Bean necklace I made / 豆のネックレスを作っていました(また作りたい!)

in food •  7 years ago  (edited)


I wrote I was making Shippo (animal tail in Japanese language) other day. I found another crazy hibernating project "Bean Necklace." I was designing necklaces with beans. Back then I started being interested in vegan cooking and into farming since I got to know a nice farmer stand and a vegan restaurant Padma (here is a post I wrote about Padma before) in my Kyoto neighborhood. I was fascinate by taste and beauty of beans. Then I started to design a necklace with beans.

先日シッポを作っていたことについて書いて(シッポというインターフェイス)、冬眠プロジェクトいくつあるんだ w と突っ込まれてしまいそうですが、またひとつ見つけました。5年ほど前の京都時代、近所のロックな八百屋さんとビーガンレストラン・パドマ (以前パドマを紹介した投稿はこちら)と出会ったことから菜食主義や農業に興味を持ち始めて、豆っておもしろいなおいしいなとネックレスを作ろうとしていました。


(The surrounding metallic part is part is done by spool-knitting and beans are stuffed inside. 周りの針金はリリヤンで編んで豆を詰めました。)

Many people prefer to have meat and fish than beans on their plates. But first of all beans are tasty. Beans are good source of protein. They are beautiful with unique outlooks. Beans have much more varieties with a lot of local spices and some of the are disappearing ... Last but not least, they are affordable ;)


So I want to trigger people's attention to beans by making beautiful necklaces with beans. I wanted to make various necklaces and exhibit them somewhere. Unfortunately I was busy preparing to start our gardening company and I've totally forgotten about bean necklaces.


It may be a sign that I shall restart the project :) I'll make some more samples in my spare time.


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豆なのです :) とら豆という豆だったと思います。

休眠プロジェクトであっても、アイデアが沢山あるのって素敵だな~ と思います。時間ができた時にまた始動させればいいですもんね!

普段食べる豆だと限られてしまうのですが、実は石のようにあれこれあるんですよね。そしておいしい(家計にもやさしいし)!ぼちぼち休眠プロジェクトを起こしていけたらと思います。写真1枚目私です ;)



This is beautiful @akipponn... I've also been struck by the bright colours of beans. As a child I used to wonder why they go so dull after cooking... I have a question for you...
** How long will they last that colour ? 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @cryptocariad! It's an inspiring comment. Ya I agree with you that it's pity they loose the vivid color after cooking (except for the black ones ;) ) When we keep it dry they keep the color quite long like one year or so but I think bugs come to eat them or they may sprout when they are kept with moisture. Ah but it can be interesting to make the necklace beans sprout!