New: israsteemAll contenthive-129948hive-196917krhive-166405steemhive-180932photographyhive-183959hive-185836zzanhive-150122hive-183397hive-144064hive-188619hive-101145hive-184714uncommonlabhive-103599hive-145157hive-193186bitcoinhive-139150hive-109690hive-138689hive-180301TrendingNewHotLikersfofi (60)inย israelย โขย 5 years agoืืืจืืขื ืืืืฉ ืื ืืืจ ืืกืื ืงืืคื-ืืจืคืืกื ืืืืคืืื/ืฆืคืื ืื ืฉืืื ืืื ืืกืื ืงืืคื ืืื ืคืื ืืงืกืื ืืขืืจ ืืชืืชืืช (ืืืคื). ืืคืื ืืฉ ืฉืชื ืงืืืืช, ืืืงืืื ืืขืืืื ื ืฉืื ื ืืฉ ืืื ืืื (ืืืขื) ืืืจืืข. ืืื ืื ืืืืืจ ืืืจืฆืื, ืกืื ื ืืค, ืืืคืขื, ืขืจื ืฉืืจื, ืืกืืื.. ืื ืโฆfofi (60)inย netflixย โขย 5 years agoDon't Fuck With Cats'Don't Fuck With Cats' is a 3 episodes of true-crime documentary on Netflix. On this documentary you can see very clearly how much influence we have using internet these days. Basically, this isโฆfofi (60)inย pragueย โขย 6 years agoLong time no see :)It's been awhile since my last post here, but I can promise that happened for good reasons. Here I am, trying to get back posting here daily, got a lot of things to share with you guys.ย I reallyโฆsaarinout (66)inย blogย โขย 6 years agoืืืืื ืืฉืืจืืจืืืืืคืขืืื ืื ืื ื ืืงืืืื ืืช ืืืืื ืฉืื ื ืืืฉืื ืืืื ืืืืื , ืื ืื ื ืฉืืจืืจืืื , ื ืืืื ืืืื ืก ืืืืืื ืื ืื ืื ื ืื ืืืื ืื ืืช ืืืฉืืขืืช ืฉืื ื ืืืืื ืืื . ืื ืื ืืืื ืืืืื ืืืชื ืื ืื ื ืืืืจืื ืื ืคืจืง ืงืฆืจ ืืชืื ืกืืคืืจโฆsaarinout (66)inย israelย โขย 6 years agoEilat 2019nv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoMy Floral Balcony ๐I woke up this morning to this captivating sight on my porch ๐ For those who do not know this is Ipomoea cairica It is a perennial climbing plant that can rise to a high height even onโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoSpider Web ๐ธ๏ธIt just happens to occur in my mind that I hadn't been able to photograph spider webs for a long time, due to the heavy rains that poured until about a week ago. Funny thing - when I've finishedโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoMagical Sunset ๐So it happens that those magical moments are something one can actually have a lot more of if one just opened to "open his eyes" so to speak, and watch closely of the "everyday" event. I justโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoC.C.S - Cool Clouds Season ๐ซ๏ธOn such days I wonder if the clouds in the sky were created so that God would upload himself to their servers lol ๐ I'll start from the end back to the beginning ๐ But it continuedโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoThe Road Less Taken ๐๏ธThis time we chose @simba and I, "the road less taken" when from where we stood it was just taking a left instead of right on one of the paths in the forest during our weekly trip but boy oh boy itโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoThe Mossy Roads โฐ๏ธDuring our trip to the Carmel Mountain last week, @simba and I encountered plenty of rock shelves covered with moss, which gave the rock a green woolly look, like it wasn't hard but soft toโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoForest Overrun ๐ Gloeophyllum abietinum / Daedalea abietina During the trip in Ramot Menashe forests @simba and I encountered countless mushrooms of this kind as if they had decided to take over all the fallen branches and stumps in theโฆfofi (60)inย haifaย โขย 6 years agoืืืจืืขื ืืืืฉ ืืจืฅ ืืกืื ืงืืคื-ืืจืืกืื ืงืืคื ืืื ืคืื ืืงืกืื ืืขืืจ ืืชืืชืืช (ืืืคื). ืืคืื ืืฉ ืฉืชื ืงืืืืช, ืืืงืืื ืืขืืืื ื ืฉืื ื ืืฉ ืืื ืืื (ืืืขื) ืืืจืืข. ืืื ืื ืืืืืจ ืืืจืฆืื, ืกืื ื ืืค, ืืืคืขื, ืขืจื ืฉืืจื, ืืกืืื.. ืื ื ืืืืื ื ืืชืื ืืขืืืจ ืขื ืชืืื ืืช ืืจืฅโฆdaniel.fogel (49)inย funย โขย 6 years agoWhen Your Father is an Occasional MetalheadIn other words, I went to a concert of Lacrimosa in Kiev and naturally, since it was a business trip, me children weren't with me. So, I felt a little bit guilty and here is the result Postedโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoThe *Gilboa* โฐ๏ธ Part 1It was a cloudy windy Thursday when we decided, @simba and I, to go out and check rumors (followed by pictures that people uploaded the web... ๐ค) about Pleurotus ะตryngii var. ferulae mushroomsโฆdaniel.fogel (49)inย musicย โขย 6 years agoWalking Down the Road - a Blues About Love and HopeIt's about the time to release another video, the 3rd single from "Live at Tsuzamen" This time, we're talking about a blues I wrote. The song is all about love and hope. I hope you'll enjoy itโฆnv21089 (70)inย lifeย โขย 6 years agoโจ๏ธ The 70th Rep' Anniversary โจ๏ธIt's been over a year now that I've been posting my photos on Steemit and you, dear steemians seem to like it ๐ I feel honored to be a part of this wonderful growing community, and it gives meโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoHike In The Orvim Stream, Golan Heights ๐๏ธ Part 3A few last photos from the trip to the Golan Heights , the Orvim Stream trail. Enjoy! Canon PowerShot SX60 HS Posted using Partiko Androidnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoHike In The Orvim Stream, Golan Heights ๐๏ธ Partย 2In the winter, when the water flow is strong, you can see in the Orvim Stream in the Golan Heights , countless small waterfalls and a few large ones. Enjoyโฆnv21089 (70)inย photographyย โขย 6 years agoA Hike In The Orvim Stream, Golan Heights ๐๏ธ Part 1The northern Golan streams do not flow all year, but in winter they have no competitors. In light of the spring weather, my girlfriend and I decided to take a walk along the course of theโฆ