, 其实只要搞到要计算的排名名单就好了, 把它作为 authorObjects 变量传到代码里, 其他逻辑基本不用动.
怎么样搞到群排名名单呢? Github 找了找, 发现 nodejs 有 Itchat, python 有 wxpy, 都是还不错的项目. 看了下代码实现, 都还比较容易, 这次决定试试 python.
使用 python 的时候要注意 python 是有两个大分支的, 2.x 和 3.x, 十分精分, 背后有个狗血的撕逼故事, 感兴趣的可以去了解一下, 不在本文的讨论范围. 因为我是蛮早以前就用 python2 的, 所以这次选择 2.7.10, 如果你的本机 python 环境不一样, 请注意 pip 等命令的不同, 这里不做赘述, 有问题请回复.
> python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Feb 7 2017, 00:08:15)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34)] on darwin
如果环境下没有 pip, 需要自行安装一下, 在 mac 上很容易, 直接命令行解决
sudo easy_install pip
由于要使用到 wxpy 库, 所以在你的项目目录下, 先安装一下做准备
pip install wxpy
新建一个 app.py 文件, 作为主项目文件, 备用. 准备要昨天文章里的项目代码. 至此, 准备工作结束, 开始编码.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from wxpy import *
bot = Bot()
group = bot.groups().search(unicode('Steemit好友微信群', 'utf-8'))[0]
print("[", end='')
for member in group:
print("'" + member.name.lower() + "'", end=', ')
print('==== End ====')
var authorObjects = [’cnjinbo', 'tumutanzi', ...]; // copy from app.py return value
为了让 print 方法在 2.x 下面也支持 end 参数, 要在文件头部加上这句声明
from __future__ import print_function
由于群文件是中文, 我强制转了一下 utf-8, 你也可以试一下不转的结果
group = bot.groups().search(unicode('Steemit好友微信群', 'utf-8'))[0]
最后, 无论 wxpy 也好, Itchat 也好, 都是 hack 的微信的协议, 所以在测试时, 有一定概率会引起微信不适, 请自行拿捏. 我个人试下来还好.
数据来源: https://steemdata.com/
用户范围: Steemit好友微信群
财富榜 (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | Value | STEEM | SP | SBD |
1 | @sweetsssj | 110926.46 | 1.163 | 67116.305 | 14210.192 |
2 | @ace108 | 22999.21 | 1147.748 | 12494.875 | 3340.193 |
3 | @oflyhigh | 22403.71 | 18.13 | 15481.356 | 68.952 |
4 | @deanliu | 20115.15 | 1135.265 | 11133.329 | 2436.104 |
5 | @cqf | 15548.40 | 0 | 10789.657 | 0.506 |
6 | @joythewanderer | 11950.37 | 0 | 7482.967 | 1167.415 |
7 | @rivalhw | 11390.88 | 0 | 6601.322 | 1878.372 |
8 | @myfirst | 9276.12 | 0.45 | 6362.307 | 107.389 |
9 | @htliao | 7689.44 | 0 | 5332.659 | 5.076 |
10 | @jademont | 7634.00 | 1.721 | 5156.003 | 201.721 |
11 | @superhardness | 7395.11 | 0 | 5128.788 | 4.529 |
12 | @tumutanzi | 7265.30 | 0 | 4983.736 | 83.733 |
13 | @coldhair | 6980.35 | 0 | 4810.812 | 47.968 |
14 | @wilkinshui | 6028.35 | 177.616 | 3869.852 | 195.947 |
15 | @fundurian | 5381.25 | 2.306 | 3618.424 | 163.778 |
16 | @kitcat | 5310.18 | 2.347 | 3109.273 | 826.337 |
17 | @justyy | 5232.68 | 0.9 | 3437.202 | 278.372 |
18 | @linuslee0216 | 4513.22 | 0 | 3079.835 | 75.178 |
19 | @nicolemoker | 3772.84 | 0.001 | 2085 | 768.356 |
20 | @dixonloveart | 3680.76 | 758.599 | 1412.252 | 552.562 |
21 | @jubi | 3602.24 | 0 | 1763.153 | 1061.535 |
22 | @bxt | 3041.51 | 2.473 | 2107.37 | 1.222 |
23 | @susanlo | 2661.78 | 0.101 | 1679.988 | 240.776 |
24 | @krischy | 2648.01 | 0.001 | 1292.105 | 786.088 |
25 | @mrpointp | 2255.15 | 0.001 | 1563.31 | 2.414 |
26 | @wilsonwei777 | 2107.55 | 0 | 1462.405 | 0.227 |
27 | @victorier | 2089.89 | 0 | 1398.968 | 73.973 |
28 | @aaronli | 1928.38 | 0 | 828.266 | 734.847 |
29 | @pakyeechan | 1864.95 | 0 | 1294.204 | 0 |
30 | @dapeng | 1848.45 | 0 | 1135.306 | 212.477 |
31 | @kenchung | 1714.52 | 0 | 1189.131 | 0.978 |
32 | @nationalpark | 1671.39 | 21.082 | 871.753 | 384.819 |
33 | @rollinsoul | 1643.71 | 0 | 1140.605 | 0.097 |
34 | @liflorence | 1632.56 | 0 | 901.812 | 333.048 |
35 | @incrediblesnow | 1602.75 | 2.16 | 733.377 | 542.844 |
36 | @travelgirl | 1574.28 | 0.164 | 1070.708 | 31.154 |
37 | @swssmarketing | 1565.87 | 90.781 | 956.622 | 56.564 |
38 | @catwomanteresa | 1289.23 | 33.902 | 725.091 | 195.519 |
39 | @nanosesame | 1245.94 | 1.133 | 769.833 | 134.974 |
40 | @peterchen145 | 1206.70 | 0.001 | 780.201 | 82.431 |
41 | @shenchensucc | 1142.24 | 0.727 | 784.262 | 11.07 |
42 | @wnh518518 | 1131.29 | 74.08 | 691.807 | 27.643 |
43 | @hannahwu | 1088.43 | 0 | 697.501 | 83.33 |
44 | @timknip | 1016.73 | 0 | 375.637 | 475.437 |
45 | @mrspointm | 975.40 | 0 | 668.537 | 12.043 |
46 | @nuagnorab | 822.58 | 0 | 542.268 | 41.175 |
47 | @mellissaying | 673.19 | 0 | 285.356 | 261.992 |
48 | @herlife | 564.70 | 0.081 | 391.513 | 0.418 |
49 | @tvb | 491.99 | 0 | 186.881 | 222.692 |
50 | @bring | 484.01 | 0 | 185.361 | 216.907 |
51 | @zsilence | 415.97 | 0 | 197.455 | 131.435 |
52 | @zhijun | 387.51 | 0 | 204.038 | 93.487 |
53 | @expatkai | 383.05 | 52.08 | 212.422 | 1.899 |
54 | @renzhichu | 366.63 | 0 | 175.556 | 113.651 |
55 | @sunnyjolly | 362.71 | 0 | 211.109 | 58.497 |
56 | @tensaix2j | 337.99 | 20.913 | 133.887 | 114.92 |
57 | @angelababy | 335.12 | 0.903 | 167.428 | 92.558 |
58 | @chaofanjun | 334.62 | 0 | 131.742 | 144.779 |
59 | @cornelia | 325.24 | 0.087 | 123.605 | 147.003 |
60 | @shirlam | 305.61 | 0 | 103.986 | 155.767 |
61 | @wanderwithtwo | 304.34 | 2.042 | 108.106 | 145.621 |
62 | @yuxi | 291.86 | 13.661 | 148.038 | 58.848 |
63 | @luojia | 215.62 | 0 | 137.894 | 16.913 |
64 | @liangfengyouren | 197.90 | 0 | 137.325 | 0.016 |
65 | @icedream | 176.07 | 0 | 121.993 | 0.282 |
66 | @benk | 168.72 | 0 | 116.901 | 0.261 |
67 | @john811 | 167.78 | 0 | 112.959 | 5.008 |
68 | @jessicameng | 166.86 | 0 | 109.164 | 9.559 |
69 | @terinadx | 165.09 | 6.9 | 57.321 | 72.552 |
70 | @candiceji | 126.87 | 0.001 | 87.571 | 0.677 |
71 | @lymichale | 113.54 | 0 | 63.215 | 22.451 |
72 | @syh7758520 | 110.93 | 0 | 61.859 | 21.789 |
73 | @jiangchen | 107.42 | 0 | 33.765 | 58.767 |
74 | @luneknight | 105.42 | 0 | 70.42 | 3.946 |
75 | @towardsthesun | 103.35 | 0 | 71.719 | 0.004 |
76 | @bullda | 93.32 | 3.074 | 61.683 | 0.01 |
77 | @ernestine | 88.51 | 0 | 33.507 | 40.223 |
78 | @cnjinbo | 87.99 | 0 | 57.847 | 4.632 |
79 | @mangoanddaddy | 86.24 | 0 | 48.121 | 16.9 |
80 | @shaiya | 85.40 | 0 | 57.101 | 3.121 |
81 | @skenan | 80.76 | 0 | 53.521 | 3.639 |
82 | @kangnajiang | 79.73 | 0 | 30.088 | 36.369 |
83 | @kanxsh | 62.49 | 0 | 23.295 | 28.918 |
84 | @larus | 56.05 | 0 | 18.683 | 29.128 |
85 | @yunxiaohui | 54.64 | 0 | 21.099 | 24.234 |
86 | @colmanlamkh | 48.34 | 0 | 33.131 | 0.6 |
87 | @lucyshow | 45.47 | 0 | 16.048 | 22.345 |
88 | @sportyfree | 42.44 | 0 | 0.501 | 41.716 |
89 | @chinaqf | 38.88 | 0 | 24.98 | 2.88 |
90 | @lizhangwen | 32.74 | 0 | 0.501 | 32.014 |
91 | @aleng | 29.17 | 0 | 15.257 | 7.184 |
92 | @hiquanta | 29.14 | 4.84 | 10.784 | 6.621 |
93 | @feiyu93 | 26.57 | 0 | 18.439 | 0.001 |
94 | @shanghairabbit | 25.14 | 0 | 0.501 | 24.414 |
95 | @kawaiiiiiiii030 | 24.81 | 0 | 17.217 | 0 |
96 | @eco019 | 21.63 | 0 | 10.801 | 6.061 |
97 | @karasui | 20.13 | 1 | 12.925 | 0.068 |
98 | @hopsken | 18.53 | 0 | 6.586 | 9.038 |
99 | @idd | 18.31 | 0 | 3.32 | 13.524 |
100 | @rencircle | 16.48 | 0 | 6.586 | 6.991 |
101 | @cyres | 15.37 | 0.535 | 6.503 | 5.231 |
102 | @jiba | 12.45 | 0 | 0.501 | 11.732 |
103 | @hana | 11.37 | 0 | 7.893 | 0 |
104 | @kate | 10.97 | 0 | 7.61 | 0 |
105 | @mollymolly | 10.60 | 0 | 0.618 | 9.706 |
106 | @climax | 9.24 | 0 | 3.485 | 4.214 |
107 | @niya | 8.65 | 0 | 6.001 | 0 |
108 | @mxg | 8.65 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
109 | @hqy | 8.65 | 0 | 6 | 0 |
110 | @watara | 8.38 | 0 | 5.782 | 0.049 |
111 | @concrete | 7.64 | 0 | 5.3 | 0 |
112 | @veronicazhu | 6.55 | 0 | 2.56 | 2.86 |
113 | @diaohuijun | 5.59 | 0 | 0.501 | 4.873 |
114 | @wlcpu | 4.49 | 0 | 0.501 | 3.769 |
115 | @xuran | 3.47 | 0 | 0.566 | 2.654 |
116 | @purpleyan641 | 3.41 | 0 | 0.5 | 2.691 |
117 | @chunxiao | 3.23 | 0 | 1.44 | 1.158 |
118 | @aafeng | 2.87 | 0 | 1.665 | 0.47 |
119 | @geass | 2.08 | 0 | 1.006 | 0.628 |
120 | @sean1980 | 2.04 | 0 | 0.867 | 0.788 |
121 | @hag228 | 1.98 | 0 | 0.612 | 1.096 |
122 | @artcenter1 | 1.81 | 0.099 | 0.913 | 0.348 |
123 | @ceciliali | 1.73 | 0 | 0.501 | 1.011 |
124 | @ecust-leicester | 0.98 | 0 | 0.5 | 0.264 |
125 | @pptx | 0.74 | 0 | 0.511 | 0 |
126 | @leir | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0.003 |
127 | @liumei | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
128 | @chaoyang | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
129 | @baixu1018 | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
130 | @harbour | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
131 | @haishen | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
132 | @moumouzhu | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
133 | @xiaozi | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
134 | @sh3dowin | 0.72 | 0 | 0.501 | 0 |
135 | @yanel | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
136 | @erye | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
137 | @cnm | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
138 | @jack.fhj | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
139 | @timelordlulu | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
140 | @ljj | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
141 | @berlin1997 | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
142 | @helloboy | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
143 | @yuan0601 | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
144 | @taozijie | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
145 | @syp | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
146 | @antone | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
147 | @zhoudi1220 | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
148 | @feng1925 | 0.72 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 |
信誉榜 (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | VP(%) | Online | Value |
1 | @sweetsssj | 74.77 | 82.24 | 393 | 110926.46 |
2 | @myfirst | 72.24 | 30.07 | 404 | 9276.12 |
3 | @oflyhigh | 72.2 | 78.98 | 402 | 22403.71 |
4 | @ace108 | 71.52 | 58.74 | 410 | 22999.21 |
5 | @deanliu | 70.95 | 33.23 | 413 | 20115.15 |
6 | @rivalhw | 69.98 | 66.85 | 399 | 11390.88 |
7 | @jademont | 67.5 | 89.15 | 473 | 7634.00 |
8 | @jubi | 66.83 | 33.69 | 236 | 3602.24 |
9 | @justyy | 66.78 | 64.58 | 376 | 5232.68 |
10 | @tumutanzi | 66.22 | 81.44 | 392 | 7265.30 |
11 | @joythewanderer | 66.04 | 31.30 | 412 | 11950.37 |
12 | @bxt | 65.01 | 88.66 | 223 | 3041.51 |
13 | @htliao | 64.72 | 77.59 | 114 | 7689.44 |
14 | @kitcat | 63.85 | 79.33 | 89 | 5310.18 |
15 | @wilkinshui | 63.8 | 34.40 | 87 | 6028.35 |
16 | @linuslee0216 | 63.74 | 91.17 | 89 | 4513.22 |
17 | @dixonloveart | 63.65 | 93.54 | 353 | 3680.76 |
18 | @coldhair | 62.91 | 98.00 | 170 | 6980.35 |
19 | @travelgirl | 62.56 | 70.00 | 63 | 1574.28 |
20 | @nicolemoker | 62.47 | 94.73 | 52 | 3772.84 |
21 | @liflorence | 62.42 | 57.18 | 69 | 1632.56 |
22 | @krischy | 62.38 | 62.27 | 78 | 2648.01 |
23 | @hannahwu | 61.54 | 46.16 | 53 | 1088.43 |
24 | @pakyeechan | 61.5 | 59.83 | 89 | 1864.95 |
25 | @susanlo | 61.28 | 55.63 | 102 | 2661.78 |
26 | @fundurian | 61.14 | 83.10 | 414 | 5381.25 |
27 | @victorier | 61.13 | 61.80 | 89 | 2089.89 |
28 | @dapeng | 61.06 | 98.00 | 321 | 1848.45 |
29 | @aaronli | 61.02 | 59.62 | 79 | 1928.38 |
30 | @kenchung | 60.61 | 59.25 | 89 | 1714.52 |
31 | @mrpointp | 60.56 | 98.00 | 65 | 2255.15 |
32 | @incrediblesnow | 60.23 | 91.87 | 69 | 1602.75 |
33 | @nanosesame | 59.94 | 36.88 | 90 | 1245.94 |
34 | @peterchen145 | 59.72 | 98.00 | 106 | 1206.70 |
35 | @wnh518518 | 59.57 | 61.65 | 102 | 1131.29 |
36 | @shenchensucc | 59.38 | 33.51 | 78 | 1142.24 |
37 | @mrspointm | 59.26 | 86.57 | 32 | 975.40 |
38 | @nationalpark | 59.2 | 77.23 | 78 | 1671.39 |
39 | @catwomanteresa | 58.84 | 98.00 | 58 | 1289.23 |
40 | @timknip | 58.32 | 96.42 | 69 | 1016.73 |
41 | @herlife | 57.84 | 60.62 | 40 | 564.70 |
42 | @superhardness | 57.74 | 80.27 | 54 | 7395.11 |
43 | @sunnyjolly | 57.55 | 40.50 | 36 | 362.71 |
44 | @bring | 57.51 | 39.93 | 315 | 484.01 |
45 | @mellissaying | 57.25 | 62.10 | 56 | 673.19 |
46 | @tvb | 56.72 | 31.78 | 37 | 491.99 |
47 | @zsilence | 55.86 | 76.18 | 26 | 415.97 |
48 | @zhijun | 55.27 | 95.33 | 389 | 387.51 |
49 | @cornelia | 55.26 | 94.16 | 156 | 325.24 |
50 | @renzhichu | 55.12 | 13.59 | 21 | 366.63 |
51 | @chaofanjun | 54.94 | 35.32 | 44 | 334.62 |
52 | @icedream | 54.75 | 79.34 | 38 | 176.07 |
53 | @shirlam | 54.44 | 59.02 | 58 | 305.61 |
54 | @wanderwithtwo | 54.4 | 79.92 | 58 | 304.34 |
55 | @liangfengyouren | 54.35 | 96.22 | 47 | 197.90 |
56 | @swssmarketing | 54.18 | 49.03 | 64 | 1565.87 |
57 | @yuxi | 54.14 | 91.58 | 354 | 291.86 |
58 | @angelababy | 53.84 | 88.19 | 78 | 335.12 |
59 | @candiceji | 53.58 | 98.00 | 38 | 126.87 |
60 | @jessicameng | 53.5 | 85.06 | 41 | 166.86 |
61 | @tensaix2j | 53.4 | 28.66 | 410 | 337.99 |
62 | @luojia | 53.27 | 98.00 | 41 | 215.62 |
63 | @bullda | 52.92 | 62.81 | 19 | 93.32 |
64 | @terinadx | 52.62 | 90.82 | 52 | 165.09 |
65 | @nuagnorab | 52.57 | 60.69 | 89 | 822.58 |
66 | @syh7758520 | 51.83 | 73.79 | 55 | 110.93 |
67 | @cqf | 51.6 | 95.36 | 144 | 15548.40 |
68 | @mangoanddaddy | 51.43 | 98.00 | 44 | 86.24 |
69 | @shaiya | 51.37 | 82.32 | 46 | 85.40 |
70 | @john811 | 51.15 | 96.04 | 38 | 167.78 |
71 | @jiangchen | 51.03 | 94.12 | 45 | 107.42 |
72 | @cnjinbo | 50.97 | 94.17 | 53 | 87.99 |
73 | @ernestine | 50.67 | 96.97 | 41 | 88.51 |
74 | @karasui | 50.5 | 42.29 | 38 | 20.13 |
75 | @luneknight | 50.33 | 48.75 | 361 | 105.42 |
76 | @lymichale | 50.25 | 96.04 | 20 | 113.54 |
77 | @towardsthesun | 50.18 | 98.00 | 54 | 103.35 |
78 | @colmanlamkh | 49.99 | 84.56 | 63 | 48.34 |
79 | @kanxsh | 49.86 | 94.82 | 29 | 62.49 |
80 | @veronicazhu | 49.54 | 96.12 | 14 | 6.55 |
81 | @sportyfree | 49.36 | 92.22 | 22 | 42.44 |
82 | @kangnajiang | 49.31 | 62.72 | 44 | 79.73 |
83 | @skenan | 48.4 | 49.03 | 36 | 80.76 |
84 | @zhoudi1220 | 48.16 | 86.85 | 8 | 0.72 |
85 | @larus | 47.63 | 96.78 | 392 | 56.05 |
86 | @expatkai | 47.45 | 83.36 | 74 | 383.05 |
87 | @chinaqf | 47.44 | 69.28 | 30 | 38.88 |
88 | @yunxiaohui | 47.08 | 96.04 | 25 | 54.64 |
89 | @berlin1997 | 47.02 | 65.20 | 6 | 0.72 |
90 | @shanghairabbit | 46.7 | 89.70 | 43 | 25.14 |
91 | @mxg | 46.35 | 96.12 | 2 | 8.65 |
92 | @lucyshow | 46.08 | 98.00 | 38 | 45.47 |
93 | @kawaiiiiiiii030 | 45.62 | 85.29 | 53 | 24.81 |
94 | @lizhangwen | 45.14 | 96.37 | 60 | 32.74 |
95 | @eco019 | 44.39 | 98.00 | 397 | 21.63 |
96 | @mollymolly | 44.19 | 86.81 | 38 | 10.60 |
97 | @jiba | 43.63 | 98.00 | 38 | 12.45 |
98 | @cyres | 43.18 | 97.21 | 23 | 15.37 |
99 | @xuran | 43.07 | 74.45 | 10 | 3.47 |
100 | @aleng | 42.23 | 98.00 | 358 | 29.17 |
101 | @hopsken | 42.21 | 96.13 | 38 | 18.53 |
102 | @rencircle | 42.09 | 96.04 | 29 | 16.48 |
103 | @feng1925 | 41.79 | 90.03 | 6 | 0.72 |
104 | @niya | 41.25 | 97.20 | 2 | 8.65 |
105 | @liumei | 41.06 | 98.00 | 30 | 0.72 |
106 | @timelordlulu | 40.24 | 96.69 | 5 | 0.72 |
107 | @xiaozi | 39.96 | 98.00 | 21 | 0.72 |
108 | @climax | 39.45 | 96.04 | 22 | 9.24 |
109 | @wlcpu | 39.02 | 98.00 | 30 | 4.49 |
110 | @diaohuijun | 38.97 | 88.16 | 53 | 5.59 |
111 | @idd | 38.93 | 98.00 | 41 | 18.31 |
112 | @watara | 38.88 | 98.00 | 30 | 8.38 |
113 | @purpleyan641 | 38.67 | 83.27 | 20 | 3.41 |
114 | @erye | 38.2 | 98.00 | 2 | 0.72 |
115 | @aafeng | 37.75 | 97.86 | 41 | 2.87 |
116 | @syp | 36.45 | 84.11 | 2 | 0.72 |
117 | @antone | 35.51 | 96.04 | 8 | 0.72 |
118 | @chunxiao | 35.02 | 98.00 | 37 | 3.23 |
119 | @baixu1018 | 34.14 | 100.00 | 47 | 0.72 |
120 | @sean1980 | 32.86 | 94.26 | 69 | 2.04 |
121 | @geass | 32.79 | 64.89 | 39 | 2.08 |
122 | @wilsonwei777 | 31.42 | 97.98 | 64 | 2107.55 |
123 | @leir | 31.33 | 100.00 | 40 | 0.72 |
124 | @artcenter1 | 31.18 | 98.00 | 76 | 1.81 |
125 | @ecust-leicester | 29.57 | 98.00 | 20 | 0.98 |
126 | @benk | 29.49 | 99.50 | 86 | 168.72 |
127 | @rollinsoul | 26.45 | 98.00 | 96 | 1643.71 |
128 | @hag228 | 25.14 | 94.15 | 50 | 1.98 |
129 | @pptx | 25 | 98.00 | 27 | 0.74 |
130 | @concrete | 25 | 99.24 | 383 | 7.64 |
131 | @haishen | 25 | 96.04 | 38 | 0.72 |
132 | @taozijie | 25 | 100.00 | 0 | 0.72 |
133 | @kate | 25 | 100.00 | 493 | 10.97 |
134 | @yuan0601 | 25 | 100.00 | 1 | 0.72 |
135 | @yanel | 25 | 100.00 | 1 | 0.72 |
136 | @hana | 25 | 100.00 | 494 | 11.37 |
137 | @cnm | 25 | 100.00 | 40 | 0.72 |
138 | @jack.fhj | 25 | 100.00 | 28 | 0.72 |
139 | @helloboy | 25 | 100.00 | 30 | 0.72 |
140 | @harbour | 25 | 100.00 | 30 | 0.72 |
141 | @feiyu93 | 24.32 | 41.63 | 2 | 26.57 |
142 | @hqy | 23.71 | 92.57 | 2 | 8.65 |
143 | @ceciliali | 16.22 | 98.00 | 38 | 1.73 |
144 | @chaoyang | 12.54 | 98.00 | 46 | 0.72 |
145 | @moumouzhu | 12.01 | 84.33 | 33 | 0.72 |
146 | @sh3dowin | 9.33 | 98.00 | 40 | 0.72 |
147 | @ljj | 8.89 | 81.82 | 0 | 0.72 |
148 | @hiquanta | 3.52 | 98.00 | 48 | 29.14 |
"Steemit好友微信群"汇聚了中文区很多大牛和众多热心 Steem 人, 欢迎大家联系 @tumutanzi 加入, 这里不负责任的做波小推广.
以及, @niya 是我老婆, 之前这个帐号下的游记都是由她撰写的, 最近她自己的账号终于通过了, 恳请大家关注她, 谢谢!
SteemIt 好友微信群排行榜 -实时更新版
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感谢。想加入“Steemit好友微信群”的朋友,请发送邮件给 contact # tumutanzi.com (请替换#号成@符号),告诉我你的微信号,我再拉你入群,这是我目前能拉你入群的唯一办法。
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感谢认可,是 @tumutanzi 组织的好,我是举手之劳。
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我刚才又拉了一遍数据, 这次多检索出了6个人(142->148), 已经更新上去了.
刚才和大鹏聊了一下, 准备做一个动态的, 我回头看看他那边进展.
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