A mouth full of gems (Comedy open mic #25)

in czfoto •  7 years ago 

I do not know if I found a stone in the woods or the stone found me. One thing is certain. We left the forest together. I wanted him to have clean teeth (crystals) so I immersed him for a few hours in a cool mountain stream. I hoped thousands of dirt would be released and the teeth (crystals) clean. It did not work even after using the toothbrush and so I got dirty stone at home.
"It's easy to say, clean your teeth. Have you ever tried it before? It can not be cleared for thousands of years in the clay", he buried the stone and continued cleaning.


Today I nominate @detlev and @matkodurko

Nevím, jestli jsem na toulkách lesem našel kámen já, nebo si ten kámen našel mne. Jedno je jisté. Z lesa jsme odešli spolu. Chtěl jsem, aby měl čisté zuby (krystaly) a tak jsem ho na několik hodin ponořil do chladivého horského potoka. Doufal jsem, že se tisíciletá špína uvolní a zuby (krystaly) budou čisté. Nepovedlo se ani po použití kartáčku na zuby a tak mám doma špinavý kámen.
„ To se snadno řekne, vyčisti si zuby. Už jsi to někdy zkoušel? Sta tisíce let v hlíně se jen tak vyčistit nedá.“ Zahuhlal kámen a pokračoval v čištění.

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Krystaly křemenné? :-)

Přesně tak ;-)

Tak to je pořádný kousek.

Je to jen úlomek zatečené křemenné žíly. V některém dalším postu dám ve známost kousek křemenné genody ;-)


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I'm pretty sure he was stoned haha get it?

If he knew the stone he would throw himself on me ;-)

And then you'd get stoned.

I'm partly over there. I love the stones ;-)

It's like we're on a whole different dimension in this comment thread.

It's like we're on a
Whole different dimension
In this comment thread.

                 - sharanaithal

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

@diebitch can I now join the elite circle of TWB?

I do not speak English, so I'm working on Google. It is almost certain that these translations are wrong ;-)

Haha yeah man, some translations are crazy. It's okay, at least we're able to communicate right.

;-). I will have to learn.