Adultsoftenfaceproblemssuch as determiningtheir place in life, financialinstability, personal problems, stress at work and manyothers. But, whathappensifthereisalways a childnearby and parentsfeeloverwhelmed by negativefeelings? How to maintainyouremotionalbalance?

Thechild'smindisveryfragile, butthere are certainsignsthatthechildishappy and emotionallybalanced:
- Thechild shows a feeling of satisfaction and self-esteem;
- have a desire to havefun;
- He laughsevery time and smilesfor no reason;
- able to cope withthe stress associatedwithanydifficulty, withthecertainty of overcomingthem;
- Easy to set goals and findways to achievethem;
- playsgameswithpleasure and asksparentsforpermission to invite friends to playtogether;
- adapts to change, demonstratesflexibility in theiractions and decisions, and shows respectforparents;
- try to do yourhomework as quickly as possible and spend as much time as possible in theyardwithfriends;
- He has manyfriendswithwhom he spends a lot of time;
- Trust in yourself and have a goodopinion of yourself and yourfamily.
Stressfulsituations can occur in thelife of a positive child. Forexample, if a childreceived a bad grade in school, themothermay be concerned: "Ifyoucontinuelikethis, youmaynotpassthe final exams", youmayalsoreact to a similar situationlikethis: "Studyingnowisyourjob .I'mdisappointed in you ".Thesesignsindicatethatthechildisemotionallybalanced. However, thisdoesnot mean thatyouwillwalkalldaywith a smileonyourface. He may be upsetforsomereason, but he has thecourage to discusshisfeelings and look forthe cause of thedisorder.

As a result, a situationarises in whichtheparentswishthatthisdoesnothappen to thechild in thefuture, and thechildhimselfstopstrustingtheparents and begins to feelanxious.
Adultshavetheright to makemistakes, butchildrenhavetheright to do so. Failuresunderminethechild'sconfidence in themselves, no matter in whatareatheyhappened. Therefore, thechildneedsyoursupport and motivation.
In this and manyother cases, theemotionalstate of thechilddepends to a largeextentonhissupport. To developyourpersonality and study in schoolnormally, youneed a positive response fromyou. Ifyouwantyourchild to maximizehispotential, lethimknowthatyoubelieve in him.

Anemotionallybalancedchild can find a solution to anyproblem. Yoursupportwillhelpyourchilddevelop a positive attitudetowardsanydifficulty in lifethatyouhave in thedevelopmentprocess.
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Expose the child to the positives in his/her environment. Be cautious and attentive to his/her mood swing and never let it fester prolongedly.
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