How to fight dehydrationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in dehydration •  5 years ago 

Simple solution:

Drink 3–6+ liters of water a day with the first two liters drunk in the first hour of waking. Gauge this based on weight, if you’re smaller, drink less.

Do not eat breakfast. Instead water fast and when you break fast early, have preferable a low carb, high protein shake with an omega 3 source. If you must eat have a meal be low carb high protein/fat. (Yes, breakfast literally means “break-fast”)

Do not eat carbs before sleeping. (Optional/Optimal)

My personal side note on this. When this happened to me, I made the mistake of thinking it was over active acid in my stomach causing the stomach pains. Maybe the worst thing you can do, because 9 times out of 10 it is dehydration pains. If you take anti-acids for the reason I stated, I suggest you uptake your water amount and try to ween off the anti-acids.

If you decide that you need them, and you’re wrong, it is dehydration. This will lead to what was maybe a normal acid level, being blunted to be below normal. Leading to food not being digested properly, nutrition not being broken down correctly. This can lead to health issues and weight gain. Obviously this is just my experience, ask your doctor if you really need the anti-acids.

Once you’ve learned the truth like I have, it’s easy to stay in good shape.

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