Garden harvest this evening

in gardenharvest •  8 years ago 

I got some more veggies out of the garden this evening. We needed some potatoes so I pulled one plant and got what you see off of just the one plant. I also harvested some of my bush beans, so it looks like I need to harvest the rest.

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It's one of the best feelings on earth to grow your own good pick it cook it and eat it ahhhhh that's life

Hey thanks for the re-steem Ceci!

i love that live!!:o

I agree. It's great to see hard work pay off.

Good stuff from the earth can't wait till my garden gives fruit cool page you have I'm going to follow have a good night🌠

Dam own garden would be something, thats cool. Autonomy is nice.

I feel like in the future there may come a time where food is one of the most valuable and barter-able items.

Nice harvest.
I pulled out my first container grown potato this afternoon.


Mostly been getting lettuce and raspberries. But, after my Gardens Update for June 18, 2017 it looks like I might have some other things to pick soon.

That's good for a container potato.

Close to the size of the ones I bought from the grocery store to make that one.

Nice harvest. My garden is just starting to ramp it up. Lettuce, beans, cauliflowers, herbs, peas... Tomatoes and potatoes next up.

That's a good harvest for the day. That will make a great meal or two! Enjoy all that good eating! :D

Farm to table- my personal fave :)
Cheers to many more harvests from your garden!

Thanks! It looks, feels and tastes so much better fresh right out of the back yard.

Good job. You're set for dinner tonight.

Yep, we ate those potatoes, the green beans went in the crock pot for tomorrow. We had some cucumber salad and that was excellent.

Amazing! That's worth it's weight in gold. I did a cool experiment, laying some slices of a homegrown tomato on top of some potting soil. They dried out but when it rained, it sprouted tons more heirloom tomatoes without any work. Kinda neat! So many heirloom seed varieties are being lost. It's up to us to keep them alive and revive the lost art of seed saving!

I have not done any seed saving yet but I have a book that details how to do it. I agree, that's something we should be doing.

That is awesome so inspirational for me to start my Urban Garden have you ever consider growing potatoes in a barrel?

You certainly could. I'm doing the mittleider method, so I've got mine in raised beds.

Very beautiful what quality!!:))


just the truth!!:))