Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 06 |《文化读瘾.一周译报》第6期:山的民族、海的民族

in cn •  7 years ago 

Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least one article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community. All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.

《文化读瘾.一周译报》是一个翻译行动,我们每周将至少精选一篇来自 #culturevulture 的文章,经原作者同意后翻译成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 标签刊出,希望把这些有趣、多元的内容透过我们认真的筛选与精细的翻译,带到cn社区人面前呈现,拓展视野、丰富生活。



《文化读瘾.一周译报》第6期的其中一位作者 @vaelriey就是来自马来西亚的肯雅人;读完她的文章,或许我们会对这个族群有更多的认识。

本期选文的第二篇,作者是来自印尼的 @keuudeip。印尼是群岛之国,国土近乎横跨整个马来群岛。这篇文章短小,却从一艘渔船的名称,连结到这个海上民族的精神面貌,读来可感受到些许诗意。

Original title: “The Asian Zone”
Authored by @keuudeip, translated by @ygern





不过,这一切特质,比如勇气、智慧,以及力求精准与敢于冒险的精神,实际上是一代又一代地传承下去。我眼前的这些渔夫,即带着这样的精神,离开陆地,到海上探寻鱼群。他们甚至毫不犹豫地,将渔船命名为“Zona Asia”(“亚洲区域”号)。我似乎读懂了个中含意——在名为亚洲的这片蓝色疆域里,他们敢于悠游。限制他们的,仅是那些领土划分的法律。但是,纵然如此,他们仍然不失为海上的探索者——他们都是真正的探险家。

谨以此文献给 @curiesea

Original title: Kenyah, the Indigenous People of Borneo
Authored by @vaelriey, translated by @ygern



图片来源:隶属于荷兰国立世界文化博物馆的热带博物馆(Tropenmuseum),CC BY-SA 3.0


肯雅人也被称为“Orang Ulu”(意思是“内陆的人”),是婆罗洲的原住民。他们主要聚居在砂拉越州峇南(Baram)河流域的内陆地区,以及印尼加里曼丹(Kalimantan)东部。他们在婆罗洲的家园,部分地区被划入马来西亚领土,部分则属于印尼。




肯雅人有自己的语言,我们称之为肯雅语,是南岛语系的一个小分支。肯雅语是个濒临死亡的语言,只有老一辈的人使用。年轻世代说的,则是掺杂了肯雅语、马来语及少数英语的混合语言。肯雅人分为不同部落,彼此说着不同的方言。以我为例,我可以听得懂母亲家乡的肯雅语(Long Selatong Lepo' Gah),也可以理解父亲家乡的方言(Long Unan);但我只会说母亲的家乡话(当然也混杂了大量的马来语和英语 😅)。

以下是一些简单的肯雅语(Long Selatong)词汇:

  • 我:Akek
  • 你:Ikok
  • 吃:Kuman
  • 睡:Lurok
  • 母:Uwek
  • 父:Amai










肯雅人创作属于我们自己的歌曲与旋律,如“Lan E Tuyang”、“Leleng leleng”。常见的肯雅传统乐器是沙贝琴(sape)。一把沙贝琴的价格大约在马币480元(大约USD120)以上。

我想借此机会,为你献上一首来自印尼婆罗洲北部的肯雅人Uyau Moris的作品:


注:除非另有注明,所有照片皆由作者以Sony Xperia Z Ultra摄影。

  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permissions from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.
  • 文章发布皆已取得原作者同意。
  • 这系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%将资助Culture Vulture Callenge项目,40%则回馈给原作者;SP部分则由两位合作者共享。翻译工作主要是由 @ygern负责。
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Thanks very much for including my work in this very special project. And as my appreciation and form of support for the project, I will donate all my rewards part as the original author to the project. This is a true statement from me, @keuudeip. You no longer need to transfer it to me, and please just transfer it directly to @culturevulture. Thanks for your attention.

Thanks! But you cannot decline my upvote. :)

LOL 😄 You're absolutely right. Thank you very much, @deanliu. Thanks for all the kindness.

Your generosity is much appreciated. :)
we will convey the message to @eroche

Thank you, @ygern. Hope #culturevulture will get a more better place in the community.

That is very generous @keuudeip, thank you for this donation and good luck with future entries.

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck

intéressent article merci

  ·  7 years ago 

Akek Lurok Ikok


  ·  7 years ago 

Ikok Lurok Akek?

@vaelriey, you should teach us more vocab! lol

Hahaha sure! I will put in more phrases in my next post ☺️

Amai Uwek Lurok?

Akek Kuman Ikok




thankyou for sharing chines culture

好喜歡這曲風!!! 😍😍😍


感謝點閱 :)

You always do such a good job at putting your posts together! I obviously don't understand the language, but you simply have to look at it to be intrigued!


thanks, sweetpea!

  ·  7 years ago 


@deanliu Really good post.

very good post my friend...
good job..

Thanks for dropping by..

you are welcome my friend..

Congratulations @deanliu , we r much excited to know about it, wonderful job you have done.

thank you. most credit goes to @ygern and the authors...

thanks for introducing us with great culture and nice place..every picture says something about it..nice post..thanks for sharing.