文憑試 數學卷一 卷二 DSE MATH PAPER 1&PAPER 2

in cn •  6 years ago 


正式跟大家宣布 我GG了 卷一的大半我都會做...換句話說有一半不會做QAQ 基本上最後的那幾題的第二部分就開始不知道該怎麼做了。此外 即使我覆卷了一次找到了6分careless mistake,還是有一題看錯題目送走了4分.... 我以為是要找 一個GS的sum of term n+1至 2n+1 ,結果題目叫我找n+1 加2n+1 加起來的總和....
而卷二 即是選擇題 就比往年的難十分多(早知道就不立flag 了)基本上撞了大概十題 ,而其他補習社很快就把答案公佈了,而我也犯賤的去對了答案,結果我撞的十題只有兩題答對 只拿到73% 沒有level 5 了...
讓我偷偷把兩條難的放上來吧 希望不會被抓到 我又不是在牟利 應該沒事吧只是分享而已

well I fucked up. There are few question I don’t know how to do, and they have a very heavy weighting in the paper . In fact, for the part b of the question of section b, I already don’t know how to do....On top of these, even I checked the paper, and found 6 marks of careless mistake, I still read the question wrong and fucked up. The question ask me to find the sum of GS , of term 2n+1 and n+1 , but I thought it asked me the sum between 2n+1 and n+1, so I lost 4 marks...
The paper two, which is mc question is so difficult this year. I guessed about 10 questions, the tutor gave out their answer very soon, and I ... went to check the answer. Fuck my life, only two of those question I got it correct, really never lucky, so I only got 73% in this shit paper. I need 80% or more to achieve level 5....
Let me show u guys some difficult question, hope I won’t got caught of the copyright issue... but I’m not using it to make profit so it shd be fine ..?


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唔識做算唔算做曬😂😂都無咩嘢既 睇開左la


都無咩遺憾😂 除左睇錯嗰題之外 反正以後都唔洗再做數luuuu


入唔到三大都仲有poly 保底既 應該😂


唔係名校la 😂😂😂 Band 1 尾
水泡科唔係好高分啫 你估三寶咩😂