Today was the Day I Predicted a Tsunami

in funny •  8 years ago  (edited)

For reasons unknown to me at this time,

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself,

Will make a prediction.

Your Impending Doom.jpeg
Your Impending Doom

First off, some fine print.

I am not a certified psychic.

Now that that is out of the way, I shall begin.

In the future, there will be a tsunami. Do not be alarmed, unless you reside near a coastal area. If that's the case, pack up your shit now and run for the hills. Try not to trample anyone who gets in your way.

It will most likely hit within the next few days, weeks, months or years. At this point, there is no excuse to remain unprepared for the big event.

If you have enough money to be able to afford a mansion beside the ocean, you should start investing in a brain too. There are plenty of people out there who do not use theirs, so finding a donor should not be a problem.

The easiest way to locate a new brain is to drive around at night until you see someone with a glowing face. This glow is not magic. They are not fairies on their way to the unicorn festival. They are morons who text while driving and think nobody will know.

Follow them around until they crash into something and kill themselves. Follow the ambulance so you know which hospital the future cadaver will call home. Go around back, look for the blue and white van. Knock three times fast, pause, knock again once, pause, then four times fast. A man will then open the window a little bit. The password is UM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM. If you say it like the cookie monster, you will get the free installation deal.

After Surgery

Once everything is said and done, you will feel like a new person. For some, it can be a refreshing experience, like they have a new lease on life.

Others might attempt to go live with the brain's former family, get kicked out of the yard or bit by the dog because they don't look like mom or dad anymore, and the police will be called.

If this occurs, do not allow yourself to text and drive while you flee the scene or you will end up inside somebody else a few days later.

If you do manage to get through the first few weeks without any problems, you will then be ready to return home. Once you get there and see how close the ocean is, you will realize how much of a moron you used to be, pack your shit, and head for the hills.

You Could Also Skip These Steps and Buy Insurance

As an uncertified psychic, I suggest you go with the brain though. When I look into your future, I see how it will be incredibly difficult to prove your losses to the claims adjuster.

Hi, I can't find my mansion and everything inside.

I'm sure they get that line every single day, multiple times, and are sick of hearing it. I know I would be.

On the day of the big event, everyone will suddenly own a mansion on the coast and their phones will not stop ringing. If you manage to get through, you will be put on hold and be forced to listen to someone play the sad violin song for a few hours. This will eventually drive you mad and you will wish you had never called.

I Wish You the Best of Luck

Because of me, everyone else will die except you. You will feel privileged enough to experience what it actually feels like to be the last human on earth for a few days. Isn't that exciting? I know everyone has dreamed about that luxury many times, so consider yourself lucky.


You're welcome.
(Just doing my job.)

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Corny enough for you?"
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
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Luckily I don't have money for the mansion at the sea, thus I am already staying inland, at about 1500m above sea-level. With the sea level increasing at a cm per year, I will be quite old by the time I need to go for a new brain, and by that time the old one will be toast for quite a while also. Perhaps I will have to relocate to the moon or another galaxy as space above water would be scarce by then!!

Sounds to me like you've already visited a psychic and have all of your ducks in a row, but I'm sure those ducks would like to go for a swim some day.

As for moving to the moon. I can see how that would work. You'd be able to see just how much space there is above the water as well.

I must admit here and there, there is a duck misbehaving and not sticking to the row, but that makes things interesting

Aw crap! I live in Florida on the Gulf Side and I cannot afford insurance! Thank you old people. If I get a new brain can I be Abby Normal? I think it might be fun to be stupid for a day or two...and then let the tsunami take me.

I knew this was going to come back to bite me in the ass sooner or later. I'm psychic, remember? You won't need insurance if you know who guy who builds houseboats. Just lift the anchor when you see the wave coming.

If you do go for the transplant but would like to use a specific brain, you will have to provide it yourself. How you go about getting it is your call. Do not use blunt objects to the skull! This causes extensive damage and we have enough people who drool in this world.

Wow, psychic power. Thank you so much for your survival tips.

I knew you'd come to say thanks. You're welcome.

Awesome, I have followed you. Keep us updated about our future.

In your very near future, I see you being happy about a vote you received. I'm not really sure what that means, but you might be able to figure it out.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

You made my day. Thank you so much!

You're welcome. Thanks for the follow, now that you've actually followed.

Yes, i'm. Have a good one. Thanks for the support <3

Well I live in London so if there was a Tsunami anywhere in the the UK the whole island would be flooded.
Thanks for you for the survival tips!
I didn't know you were a psychic haha

I'm in the middle of Canada, safe and sound, until we get a freak storm(something that is more like a regular occurrence now) and everything floods.

...and I think everyone deserves survival tips from an uncertified psychic. You're welcome!

You have a very wild imagination! Enjoyable to read though.

Yeah, the imagination likes to run wild. Without too many distractions, I'm able to simply write the first thing that comes to mind. Similar to improv comedy, so it doesn't come across feeling overly refined. I don't know what the hell I was thinking, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm just having fun today.

Love it. love it. Love it. Sounds like improv rap. Great stuff. It's like a new art form. Throwing up on the page.

Awesome! You get it too. I was producing the art, was about to abandon the piece so I started plastering blue everywhere during a rage quit. The blue reminded me of a wave, so I made it look more like a wave, but not too much. Then I came here and start rambling about a tsunami, but then it turned into something completely different so I kept playing off of each line ...and that's what we get. A new artform is born, yet I've been doing this for months!

Keep going with it. I know you are onto something.

Thank you so much for choosing me to be the last human on earth! Wow am i lucky

No need to thank me. Like I said, just doing my job. Gotta pay the bills, ya know. Saving up for a vacation. Probably go after the big wave though. Check out some new beaches. Might take the metal detector along and look for Lamborghinis.

Love. Love. Love. I am impressed- truly. It is evident you have a great writing talent.

I should have been doing this years ago, but couldn't find a proper venue. We can do whatever we want here. No publishers in the way, no experts recommending I follow a certain set of rules. I can do my own thing and interestingly enough, people seem to like it! Thank you!

Hmm safe from the tsunami here in the mountains. But I wonder what you're next psychic blast will be!

I can't seem to control my amazing abilities. The mountains are fine but something tells me they will soon erode and turn into hills. I told people to run for the hills. You may want to build a wall.

a Tsunami can come in many forms. Literally or figuratively. It could be a natural storm or a financial devastation. It could be a divorce or health travesty. HOW WILL YOU HANDLE IT? I believe it comes to all of us at one point or another. it grabs us and takes us off guard. Troubleshooting is good. But one is never completely ready. Thanks for the great read.

This was just a simple comedy bit about a fraudulent psychic predicting the inevitable. There won't be a tsunami. Or wait, yes there will. Shit, I'm turning into that character now....

No way... With great power comes great responsibility..))
Enjoyed reading it! :))

Very funny and nice too :)) thank you for sharing! New on steem plz support thanks