Ten Tips to Keep Running Healthy

in fatloss •  2 years ago 

Many of us are eager to get outside and run in the warm spring weather. Running injuries are quite common so it is important to prepare well.


1. Pay attention to your body

You can assess your training program, and overall health (physical, emotional, and sleep) if you are suffering from nagging pain. Charity suggests that you look for any training load spikes that may have contributed to your injury. Charity suggests that you take time to rest and then gradually return to your training.

2. There is no one size that fits all

There are no guidelines that will reduce the chance of running-related injuries. Complexity is part of the human body. One person's training may not work for another. You should adapt your training to your feelings and how your body reacts to the changes.

3. Food is fuel

A nutritious diet will fuel your body to run. Charity suggests that you should have lots of colorful vegetables on your plate. A nutrient-rich diet should contain both protein and carbohydrates. Protein is the building block of muscles and carbohydrates are a fuel source. She suggests that you adjust your diet to accommodate more challenging workouts. You need to ensure you have enough calories to fuel you. Charity warns that you don't want an energy deficit.

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

For optimal performance, hydration is essential. Drink water before, during, and after your run, depending on how long it is. Charity suggests that you practice the hydration strategy you will use during race day.

Original source link-- https://bestworldsblog.blogspot.com/2022/07/ten-tips-to-keep-running-healthy.html

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