If you were once able to exercise with ease and regularity, but can’t seem to get back into your fitness routine, don’t despair! With the right motivation and persistence, you can be out the door before you know it. Try these five suggestions to get yourself back on track and running in no time!
1: Keep a Workout Journal
Keeping a workout journal is an excellent way to stay accountable and on track. You can always refer to the journal when you need a pick-me-up, or get inspired by what your past self was able to accomplish. Here are some ways you can use your journal as a fitness coach.
Log important workouts. Include warm-ups, cardio, strength training and/or flexibility exercises, and cool-downs
Record how much time you’ve been spending at the gym in the last two weeks.
2: Workout with Friends
Working out on your own can be lonely and it's easy to feel unmotivated. On the other hand, working out with a friend is a social and fun way to keep in shape. Plus, there's always someone there to motivate you if you find yourself struggling in any way. Take inspiration from them and push yourself harder than you would alone. It'll also give you an incentive to work harder as well because, who wants to let their friends down?
3: Get Creative
Start slow. If you’ve let your exercise routine slip for the past few months, don’t jump back into it with a new intense cardio regimen. Start by getting your body back in shape by walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes five days a week, three of those weeks.
Jumpstart your routine. It can be difficult to maintain a daily workout routine because sometimes we need that extra something to get us out of bed and go for our morning jog.
4: Set Goals
-Make your goals measurable so you can quantify your success. -Keep your goals positive by using affirmative statements and avoid making negative goals that focus on what you don't want. -Break the goal down into achievable smaller steps, each with a date for completion. Then, cross off the completed steps as you accomplish them. If a step is particularly challenging, break it down into sub-steps or create rewards for when you've finished those sub-steps to keep yourself motivated. -Create a list of people who will support you in accomplishing your goal and find strategies for how they can help as needed. For example, telling someone about your progress could be a way for them to cheer you on in achieving the goal even if they're not physically present with you.
5: Don’t give up after failure
If you have setbacks, remember that it’s important not to give up. After all, if at first, you don’t succeed, try and try again. And if your failures do stop you from exercising entirely? Give it some time. There’s no need to start over with a new routine; just reincorporate some of the old into the new! Here are two ways to help get back on track and break out of any fitness rut:
Start by doing what you enjoy. Exercise is more effective when it comes naturally rather than being forced or coerced by external pressures or constraints.
Choose what's right for you. Some people find that they're most motivated when they create their workouts while others prefer working out in groups or partnering up with friends or family members for motivation. Whatever works best for you is perfect!