The human body is an amazing machine and it has evolved to be able to handle many different kinds of stress. Whether the triggers are mental or physical, each person will react very differently to each situation. When a person is constantly exposed to stress without relief or relaxation - serious problems can begin to develop. In the United States nearly 43% of all adults suffer negative health effects due to this issue. Headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety can all be attributed to this ailment. Stress has been declared by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a hazard of the workplace and it costs companies more than $300 billion annually to remedy and address.
People often try to deal with stress by using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to try to relieve themselves. These substances may actually exacerbate the issue as the body is generally forced into a more tense state. Lo and behold, simple habits and regiments such as daily exercise can one of the most effective ways to naturally reduce stress.
On the physical level, when a person exercises the body produces an increased amount of endorphins. Endorphins are the chemical that interact with the regions of the brain responsible for blocking pain and controlling emotion. This chemical is often referred to as the happy hormones. Any form of physical activity will lead to the release of these feel good neurotransmitters. An increase in endorphins typically leaves a person with the feeling of euphoria and happiness.
On the mental level, psychologists often advocate regular exercise because it helps people get their minds off of their problems and clear their heads. It becomes very easy to shed away the day's irritations when people focus on their feel good exercises and activates. The resulting effect is higher energy levels and a renewed sense of optimism that can the person feel calmer and more relaxed. The feeling of being lost and completely absorbed in an activity can do wonders to rejuvenate mental fatigue.
If you are feeling stressed out, try one of these exercises or workouts and watch all of the negativity in your life melt away.
Walking or Running
Running allows for a person to be alone with their thoughts for a certain time frame. Whether you like to crank up the music or quietly soak in the environment around you, this time can be used to clear your thoughts and search for new answers. It’s also very easy to set physical goals to work towards and achieve. The sense of accomplishment can help increase joy. Ever heard of “runner’s high”? It’s a real thing and it is caused by a release of endorphins in the body. This chemical helps the body relax and reduce pain when people participate in physical activity.
Yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual activity that can help individuals access their inner strengths. Regular practice can help people develop a calmness that can be focused towards dealing with frustrations, fears, and other challenges. Yoga postures can train the body to be stronger making it more durable and flexible. The breathing techniques used triggers the human body’s natural relaxation response. The greatest advantage that can be gained from Yoga is mental focus. Each pose requires a high level of concentration and flexing a person’s ability to focus is a key ingredient in managing stress.
Weightlifting / Strength Training
Lifting weights is an anaerobic exercise that stresses and tears muscles. Based on the duration and intensity of the exercises being done endorphin production will vary. Multi-joint exercises that focus on multiple muscle groups and body part have been shown to promote the production of the most endorphins during and after a workout. Over time and with the right type of training, lean body mass can be built up in the body. Lean muscles help to stabilize and regulate blood pressure after stressful events. This will help to take pressure off of the heart and arteries when stressful situations arise.
Regular exercise can effectively reduce stress and promote overall positive energy. When done consistently it can help rejuvenate individuals mentally, physically, and spiritually. So pick an activity and get out there and start working out!
Disclaimer: The information and reference materials contained here are intended solely for the general information of the reader. It is not to be used for treatment purposes, but rather for discussion with the patient's own physician. The information presented here is not intended to diagnose health problems or to take the place of professional medical care. The information contained herein is neither intended to dictate what constitutes reasonable, appropriate or best care for any given health issue, nor is it intended to be used as a substitute for the independent judgment of a physician for any given health issue. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.