One of your inhabitants deserves your gratitude for attempting to aid the Empire.

in funny •  8 years ago 

Greetings loyal followers.

My executive assistant Vera, who knows her onions, has informed me that one of your inhabitants has sent a transmission that is vital to the Empire.

It concerns this technological terror.

The transmission in question was sent by @inber who is incredibly loyal to the Empire in general and me specifically. @inber has produced some technical drawings that should be very valuable to the Empire (but they probably won't be because the Empire is run by an incompetent, prune faced, smelly, sack of crap).

It was brilliant how she used her tool to point directly at the area of concern. But will my boss notice it? Of course not. That moron will look at it and say "It looks fully operational to me". Too bad his freaking brain isn't "fully operational".

In her illustration, @inber has revealed a flaw I have been trying to get my idiot boss to acknowledge for months. Because he is a complete tool, The Emperor continues to ignore my repots about a defect in his beloved Death Star.

He claims that in its current condition the technological terror is "fully operational". Take a look at @inber's drawing. Does that thing look "fully operational"?


It has a giant freaking hole in it! Do you know where the hole leads? To a freaking giant shaft. For some reason, the shaft is large enough to accommodate several small fighters or even a Corellian YT-1300f light freighter.

Screen Shot 2017-07-11 at 3.43.17 PM.png
Emperor Palpatine, let me see if I can explain this. If they shoot this thingy right here, the entire station goes boom. This giant hole over here leads directly to the "no-no" spot. You are in the station. If it goes boom, you will die. Do you understand (you freaking idiot)?

Let's see... what happened last time a small fighter got close to that space station?

Oh yeah! It blew the whole mother loving moon sized thing up!

So maybe, just maybe, this time my boss should try and prevent that. But will he? Noooooooo. Of course not. Because he's a freaking idiot!

While we are on the subject, why would anyone design a ridiculously huge and expensive weapon with a large shaft running directly to the one component that can be detonated by small arms fire leading to a chain reaction that would destroy the entire station and everyone on board?

Oh I know. Because the engineers were hired by an unqualified, disgusting, simpleton who refuses to take advice from the smartest and most amazing being in the universe.

So @inber, although I truly appreciate your hard work and dedication to the Empire, sadly, your warning will not be heeded. Because my boss will never admit being wrong, everyone on that station is destined to die.... again!

I showed this to my boss to see if it would refresh his memory. Nope. He still doesn't recall the humongous loss of resources and manpower. What a jack ass!

Now in the unlikely event that my boss does do the smart thing and listens to me (not likely considering he is a complete ignoramus) we still have one other problem. If he follows my advice and closes up that giant gaping hole in the side, he still refuses to take care of another pressing concern.

@inber I need you to design something to cover this up:

Only an idiot would order a weapon that costs trillions of credits and not cover up every orifice that could be exploited.

At this point I'll take anything. Perhaps a man hole cover, some tape or wrapping paper. If you are feeling really creative, maybe you can knit it a little hat out of yarn. Anything is better than just leaving a womp rat sized opening that leads directly to the main reactor.

Thinking about how absolutely stupid my imbecilic boss is has given me a headache. I need to get to a bacta tank right away. Then I will go down to the forest moon and eat some of those delicious Ewoks. If I'm going to die because of my boss's incompetence, I might as well do it with a belly full of my favorite meal.

Nasty Star
There is a giant freaking hole!

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I love my ewoks deep fried...They get a nice little crisp then lol.

Do you have a recipe you care to share?

If this:

"that should be very valuable to the Empire (but they probably won't be..."

is some sort of next-level satire on the state of the rewards pool distribution, and the underappreciated original post (which I came across and saw you asking in the comments, perhaps far too kindly for a Dark Lord, for limited copyright permission )...then touche Good Sith, touche.

If it's not, I expect you to take credit for it anyway and squelch any skepticism, invisibly.

@inber has been very loyal to the Empire. She is one of the few of your people who has earned that level of respect. Normally I would simply take whatever I want, but every so often someone earns that courtesy. And due to her loyalty, I knew she would agree.

Shove it full of sarlaac monsters. That'll keep the buggers out....

Yes but they would die in the emptiness of space.

The holes in the Death Star have always reminded me of the promises and governance by those in Selected office in many regards.

Indeed. And who named Palpatine the Emperor anyway?

Someone corrupt in the Galactic Political Sphere, I am also blaming them for the recent Crypto bloodbath and fettering in the markets.

I have addressed NONE of the politics but all of the numbers just now as this is hot off the press and my headaches are back as usual, do you get headaches dealing with all the imbeciles daily that you do m'Lord???

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Only an idiot would order a weapon that costs trillions of credits and not cover up every orifice that could be exploited.

I had a pleasure to tort… to speak to the Imperial Architect who designed the Death Star. He made me a sincere confession that it was “either orifice, or a Death in the Star from the Great Stink Force”. And it makes sense. You can't use shit as a fertilizer on a metal planetoid.

Perhaps some DarkTape will help!

That definitely seems like it will do the trick

Now if I could only get the Emperor to use this.

At least he did not put a bulls eye on it!

You don't think so? What do you think was on that circular shaped thing before I changed his original plans?

Gum! and lots of it!

Thanks +lordvader ;)

No No Spot! Nobody..I mean nobody puts a no no spot right there for the Force to penetrate. Hilarious!

Yes. the Emperor's blunders are hilarious... unless you ar the one who has to clean up his messes.

Vogons! I hate those jerks! Always destroying useful planets full of resource the Empire could exploit!

I'm gonna get you dear Darth.

I have heard you are in the process of healing. I too had to go through a long process like that. You will emerge stronger! I assure you.

Great job. I love the first image. Funny as hell. Pink Death Star scratched. LOL

Guess who wanted it pink? The freaking Emperor!

LOL...Thats funny

Thanks for the up vote

Yikes, I don't like bosses or having to work for them. So I kind of just do my own thing and go hungry. People used to laugh at me when I would say "I want to be a comedian", well nobody's laughing now.

Is this thing on?

Humans are strange throughout the Galaxy....*....

Muxxybot's visual receptors appreciate the similarity to the doomed weapon system....*....

Appreciation chip sending....*....
@inber ....*....full packet received

@inber is quite talented. Her talents are being waste don the planet.

Loved this post! Was laughing through out!

Yes the Emperor's idiocy is rather amusing.

Nobody here seems to think of the thousands of hardworking empire employees killed by the rebel scum when they blow up a death star

I know the Emperor didn't. The plumbers alone were enough to inhabit a small city.

It seems you have a point. There is at least no need for an exhaust port in that model.

If your boss let you eat those Ewoks maybe they wouldn't have stopped the stormtroopers from protecting the Death Star's shield generator. Although if it was pink it wouldn't need one :)

I know. That idiot messes up everything! If he would just stay out of my way the s"war" would have been over a long time ago.

no kidding

Haha very funny. I had a good laugh. You should really be the boss.

You are correct. I should be.

I love you @lord-vader

So does everyone who meets me.

Poor Vader, just wanted to bring order to the galaxy but noooo the rebels had to go and blow up 2 death stars

Those scumbags!

What a beautiful piece of artwork @inber
Too bad it is not in pink haha :)
Is your boss J J Abrahms @lordvader?
Seems like he would prefer to have a cool explosion scene than a fully working indestructible death star

Does JJ Abrams' entire skin look like it has been covered by a bandaid for 3 days too long? If not, he is not my boss.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Hello sir, would you be so kind to tell me which way is the dark side. I'm lost.

Excellent question. Wait there. When I arrive I will show you.

The Empire just likes to live dangerously :P :D

The Emperor likes to live idiotically.

Tell me one sith who didn't screw up in the end, though? :D It is like a common trait. A lot of backstabbing in your circles :D

Me. I'm the best. I will never screw up.

Actually, when I think about it, jedi are doing worse, all the child killing by your family kind of has made them extinct :D, so even an idiot Emperor should be able to win that war...

But will my boss notice it? Of course not. That moron will look at it and say "It looks fully operational to me".

LOL. Love your blog. Funny post as always.

Followed :)

Yes. The Emperor's stupidity is hilarious... if you don't work for him.

Is your boss' pseudonym (by any remote chance) "Janet Felon"? 'Cause THAT orifice looks suspiciously like a Derivative Black Hole! I'm NOT sayin' it's a conspiracy theory mind you... but, but... KA-BOOM!

No. My boss's pseudonym is "putrid sack of crap".

My lord, we have discovered snother problem down here!

However regarding covering the hole, may I suggest space-tape? It's like duct tape, from space!

Its not like those bucket heads were going to hit anything anyway.

That's true, my lord. Probably nothing to bother yourself with.
We also recieved a very odd message from one of those "troopers" up in the cell block, but I'm sure it was nothing major, they said everything was fine.

"Fine" has a very loose meaning for those idiots.

dark force weakens

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Fun and funny post you have a great sense of humor and creativity too

Nice posting

Haha thanks for the laugh!

that was quite humorous loved the artwork though.