The Symbolic Monument Of The Korean War

in history •  6 years ago 

The monument of the Korean War was located in the middle of the memorial by the street across the main memorial building.


The center of monument looked like the artillery shells, inside of the monument was filled with the reliefs of the Korean War.
The relief was very impressive for me in expressing some kinds of feelings and emotions relating to the deep sorrow and the grief.





It’s my personal opinion about the relief in the view of the amateur, so I’m not sure whether other people feel like me or not.

Around this monument, there were two groups of bronzes.
Many kinds of people were described in this group bronze statues.





There were even kids in the bronze.
There was no exception in the war even for the kids

What touched me was the last part of the relief formed with crying old people.





Old people didn’t have capability to resist against the war and the young men who tried to rush into the war not knowing their life is at the stake.
One thing only they could do was crying for the young people.

I heard many stories about Korean War from my parents
My father didn’t tell me much about many stories on the war he had taken part in.
But his message was clear, it was the saddest and the most worst thing in the earth.
More than 100 kids in my daddy’s home town rushed into the battlefield, but less 10 kids could return home after the war. That’s the reason why he didn’t want to say anything about the war.

There is no great war in the world, there is only tragedy in the war.

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Very beautiful .. a wonderful picture from you
good for you
Thanks for sharing..

Thank you

Its so sad to read and see these things. Wars are only destructive, the soldiers are fighting at the front and the families are fighting a battle to cope up. It does not spare anyone. No one wants war except for those who greed for power

that's the point

wow its very nice photography

Very historical and memorable. Thanks for your photography that give chance to see this

Upvote and resteem. Quite right. War is always about discriminating the sizes of penis. Women love it, it proves men are trashy gorillas. The best women have gorillas as house pets.

The photo is not an ovelisco is a weapon

Huge dick is a weapon.


Gran post 😎

Its really an absolute delight to watch your clicks! Some are breathtaking! Incredibly Stunning! So lively that it conveys the emotive story behind. The art you have mastered is Serene and Sublime! Its just a soothe to the eyes of the beholder! Though I'm far away, they bring me closer to Korea.

Thank you for your compliment

hermosa ciudad tiene monumentos muy grandiosos en venezuela hay muchos monumentos de estatuas antiguas

Corea es muy hermosa y tiene una identidad cultural muy bien definida, ojala nuestara Venezuela se desarrolle al grado de esa gran nación, y Caracas sea tan hermosa y moderna como Seul.

venezuela sera una mejor ciudad

Thank you for your comment

The statues are really captivated.

Thank you

The expressions on the faces of the seniors really captured their emotions. Thank you for sharing @slowwalker.

Thank you for stopping by

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What a marvelous monument, looks like a giant artillery round.
Truly there are no winners in a war, only tragedies.
Thanks for sharing this to us @slowwalker. Have a blessed day ahead. :)

Thank you for your comment

The strife is well depicted. Thanks for sharing. I will have to visit this in person one day.

You will like it

yes this is a very impressive monument for the people, this is a historical monument that can not be forgotten

wly a very nice postign @slowwalker and beautiful kingdom

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It is so great you promote the memory of the fallen soldiers. In my country during WWII there was an undeground army who fight the Nazi. After the war those man and women was persecuted by the communism, since there were a potential therat, the were tortured and they were condemned to be forgoten. But we did not forget, about about "the Cursed Soldiers". It makes me so sad now that the word think Poland helped the Nazi, this is sooo wrong. When Donald Trump viseted Poland he sad it himself, despite him beeing a controversial president he sad the truth, about it, about the Jerusalem alleys, about those who helped our Jewish population to survive , about the Warsaw Uprising. Ofcoure there were individual cases of Nazi sympathizers. But there was individual cases. Most of our nation was in strikt oposition to them. I feel like saying it aloud if someone does not like it, let me flag it and that's it. I do not care

I saw a movie on the Warsaw uprising.
What I'd like to say is all people were victims in any kinds of war.

Im really interested in this historial event. I read sometime this week about a place where soldiers name were written on the wall--from different parts of the world who were in some war linked to it. Its interesting that youre capturing this and sharing your country's history with the world

Thank you so much

It is just so sad that even with so many memorials like this all over the world people keep forgetting and fighting :(

sir @slowwalker,A happy day ahead of Slovakia is ahead. An unforgettable monument, look like a giant Armenian round.There really is no winner in a fight.Thanks for sharing it with us.

#upvoted resteem

excellent!! Today I wonder "what is our conflict" Is it really China??perhaps..certainly as I write on"the markets."..thanks for support.

Thank you for your comment

this architecture is highly appreciated in a place built in the form of monuments to commemorate, you have introduced, thanks @slowwalker

Thank you so much

Very historic, highly informative :)

great photos from you @slowwarlker .. very beautiful

You simply have to read all your instructive posts about history :)

마지막 말씀이 와닿습니다. 수많은 전쟁사들이 존재하지만 생명을 뺏고 뺏기는 비극일 뿐이죠. 많은 말씀을 하고 싶지 않으신 아버님의 마음도 이해가 갑니다. 더 이상의 전쟁은 없어야 겠지요.


이것은 독특한 구성이다. 조각은 추억을 만들어 보십시오.
때 보면서 이 사람,눈물에 나타났습니다.
슬프고 아팠습니다. 그래서 많은 죽음과 삶을 주장에 의해 전쟁입니다.
감사에 대한 우리에게 말하고 이에 대한 기념! @slowwalker
당신에게 최고의 소원입니다. 세계에 있다.
고 밝은 하늘 위에!

This is a unique composition. The sculpture is very memorable.
When I looked at the faces of these people,
tears appeared in my eyes.
Sad and hurt. So many deaths and lives claimed by the war.
Thank you for telling us about
this monument! @slowwalker
Best wishes to you from me.

Let the World be in your home!
And the bright sky above!

Thank you so much for your comment

'세계에는 위대한 전쟁이 없으며, 전쟁에는 비극 만 있다'는 마지막 말에 큰 울림이 있네요.

전쟁은 정말 없어야겠습니다.

그래야지요. 그런데 인류역사상 전쟁이 없었던 적은 없다고 하네요

Interesting marration and description of these works of art, undoubtedly it is complex through art to be able to give messages especially when it comes to war, excellent!

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It is a good post!
Please also look at my lovely camp ♪

I always pray for peace come to the world.

We all need to pray for peace

I worked with North koreans 2,5 years . Very nice people , small but brave , hungry but cheerful . They vork very hard far away from their country. Polish shipyards is their home now . They teached me how to weld , if i welded something wrong they helped me a lot. Gave them hundrets of sandwitches , movies . Stoped working on shipyard , but I really miss them .

왜.. 사진 자체를 보면서 뭉클해지는 것일까요..
왜.. 전쟁이라는 것으로 서로가 많이 힘들어 했었어야 했을까요...
제가 겪어보지는 않았지만 , 정말 두번 다시는 겪고싶지 않습니다..
정말 슬프고 최악입니다.. 정말루요..

정말 그렇지요

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좋은 6월 보내시길 바라겠습니다
댓글 감사합니다^^

It is indelible in history but i will go a long way to serve as deterrence to future mischief maker that there is no gain in war but negotiation will go a long way.

Amazing photographs and to the point description! Will continue to follow your work with anticipation!

Beautiful the city of Korea, despite the sad memory of the division, I really like your article, good contribution ...

Wow, incredible. Did not know such a place existed Mr Walker! Thank goodness things seems to be going well between the north and the south and these horrors should never have to be lived again.

On another note I just passed 2,000 followers and it's big milestone for me. Joining Steemit almost exactly one year ago, with no money to invest this has been a big accomplish. I could not have done it without support from you and others in your whale stature.

You make my blog possible and so many others I am sure. So thank you so very much for your support, it really means a lot to me. I did a post on my experience so far as a travel blogger on steemit as well as give a warm thank you to everyone who's helped me along. Hope you find time to see it. Have a great day!

From Glens Falls New York- Dan "World Travel Pro!"

congratulations on your 2000 followers.
I wish you continue this accomplisment

Thank you Mr Walker! I will continue as long as there is an audience that values my work :)

This is really a monument to the pain that produces the absurd wars, since in them there are many losses of human beings unnecessarily.


These are horrors we should never forget... There was already one Korean war, if mad-man Kim Jong wants another, he should be "extracted" and put down... for the good of a whole Nation!

World War is a terrible thing that happen in the world and no one is a winner... I'm proudly to say as a Filipino American the Philippines is the first Asian country that help South Korea to fight the war against the Chinese. The battle of yuldong is the greatest Filipino victory in Korean war.. 900 Filipino soldiers fight against 40,000 Chinese but the Filipino soldier won that battle... Hoping South and north Korean country will be at peace soon... Great picture @slowwalker

Thank you for sharing these meaningful photos from a significant piece of history. I would like to visit there someday.

how did friends my tea


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Is the inside part of timber made? looks like. Inside is concrete and outside the other metal but in the middle I cant see which material it is.. Do you know it maybe ?

Wow..great photography and a very insightful and interesting article..enjoyed the read..Thanks for sharing a piece of history and culture with us.Great post 👍💚

기념동상을 자세히 본적이 없어서 몰랐는데
잇님 덕에 자세히 보니까 얼굴 하나 하나에 표정이 살아있네요
표정들을 보면 안타까워지네요 전쟁의 무서움이 보이는거 같아요

Very nice captures. Thnx for sharing. Upvoted en followed!