Dating with a Ghost #1: Drawing A Mask for Halloween 万圣节有妖约(一):画面具 | Hallosteem costume contest

in hallosteem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Halloween is for sure the most funny day of the year. People all over the world will prepare the cool dressing up costumes, horrible makeup, and create the decorations at home or work places. When I was a little girl, I never heard any kinds of Halloween activities. But after I grow up, people here are more keen on western culture than our traditional ones. Now Halloween is one of my favorite days to have fun. Here in Suzhou, China, we don’t play trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. But we could go to haunted houses in the amusement park to have fun with the dressed-up ghosts, and all the commercial centers are offering great discounts to attract customers.


I am going to write about how to create a mask for Halloween in this post. I finished drawing a mask with my son this afternoon. This colorful mask is not what I planned to draw. I want to draw something horrible. But this mask turns out to be some kind of funny. But it could also be worn on Halloween, or at some other party-like event. It is combined with great creativity with my 4-year-old son. It is inspirational!


Here’s a picture when he is drawing the mask. How do you think about it?


Halloween is a good chance to draw horrible masks. We could draw everything we prefer like bats, ghosts, pumpkins, monsters, and vampires. If you want to create some Halloween drawings of your own, please remember to share with me.


I have added the Steemit Id to verify the mask is made by me. This post is made to enter the Hallosteem Costume Contest. I am not sure whether the mask could be included in the costume category. But mask is so necessary to have fun without makeup for Halloween. Hope @krischy would like this try, and thanks for holding this contest. Here's the entry: (100+ SBD)🎃 Hallosteem Costume Contest 2017 #1 【Steemit社區萬聖節Hallosteem 服裝大賽 】.


My son asked my advice to which color to choose when painting the nose area. But before I tell him the color I prefer, he made up his mind to draw the nose area in pink. He just asked for my praise. Yes, it looks good in pink.


A photo of my son wearing this mask. I helped him to wrap the sleeves when drawing. That is why the cloth looks untidy in the picture.


This pumpkin with a hat looks funny. I planned to draw a pumpkin mask like this. But it turns out to be a funny one.

今天下午陪娃画万圣节的面具参加 @krischy 举办的万圣节服装大赛,刚刚写帖子的时候,仔细翻了一下活动贴的要求,发现不太确定面具属不属于比赛的服装范畴了,不管结果如何,希望你们喜欢啦~

Ps: 原本是想画一幅超可怕的面具,我儿子画着画着突然很有喜感,我告诉他可以画成圆圆的南瓜,眼神有杀气的南瓜,他居然给他的三颗獠牙涂成了三种彩色,还给面具的眉心,点了一颗朱砂痣,还好他记得把头顶的那块南瓜藤,需要描成绿色,不然我这煞费苦心的指导都白瞎了,小孩子的思维棒呆。

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  ·  7 years ago 

恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日榜单 【优秀被错过的文章】, 请再接再厉!

Congratulations! This post has been selected by @justyy as today's 【Good Posts You May Miss】, Steem On!



你兒子畫得真不錯~~ :D

o(^▽^)o 谢谢 我跟着帮忙了不少的

難怪啊~ 有天份好的媽媽幫忙!! :D

社區有這樣的活動小朋友一定很開心啊 meow04.gif

确实很开心 不过不是社区的活动 是幸福蓝海的活动呀 (●'◡'●)


一家电影院 周末去看全球风暴的 然后刚刚影城搞面具大赛的活动 嘻嘻(♡˙︶˙♡)


嘻嘻 确实 我觉得还有一丢丢的像面包超人

我拒绝参加这个活动!xixixixixiixi :)

哈哈 你不觉得恐怖电影里面 那些带滑稽面具的都是超可怕的么

Its really funny and crary to see people on Halloween day

Do have fun in Halloween day.

  ·  7 years ago 


(●'◡'●) 谢谢 配色太多的原因






(●'◡'●) 我家是相当的皮啊

  ·  7 years ago 


小孩子的创意 (●'◡'●) 谢谢