Daily 30 Popular Posts with 'history' tag

in history •  7 years ago 

※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.

1. September 16, 1908: The Birth of General Motors

@history-trail, 141 votes, 1 replies, $38.15

2. sorry

@hxfrank, 107 votes, 4 replies, $0.00

3. The Biography And Ideology Of Jihad Tjoet Nyak Meutia (ENG-INA)

@subkiusman, 101 votes, 3 replies, $9.56

4. In May 2017 Ringling Brothers Circus performed it's last show... it's legacy remains

@dwinblood, 65 votes, 11 replies, $12.08

5. Una Vida Tan Singular - Historia Original

@edrivegom, 45 votes, 3 replies, $0.26

6. history photograph

@muhammadmobeen, 40 votes, 2 replies, $0.08

7. Small Treasure Found in Bag of Coins on Ebay

@mostly.nature, 31 votes, 4 replies, $2.59

8. Back to the Sharp End [Ohakea]

@len.george, 33 votes, 1 replies, $0.29

9. Popular Posts by Current Payout Value for the tag history # 16-09-2017

@minnowhelp, 33 votes, 0 replies, $0.08

10. First Black Miss America! September 17, 1983

@history-trail, 33 votes, 0 replies, $0.77

11. Ancient Hybrids in mythology.

@wolvoman80, 31 votes, 1 replies, $0.07

12. Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster: sometimes the worst case scenario happens..

@krazykrista, 19 votes, 9 replies, $4.03

13. History of Gayo Aceh Coffee

@fakhrizal, 23 votes, 3 replies, $0.34

14. Poisonous Mushrooms.

@albuluhi, 23 votes, 0 replies, $0.49

15. HISTORY White elephant LINGE (Bener Merie) & Sengeda & Datu Beru Qurratu Aini Buntul Kubu Tunyang.

@muhammadridwan, 20 votes, 1 replies, $0.33

16. Fulfillment of desires (the real love story of life) ♥

@rollsman, 12 votes, 7 replies, $0.17

17. Initial survey, the historical "japanese cave" in Aceh #6

@sultan-aceh, 18 votes, 1 replies, $0.28

18. Fascinating photos and history ????

@splendorhub, 15 votes, 4 replies, $17.85

19. “Jeungki” Alat Penumbuk Traditional Masyarakat Aceh Tempo Dulu

@subkiusman, 16 votes, 2 replies, $0.39

20. Impression of andalus conquest

@manokuteun, 16 votes, 0 replies, $0.31

21. Conquest of andalus

@manokuteun, 16 votes, 0 replies, $0.34

22. Kerkhof Peutjoet, Place of the Netherlands Burying the Army

@khaidi, 15 votes, 0 replies, $0.30


@pouchon, 10 votes, 4 replies, $0.82

24. Antigos e Inacreditáveis

@dralex, 11 votes, 2 replies, $3.72

25. Certificate of Debt Terracotta

@nilceauris, 13 votes, 0 replies, $0.30

26. Curiosities of the World War II - #1

@vieira, 5 votes, 6 replies, $0.03

27. Glencoe Massacre Scotland - The story they don’t tell you: Murder under Trust!

@makkizakki, 4 votes, 6 replies, $0.13

28. The Iberian Crusades: The Muslim invasion and Battle of Covadonga

@carlosdaniel, 10 votes, 0 replies, $0.04

29. 4

@bammbuss, 9 votes, 1 replies, $0.65

30. 5

@bammbuss, 8 votes, 1 replies, $0.64

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