in cps •  6 years ago 

Almajiri kids roaming the street

Child Protective Service is known to be Legal Kidnapping, this way, thousand of kids gets stolen either for rituals or for child molestation by the elite Who disguised and working through CPS and they have perpetrated dozens of child trafficking through this agencies in many developed countries.

In Nigeria, the West African Giant, there is a twisted scenario, as sad as it sounds, the voice of Children in most developing society like Nigeria is hardly heard; but I have been thinking this could be solving an age long problem fire with fire!


What is Almajiri? This are group of children that roams the street in search of their daily breads, contrary to what Islam says about Almajiri as seen below.

It has almost become a normal feature, a cultural norm – children roaming the streets in certain parts of (mainly northern) Nigeria. Almajiri as the children are commonly referred to derives from the Arabic word Al-Mahaajirun, which literally means a learned scholar who propagates the peaceful message of Islam.

Regrettably, the Almajiri culture has since outlived its purpose and has become a breeding ground for child begging and in the extreme cases, potential materials for recruitment into terrorist groups. The pupils who were meant to be trained to become Islamic scholars have now had to struggle to cater for themselves, begging rather than learning under the watch and supervision of some semi-literate Quranic teachers or Mallams who themselves lacked the requisite financial and moral support. Hence, the system runs more as a means of survival rather than a way of life- The Guardian

So I wonder If CPS could be what is needed to curb Alimanjiri, a tradition in North Nigeria to let kids Roam the street and struggle to survive till their late teens or early twenties if they ever survive the colds, diseases or extreme starvation.

The fact is that, the rights of Children is not properly protected, hence this kids that roam the street who had been allegedly given to "Rich Alhajis" (Muslim Traditional Chiefs that had been to the Holy Land) who promised to take care of this kids but rather turn them into Shepard, Cattle rearers and Child Wives or abandon the lots of them to the mercy of the streets.

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It is a sad view seeing these children roams in groups of up to hundreds at times on the Interstate, pleading for alms and foods. I could not help but wonder why this had happened, most of this kids are sent out voluntarily and several of them forced out of their homes by their parents to fulfill Religious Obligations.

Sadly, these kids becomes the best target for insurgents who preys on them and train them to become suicide bombers, child soldiers, Alimanjiris are vulnerable to ISIS and Boko Haram, putting North East Nigeria and several African countries like Sudan, Somalia etc on World Terroist watch List.

Deprived of a normal and descent upbringing, Almajiri children who are usually little boys between the ages of four and 15 may have been direct products of polygamous or broken homes or simply economic challenges in the family. They lack adequate family cover. The child or children is/are sent out to the streets under the guise of Almajiri, as soon as the family’s resources are overstretched.

The reason why these suicide Bombers become so heartless and have no regards for human life whatsoever because:

The Almajiri grows up in the streets without the love, care and guidance of parents; his struggle for survival exposes him to abuse (homosexuality and pedophilia), used as a slave, brainwashed and recruited for anti-social activities and used for destructive and violent activities. This is the picture of the pitiful plight of an Almajiri child in Nigeria-TheGuardian


This is one of the crazy parts, this Rich Chiefs that are supposed to take care of this Almajiris defiles them and most of this kids contacted terrible diseases through this wickedness. The Teenage Girls are married off at so tender age say 13 years to 16 years to a man of sometimes above 60 years.

The absence of Child Protective Services or a dormant seems to make these Alimanjiris grow in number year in year out and increasing the troops for Boko Haram.

Because of the desperacy for each of these Almajiri kids to live and survive, therefore they embrace whatever that is offered to them in terms of daily foods, clothing etc.

Insurgents capitalized on this and began to raise Children Militia Through Boko-Haram, each of this kids is promised shelter and food in exchange for their lives and this had foster hundreds of Suicide Bombers in the North-Eastern part of Nigeria that has claimed many lives and destroyed properties.


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Damages cause for by Boko-Haram Insurgency has been valued above $10 Billion USD.

And many of the attacks are suicide Bombings with this kids as human Booby Trap, children that had been abandoned by their families and neglected by Foster Arabic homes would do anything asked of him or her so far he or she has a another chance to life or in another life- "Alijana"

Would the presence of CPS lower the rate of Alimanjiris kids been thrown on the streets and they ended up terrorizing the whole Continent.

Maybe I'm just thinking of solutions in a desperate way to curb the menace of suicide bombing and socio-political unrest in my country!


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