First week of training with Coach Setlack

in fitness •  6 years ago 

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my pal Erin runs with enthusiasm!

Last week was my first week of workouts provided by Ms. Setlack. It went very well.

My plan so far is to do every run easy (below my MAF number) except when otherwise directed by the coach.

Monday's order was 50 - 60 min

I did 8.25km of trails in 55:03, which averages 6:40/km.

Felt awesome as always.

Tuesday's order was 70 minutes.

Did 70 minutes, interrupted by an unexpected meeting with Mr. L., who would like to get into running. 10.2km in 1:10:42 which averages 6:56/km.

Felt excited to share info about running with Mr. L, which is reflected in my pace following our meeting/chat (went up to 5:11/km lol)

Wednesdays order was for intervals of 1 min @ 5k pace, with 1 min recovery.

Did the intervals, but doubt I could have maintained that pace for 5k. I kind of forgot what pace to aim for along the way. It was nice to see my speed peak a bit faster than 4:00/km, if only briefly. 9.91km in 1:00:02 averaging 6:04/km.

Thursday called for 60 - 80 minutes very easy, recovery pace due to previous speed workout.

I ran with my friend Erin, who is a delight to run with. I took a couple breaks to photograph her, but still did a very good job recovering. Pleasant run, if a bit slow. 8.71km in 1:27:06, averaging 10:00/km. This was a tough trail to run, so the speed may look easier than it was. Lots of shiggy, stairs and melt in the way.

Friday's orders were off or easy 45. I took the day off running.

Saturday's order was for 60 minutes.

Ran with my sweetheart downtown to meet the learn to run group. We joined them for several kilometers of delicious recovery. By end of day, I ran 10.25km in 1:18:26, with a 7:39 /km.

Sunday's order was for 90 - 100 minutes.

I ate like an idiot at lunch, then had a wine cooler before going on this run. Probably why it kind of sucked. I didn't get all the time I wanted in, and felt like I had done a lot more than I had. Mental note - alcohol AFTER training :)

So I sent along my summary of the week to Coach Setlack. She had a few follow-up questions, and gave me this weeks orders. I am getting more confident in my choice to accept her coaching offer with every exchange we have. She is interested, knowledgeable and I really get the feeling she wants me to improve.

This is kind of a big step for me. For the last three years, I have been mainly uncoached, simply 'building a base' and trying to remain uninjured. Having not just a coach, but a national champion who excels at the distance I am working on, PLUS has experience with northern training challenges, PLUS is, like me, a masters runner, PLUS is willing to help me for free, has been such a good find, I really hope to share what she has given me.

With that in mind, a neighbour has just asked me how to learn to run. I am going to land on her with BOTH FEET lol. I have already directed her to a decent beginner plan, and will meet with her to help her sort out gear, and some other items. With any luck, she will also stand for some photos :)

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Hi there ! Did you know you can get rewarded for sharing your sports activities posts just by using #steemactivities tag ? Join our community !

I heard, but I deeply and unreasonably hate most advertising.

For example, your comment here is promoting your project, rather than having anything to do with this post.

You're right, I apologize.

Thanks @steemactivities

I have been thinking about 'ethical advertising' and am having a really tough time figuring out useful guidelines.

One which I have not found an easy way to express, is that I would never want an ad being seen by someone who didn't seek it out. That's probably unworkable and ridiculous...

Your goal seems beautiful and noble, I hope you find great ways to advertise it.

Weird, right?

May I ask your thoughts about it?

It's weird indeed. But be sure I feel guilty acting like this. I don't like spam either, but it's not easy to get known on Steemit...

Well, hope you'll join us someday ! And keep exercising !

I probably will, I just have to figure out a way to settle this in my mind.

One approach which I might try, is to place an unobtrusive link in my posts, which aims at a 'current ads' page of mine, where people can review my causes, business connections and promotions when they wish...It has a few complications.

I steered HARD away from some other good causes because, however good they are, comment spam still looks like shit. I wish I had a better idea how to smooth this wrinkle...

As to feeling guilty - I hope you don't feel bad on my account. I know I am the weird one, and you have been decent and responsive.