BREAKING: US Congress Released its Economic Report and Praised Crypto.

in crypto •  7 years ago 

US Congress Releases Extraordinary Report Praising Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology.

Skeptical to say the least. I will continue to hold my private keys, push for more DEX (Decentralized exchanges) like IDEX and of course Spartan which is coming soon. I recommend everyone take the opportunity and prepare for coming regulation. I fear they are just stalling to educate themselves.

Randy You Should Trust Government!

Sorry that ship has sailed. I no longer trust anything governments say much less the USA. I will stick with my gut and choose to protect my family.

Tigo CTM is the Answer for My Family.


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2018 will certainly be a big year for crypto, this is the year that many huge projects are also beggining to show proof of concept and be used in the real world on a large scale and countries like Venezuela and Siberia are officially or planning to use cryptocurrency as much or even more often than paper cash.

Siberia is not a country, it's a Russian province.

"Policymakers and the public should become more familiar with digital currencies and other uses of blockchain technology, which have a wide range of applications in the future.
Regulators should continue to coordinate among each other to guarantee coherent policy frameworks, definitions, and jurisdiction.
Policymakers, regulators, and entrepreneurs should continue to work together to ensure developers can deploy these new blockchain technologies quickly and in a manner that protects Americans from fraud, theft, and abuse, while ensuring compliance with relevant regulations.
Government agencies at all levels should consider and examine new uses for this technology that could make the government more efficient in performing its functions."

Can't argue with that. I am glad to see that Congress isn't coming out with guns blazing ready to arrest anyone using blockchain or cryptocurrency. They acknowledge its benefits and encourage regulators to work WITH blockchain companies.

Blockchain companies is an oxymoron for 99% of blockchains because it's rendering centralized control structures such as companies obsolete, developers don't dawn the hat of CEO, and if someone claims to be CEO like steemit @ned does, then they likely have no control over the network. Saying that regulators work with blockchain companies is saying that copyright attorneys work with TPB.

"Blockchain companies is an oxymoron for 99% of blockchains because it's rendering centralized control structures such as companies obsolete"

By "blockchain companies" I meant companies that are largely based on blockchain tech. It's just a database, it doesn't imply any business structure.

"Saying that regulators work with blockchain companies is saying that copyright attorneys work with TPB."

If you think all blockchain companies are analogous to TPB then you are mistaken. It is a big space.

Wait, did I not give out the exception to the rule? 99%.

Blockchain companies does indeed imply a business structure. Saying Companies that use the tech will work with regulators might not roll as effortlessly off the tongue but it would save a lot of confusion, because ultimately who cares WHAT lame ass, wannabe criminal joins up with THE criminals in charge (no exceptions), their for profit ooze of greed will not mesh well with blockchain, they will simply stick to "DATABASE", and I think mentioning that some greedy assholery will join in together with other greedy assholery has zero room for discussion in the context of blockchain tech, which would not have appeared had we actually had some trust in the banks who are otherwise the kings of assholery.

"Blockchain companies does indeed imply a business structure"

Then you should tell IBM that they shouldn't have 200 blockchain projects going. While you are at it give a call to Walmart and tell them to stop using blockchain to track. You should also tell the big banks not to bother using it to increase auditing transparency, as they are planning to do.


I choose the same path like you do. Take responsibility for my own security, prosperity, and healthy. Good to you...

That's genuinely positive. I bet loads of start-ups lobbied them and pointed out that cryptocurrency was the next big thing.

Do you have any idea why are they cooking this now?

I think cryptocurrency has what it takes to stand the test of time. It's viability has been tried with economic and currency fluctuations and it's still standing. It's sure the future global currency.

Great way to exchange. Very useful post . Thanks @htooms

Can't hep but feel crypto is starting to win the political battle recently. I get the feeling governments are starting to realise the economic potential with having pro-cryto policies.

"Poilitical battle." LOL.

Pretty one-sided "battle," considering they probably only even heard of it when Bitcoin hit $20k.

haha fair call.

Your publication is very good my dear friend and interesting today what we are talking about is the crypto. greetings and happy night

Very good news sir that idex and course spartan coming soon. I am happy to hear

I recommend everyone take the opportunity and prepare for coming regulation. I fear they are just stalling to educate themselves.

So let me get this straight. The narrative since inception has been "Governments are terrified of cryptocurrencies!"

Government finally starts learning what it is, and says it's good.

Now cryptocurrencies should fear coming regulation?

Because cryptocurrencies can't grow unless they can keep being used for money laundering and pump & dump scams?

As opposed to stocks and derivatives? How can you regulate that which makes REGULATION redundant? Pump and dump scams happen everywhere btw.

How does crypto make regulation redundant? If anything it should make it easier, since all the transactions are tracked it's easier to see a pump & dump or money laundering has occurred isn't it?

But since it's not illegal to do that with crypto anyone can/will do it because there are no repercussions. That's why there's a group specifically advertising pump & dump strategies on Youtube.

I know a guy that can't wait to buy the Venezuela crypto just because he thinks it will be huge for money laundering. Not that he wants to launder money, he just thinks that will make it really valuable.

Because people will move to DECENTRALIZED in a blink of the eye, that's exactly HOW regulations make it redundant. You think people are going to give a fuck what you think is Legal (Private Law) when they know the law of FREE WILL (my rights end where your rights begin) and ascribe to principles higher than Legislature (PRIVATE, FOR-PROFIT Appearance Of Law). Redundancy is not in the sense that you can "see" or more clearly "believe" and "read too much into" these "schemes" (you cannot, stop lying to yourself and deluding the reality: YOU-DO-NOT-KNOW). Money Laundering is equally ridiculous: The biggest criminals are in charge of the money. Retarded to even argue anything else. Oops, it should be THE money.


I love how vast worldwide conspiracies only affect the things you don't like.

I also like how you didn't address anything I said. Decentralization doesn't fix the problems I mentioned, it makes them easier.

I also like how you didn't address anything I said.

How does crypto make regulation redundant?

Because people will move to DECENTRALIZED in a blink of the eye, that's exactly HOW regulations make it redundant.

Decentralization doesn't make anything easier if anything obfuscation and centralization makes all those problems easier.

How did you draw that conclusion about conspiracies? Or is it that hard to recognize crime in the highest of places? Fractional Reserve Banking? Do you have a problem understanding that the banking acts are all admissions of war against the people, utmost treason?

"Randy You Should Trust Government! Sorry that ship has sailed." LOL

Stalling yes. Glad we still hold the keys!

wow slowly and steadily good news are coming in for crypto another bull run soon :D

Are they trying to pull reverse psychology on the public. LOL Government liking complete transparency? Making us run from it.
Or is this their play for a cashless society to watch every cent we move and them having the only copies of the blockchain. ?
I imagine a future with almost zero government and the public through online voting will decide almost everything. People will follow the things they are most interested and educated in and where physical bodies are needed a voting system like our steemit witness system will elect or reject them on the fly. No more oops that was a bad vote let's wait 4-5 years and try again!
Instant Justice and everything else, no more committees eating up Millions of dollars deciding something we can all participate in and solve right away.

Those guys have no reason to even be there. They have never held a job, nor made a million trading (anything). They only know how to lie convincingly, and smile when there is no genuine reason to smile.

They are not qualified to make laws for me related to things they know nothing about. Educate themselves my ass!

great news this is for all the crypto enthusiasts

This is good news for the crypto world. Having US congress praising cryptocurrency is a move the rest of the world will follow.