Beginner's Guide For Wannabe-Comedians • Comedy Open Mic • Round 7 • Entry #1

in comedyopenmic •  7 years ago 

Tired of hearing crickets after you make a joke?

Either crush those crickets, or learn how to actually be funny.


As Comedy Open Mic (COM) grows, @amirtheawesome1 and @yesaye, two great comedian legends, find it essential that contestants have a guide on how they can improve their chances of winning this amazing contest.

In this one-of-a-kind COM entry, 2 judges collaborate to bring you this educational/painfully unfunny post. We hope you enjoy/educate yourself.

So, here are some rules/guidelines on how to win COM:

(@amirtheawesome1's words in plain, old, boring font; Cool Judge @yesaye's words in italics)

1. You All Suck

Wonder how many closed their tab already

Let's face it - if you were doing so well, you wouldn't be looking at a guideline.

Especially this guideline

Or even if you're doing well rep-wise, you still know in your very core that you suck.
(looking at you @idikuci)

Poor idikuci

I get it, comedy is hard. I find it much easier to write dramatic posts than comical ones.
So, whatever joke you have to tell, remember: a line that you said amongst your friends doesn't necessarily make a funny steemit post.


Sure, your buddies laughed when a girl was screaming and you said, "must be that time of the month", but that doesn't make it a funny post.

Turns out she was being murdered

2. No Plagiarism

FOR FUCK'S SAKES, we all have Google.

Except those other search engine users

Are we supposed to believe that you time-traveled into the future and came up with the joke, two years after it was posted on Facebook?
If we want to see recycled posts, we'd all use Google.
And if we want lame ones, we'd go to 9GAG or Dmania.

9GAG? More like, the-memes-are-so-bad-I-gagged he he amirite folks he he

crickets chirp


In the age of Google and its reverse image search function, it takes less than a minute to find the source.
Did you really think the judges won't check for plagiarism?
It's Comedy Open Mic with a search for talented comedians, not the best scavenger hunter.

Say 'No' to CRTL+C CTRL+V

3. Don't Prolong It

Now long posts are encouraged to be made.
But, if you write the whole post so that you can do just one punch line in the end, you're -

a. overbuilding it; and
b. boring everyone.

Like what we're doing now


Make at least one joke per paragraph.

Q. What did @ned say when @dan asked him if his brain had run out of ideas for improving Steemit?

Also, spacing out between sentences is like pumping your dick with air - sure it looks bigger and promising, but under pressure, the best to come out would be some sort of a fart.

Court's verdict: yesaye and amirtheawesome1 found guilty of violating Rule #3

4. Don't GIF and Comment

Looking at you @traf

No one is better at doing @punchline and @traf thing better than @punchline and @traf.

Not looking at you @traf

Eventually they'll pull something off that you can't copy and leave you agape.

You're probably not winning a thing with that format.

Not like you would otherwise either, because Rule #1

COM appreciates effort, hard work and doing your own thing.

5. Be Daring

What's the point of entering a contest and competing, if you're not bringing your best in each entry?

Uhh...the joy of participating?

Bring on your most twisted fantasy.

@berniesanders you seeing this shit?

Everyone loves nice people, so take those nice people, cut them up and eat their flesh till there's a whole another person in you...
...wait, I think this one's for my "How to be serial killer for psychopaths" tutorial.

"But I'm vegan"

Hahaha man! I come up with some funny...

6. Don’t Laugh At Your Own Jokes


Laughing at your own joke is the equivalent of sucking your own dick. At best, it means you're bendy.
You're not telling jokes to 5 year-olds who won't know it's a joke until you laugh at it.
(Looking at you Spanish amigos, with your jajajajajaja)

No más jajaja


If a joke is funny, we'll laugh. We already know you're joking since the tagline says COMEDY Open Mic. Plus, since you filled the rest of the tags with "funny", "humor", "punchline" and "sarcasm", we already get the sense that you're trying to make us laugh.
(Looking at you @amirtheawesome1, wait, what?)

Stop self-promoting Amir

btw @yesaye's the best memer ever

So I'm gonna tell you the same thing that my dad told me at our family gathering -

And what's that?

"Son, you're making everyone feel uncomfortable, stop sucking your own dick."

Make Epic Memes Like Me At:
(shoutout to @netuoso and @acidyo)
Epic Thumbnail: click
Old Awkwardly Smiling Man: click
GIF That Won't Let You Sleep Tonight: click
(shoutout to @dj123 :P)

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would love to see one of your dramatic pieces you find so easy to write

That would be me. I'm translating a lot of them as we speak, you may find some if you check out my account.

I need you to answer this.
Did I nail @traf style GIF narration or not?

I nominate @yallapapi and @carlgnash to make 2 hilarious entries for this epic contest!

After reading this: I think I'm finally ready to be funny now!

Nah. Fuck it. Changed my mind.

You changed your mind so quick, even bernie couldn't flag at that pace.

Let's not start a flag war now. You keep changing that mind of yours. It's better that way

Oh thank God!

You're welcome.

With great memes comes great responsibility. But you don't have to worry about that. Solid effort though, i once saw a monkey meme live on tv, the 60s was a simpler time, that monkey grew up to become the president of Australia. So dont let anyone tell you you wont amount to anything, just like that monkey you could become president of Australia.

No thanks, they have creepy huge-ass bugs. Nuh uh. Nada.

no, no all the ass bugs left

No they didn't, you still there.

DJ told me to check this out, this is so good, I demand a shout out here as well! @yesaye & @amirtheawesome1 where is my shout out?

Also please continue to suck Amir's dick, I mean suck your own dick, wait, I mean suck each other's dick, or something, whatever it takes to keep cumming up with these great shit, ahem I mean guide.

Can't give a shoutout when the mouth's occupied.

I've been in this situation before. It is funny!

Sure, your buddies laughed when a girl was screaming and you said, "must be that time of the month", but that doesn't make it a funny post.
Turns out she was being murdered

So my 5 year old laughing at my jokes doesn't mean I'm funny? In the land of spanish, receiving a jajajajaja means you're the funniest person on the planet.

Yeah no wonder they jajaja at their own jokes.

So my 5 year old laughing at my jokes doesn't mean I'm funny?

No, it means she's generous and doesn't want her daddy to fall into a spiral of mid-life crisis and depression, thinking why he didn't take Comedy classes in his teenage years. That's what it means.
Now go hug your 5-year-old.

I will pretend I didn't read this so that I don't fall into a spiral of mid-life crisis and depression

Yeah, seems like the right thing to do. Read the last line though.

Holy Fcuk Shit......By Golly They Did It!

👍👍👍👍- Scribbling Down Notes Furiously......Ok...Where is Part 2!

Thinking of making part 2 a huge disappointment so the hopeful readers end up becoming the butt of the joke instead.

wait...isn't part 2 supposed to be posted by your partner in prose?

Part 2 will be up soon, since it's on my channel, expect a much more offensive edgy one.

Ah yes, saw the msg in Discord.

looking forward


Nice - a #sharkschool-style rant, but funnier and more instructional than @yallapapi.

Q. What did @ned say when @dan asked him if his brain had run out of ideas for improving Steemit?

I'm glad I wasn't the only person thinking this.

@yallapapi, you've a challenge.
Make a funnier COM entry and prove our friend @samueldouglas wrong!

Psst Sam, hope you got the pun in that joke!

HA! I posted a really dumb comment and erased it, so, ya know. Hi! This post probably won't help me at all, but that's not the post's fault. It really tried for me, and that's all you need in a relationship. That, and cool whip.

Wh...what are you on about?
Also, hey.

This is a very useful guide, it's just that I'm late to see it. next time i will follow your trail. 😆

Oh it's gonna be tough to catch up. Trust me...

i learned so much my nose nearly just exploded

may the funny cream rise to the top

Oh fuggin hell, I have an intense desire to flag this comment at 100%.