What is Dragon Fruit?

in food •  6 years ago 

Hello my Steemian friends! Today I want to share a few facts about a very interesting fruit I found in the farmers' market. DRAGON FRUIT. I live in USA, New Jersey, and for us this fruit is considered exotic, as it is primarily grown in Asia. It is also found in Mexico, Central and South America.



Its flesh is sweet, somewhere between pear and kiwi. It has black seeds that are edible too.



Here is how it looked in the farmers' market. The selling price was $6.99 per one piece, quite pricey!



Palm sized, as you can see it in my hand.


I gathered some information about this fruit, regarding health benefits.

  • It is rich in Vitamin C and A - that means it is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Good for immune system, arthritis and skin also.
  • It is rich in Calcium and Magnesium - good for bones and muscles.
  • It is rich in fiber - good for digestion and diabetes.
  • Low calories and low glycemic index - good for diet/weight loss
  • seeds have Omega 3 and Omega 6 - good for lowering colesterol

Amazing fruit, isn't it? Mother Nature provides us with ALL that we need to stay healthy!


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Maybe we should go into the dragon fruit business :-)

That's right lol

Dragon Fruit looks awesome. However, I have to warn people this fruit doesn't have much flavor. It is low in sugar which means it is very low in sweet flavor. I would mix this in with a smoothie or some other recipe. I treat it like kale. High in nutrition but only tastes good when mixed with other things.

I ate only one fruit, the exact one you see it in the photo. It was sweet, and tasted like a pear to me, with a citrus kind of add on. Maybe a little kiwi taste. But probably not all dragon fruits are sweet and I am sure they are awesome in smoothies.

It looks good but based on @hexzerg comment that it does not have much flavor and the price in the picture for one. I think I will not have any.

It is very expensive in my opinion too.

Living in Cambodia I eat dragon fruit everyday. There is also a red variety that is even sweeter than the white fleshed. Yummo!!

  ·  6 years ago 

Dragon Fruit is Dragon baby Favorite Fruit, my family has a kind, but it haven’t been born recently.

Such cool shots and I always find dragonfruit looks so interesting

I?ve never seen before this kind of fruit

Nice Info

Exotic looking, we seldom get them in our stores I tried them many years ago, but as you mentioned very expensive being imported @starjewel

No strong flavour that I remember, healthy and nutritious perhaps fruit salad or smoothie would be the best way to eat them.

That is some good looking fruit

tons of health benefits , one of my favourite fruit @starjewel ;)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment