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If she looks anything like her friend, she probably did yourself a favor. You need to stop looking for women at the nursing home Traf and head out on the town for a change

every hole's a goal dude
some of us can't afford to be too picky

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Lol, my wife does it all the time, but soon I'll put her to bed to get my wife's best girlfriend, haha

like a really posh porn movie

After my friend drank my drink, she did not stand on her feet. I had to pay her a taxi

just get me
i'll be your uber driver for her ;)

Seriously we all get such cheerleader friends while drinking!
"We all drinks, but he cheer lead and get his fun"

Traffy, when she look at your face and tiny little eyes, I thought she misunderstood you as a cheerleader like I told you before lol :D


it's just a trick
he poured it down his shirt
no one can drink that fast

Haha thanks god it's Friday, you still get one more shot at it tonight :D
Or you could just slam a dozen drinks down, a good night to be had for all.


gotta pay for another drink and another roofie
not worth it

I when drunk, I jump on muzhiks, here the girlfriend and drinks for two at once

hmm, probably just urine tests

LoL traf, if this happens again several times, then I will lose all the money and the opportunity to relax today :D

pocketsend:11@traf, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!

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Cheers enough this party started
Thanks for sharing your amazing funny

Must conduct a study on women and alcoholism. Also, it looks like she could take three.
