2017 reveiw ~The Good, The Bad and the Ugly 2017年回顧 ~ 好事,壞事,糗事

in cn •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I posted my 2018 plans, so I thought I should also post about my 2017 review to close the year. 2017 has been good, nothing major or unfortunate has cropped up in life so that was good. The biggest change was Steemit, which was totally unexpected. So I think I will do a review about my time on Steemit.

昨天我寫了一篇我的2018年計劃,所以今天我覺得應該再寫一篇我的2017年回顧。 2017年對我很不錯,一切很好,生活沒有什麼重大或不幸的事情發生,平平安安渡過。2017年最大的變化是認識Steemit,這是完全出乎意料的。所以我想回顧我在Steemit上的日子。


  • meeting a lot of new friends, both on net and off net
  • learning a lot more about other people, culture and things that I don't normally read about
  • getting involved in the #SteemitWorldmap, and working closely with a great bunch of people. SWMappers, you guys rock!
  • winning the SteemAdvent organised by @good-karma, not once but twice! Thank you @good-karma
  • winning the #culturevulture challenge in October out of nearly 900 entries. That has got to be the highlight for me. Thank you @eroche for running this fantastic competition every month
  • making a bit of extra cash on the side, though I have yet to cash anything out
  • 認識很多新的朋友,更有機會參加線下聚會
  • 認識不同文化和事物,擴闊視野
  • 參與Steemit世界地圖,並與一群很棒的人合作!
  • 參加由@good-karma舉辦的SteemAdvent活動,不單贏了,而且還是兩次!謝謝@good-karma
  • 10月份參加 #culturevulture 文化秃鹰徵文比賽,在接近900個參賽作品中贏得第一名。這可以說是我在Steemit上的亮點。謝謝@eroche每個月都舉辦這個比賽
  • 在Steemit上賺了點外快,雖然錢還在賬號裡沒提出來,但都是賺到呀


  • I really should network more with people . Often I don't comment as I can't think of anything meaningful to say other than "That's a great photo" "I'm really pleased for you" "It looks fantastic" "Congratulations" which I think sometimes sounds a bit spammy so I end up not commenting at all
  • not learning about cypto currency, probably not a very wise move if I'm going to hang around on Steemit
  • 我應該多點交流和互動。有時我沒回帖,因為除了"這照片很美","很替你高興","這看起來很棒","恭喜" 等等,我想不出其他更有意義的說話,所以索成不回
  • 沒有認識和了解虛擬貨幣,如果我要在Steemit繼續混下去的話,這要改


  • Every time I have a new follower, I always like to find out a bit more about them. Quite a lot of them are newbies, some have just joined for only a few days or even a few hours, but are already following a few thousand people or even ten of thousands of people. I always cringe when I see that. I can't see the value to them and me, in following me. In fact out of my 870 followers 609 have never upvoted me. So thank you to the 261 followers for your support
  • Other than that, I can't think of any other ugly things on Steemit
  • 每次有一個新的追隨者,我都喜歡對他多了解。很多時他們都是新手,有時還是剛剛加入了幾天甚至幾個小時,但已經跟隨了幾千人甚至過萬人。每當看到這狀況,真的感到不對勁,很無奈。我看不到追隨我,對他們和我有甚麼意思。在我的870名追隨者中,其實有609人從未點贊過我。所以我很感謝另外261位追隨者的支持
  • 除此之外,我想不出Steemit上其他任何糗事

Today is 31st December 2017, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a great 2018, and that next year will be a much prosperous year than this year.


😘 🎇 🎉💐🚀

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be very happy in the new year.

And to you!




謝謝你支持! 祝 2018 心想事成!


如果有桶滿缸滿這詞語就更好,可以賺更多 💰💰💰

在花蓮了 是要去看日出嗎? :)

我這種懶人,怎會那麼早起床 😥

Awesome, u are talented, Pls follow my posts n upvote @AmbDavid. Thank you
