[Steem on RPi] It works! - Screenshots and Logs

in hive-101145 •  3 years ago 

라즈레리파이에서 증인노드 구동을 시도하고 있는 천상 개발자 이타인클럽니다.

어제 잠시 arm에서 소스 빌드가 성공했다는 소식을 전해드렸습니다.

또 달려서 somguy, @ety001님의 자료를 보고 arm용 docker 이미지를 만들어서 라즈베리에서 돌려봤습니다.

(cli_wallet 도 빌드가 됐는데, 이건 에러가 납니다. 증인 사이닝키는 블러트 걸 일단 넣어봤습니다)

그리고 오늘!!!






뭔가 에러가 나는거 같지만, 정상 동작하는 화면입니다!!!
보면 2016년 데이터 부터 싱크하려고 하는 걸 볼 수 있습니다.

지난 번에 받아놓은 blocklog 파일 압축 푸는게 좀 이상해서 동기화를 빨리 못해보고 있는데.. 한 90%는 성공한 느낌입니다!!!


2457449ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-central.steemit.com:2001
2462641ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-west.steemit.com:2001
2503521ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node steem-seed.urbanpedia.com:2001
2534344ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed.steemer.app:2001
2544805ms rc_plugin.cpp:1122            plugin_initialize    ] Initializing resource credit plugin
2544805ms rc_plugin.cpp:1190            plugin_initialize    ] RC's will be computed starting at block 26256743
2544806ms witness_plugin.cpp:479        plugin_initialize    ] Initializing witness plugin
2544806ms witness_plugin.cpp:523        plugin_initialize    ] 4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '101' in "etainclub"
    json.cpp:442 variant_from_stream

    json.cpp:489 from_string
4 parse_error_exception: Parse Error
Unexpected char '101' in "etainclub"
    json.cpp:442 variant_from_stream

    json.cpp:489 from_string
    witness_plugin.cpp:523 plugin_initialize
2641076ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-central.steemit.com:2001
2646142ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-west.steemit.com:2001
2686692ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node steem-seed.urbanpedia.com:2001
2717530ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed.steemer.app:2001
2727700ms rc_plugin.cpp:1122            plugin_initialize    ] Initializing resource credit plugin
2727701ms rc_plugin.cpp:1190            plugin_initialize    ] RC's will be computed starting at block 26256743
2727701ms witness_plugin.cpp:479        plugin_initialize    ] Initializing witness plugin
2727702ms webserver_plugin.cpp:433      plugin_initialize    ] configured with 32 thread pool size


initminer public key: STM8GC13uCZbP44HzMLV6zPZGwVQ8Nt4Kji8PapsPiNq1BK153XTX
chain id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
blockchain version: 0.23.0
2727708ms chain_plugin.cpp:468          plugin_startup       ] Starting chain with shared_file_size: 8589934592 bytes
2727708ms chain_plugin.cpp:599          plugin_startup       ] Opening shared memory from /steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain
2730537ms block_log.cpp:142             open                 ] Log is nonempty
2730540ms block_log.cpp:264             read_block_helper    ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
w < count() && w >= 0:
    static_variant.hpp:330 set_which
Error unpacking field operations
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_transaction
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
Error unpacking field transactions
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_block
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
2730541ms block_log.cpp:336             read_head            ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
w < count() && w >= 0:
    static_variant.hpp:330 set_which
Error unpacking field operations
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_transaction
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
Error unpacking field transactions
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_block
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
    block_log.cpp:264 read_block_helper
2730541ms database.cpp:192              open                 ] 10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
w < count() && w >= 0:
    static_variant.hpp:330 set_which
Error unpacking field operations
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_transaction
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
Error unpacking field transactions
    raw.hpp:337 operator()
error unpacking steem::protocol::signed_block
    raw.hpp:624 unpack
    block_log.cpp:264 read_block_helper
    block_log.cpp:336 read_head
2730541ms database.cpp:192              open                 ] args.data_dir: /steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain args.shared_mem_dir: /steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain args.shared_file_size: 8589934592
2730542ms chain_plugin.cpp:608          plugin_startup       ] Error opening database. If the binary or configuration has changed, replay the blockchain explicitly using `--replay-blockchain`.
2730542ms chain_plugin.cpp:609          plugin_startup       ] If you know what you are doing you can skip this check and force open the database using `--force-open`.
2730542ms chain_plugin.cpp:610          plugin_startup       ] WARNING: THIS MAY CORRUPT YOUR DATABASE. FORCE OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK.
2730542ms chain_plugin.cpp:611          plugin_startup       ]  Error: {"code":10,"name":"assert_exception","message":"Assert Exception","stack":[{"context":{"level":"error","file":"static_variant.hpp","line":330,"method":"set_which","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"w < count() && w >= 0: ","data":{}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"raw.hpp","line":337,"method":"operator()","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"Error unpacking field ${field}","data":{"field":"operations"}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"raw.hpp","line":624,"method":"unpack","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"error unpacking ${type}","data":{"type":"steem::protocol::signed_transaction"}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"raw.hpp","line":337,"method":"operator()","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"Error unpacking field ${field}","data":{"field":"transactions"}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"raw.hpp","line":624,"method":"unpack","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"error unpacking ${type}","data":{"type":"steem::protocol::signed_block"}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"block_log.cpp","line":264,"method":"read_block_helper","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"rethrow","data":{}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"block_log.cpp","line":336,"method":"read_head","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"rethrow","data":{}},{"context":{"level":"warn","file":"database.cpp","line":192,"method":"open","hostname":"","timestamp":"2021-08-06T23:45:30"},"format":"rethrow","data":{"args.data_dir":"/steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain","args.shared_mem_dir":"/steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain","args.shared_file_size":"8589934592"}}]}
786012ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-central.steemit.com:2001
791064ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed-west.steemit.com:2001
831738ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node steem-seed.urbanpedia.com:2001
862638ms p2p_plugin.cpp:621            plugin_initialize    ] caught exception 0 exception: unspecified
process exited with: Host not found (authoritative)
    {"message":"Host not found (authoritative)"}
    asio.cpp:88 resolve_handler

    asio.cpp:168 resolve

    p2p_plugin.cpp:73 resolve_string_to_ip_endpoints while adding seed node seed.steemer.app:2001
873011ms rc_plugin.cpp:1122            plugin_initialize    ] Initializing resource credit plugin
873018ms rc_plugin.cpp:1190            plugin_initialize    ] RC's will be computed starting at block 26256743
873018ms witness_plugin.cpp:479        plugin_initialize    ] Initializing witness plugin
873034ms webserver_plugin.cpp:433      plugin_initialize    ] configured with 32 thread pool size


initminer public key: STM8GC13uCZbP44HzMLV6zPZGwVQ8Nt4Kji8PapsPiNq1BK153XTX
chain id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
blockchain version: 0.23.0
873064ms chain_plugin.cpp:468          plugin_startup       ] Starting chain with shared_file_size: 8589934592 bytes
873066ms chain_plugin.cpp:599          plugin_startup       ] Opening shared memory from /steem/witness_node_data_dir/blockchain
881024ms chain_plugin.cpp:616          plugin_startup       ] Started on blockchain with 0 blocks
881034ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881039ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881040ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881041ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881042ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881043ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881043ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881044ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881045ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881045ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881046ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881046ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881047ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881047ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881048ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881048ms p2p_plugin.cpp:659            operator()           ] P2P adding seed node
881052ms p2p_plugin.cpp:686            operator()           ] P2P node listening at
881052ms p2p_plugin.cpp:688            plugin_startup       ] P2P Plugin started
881052ms witness_plugin.cpp:527        plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() begin
881053ms witness_plugin.cpp:532        plugin_startup       ] Launching block production for 1 witnesses.
881053ms witness_plugin.cpp:543        plugin_startup       ] witness plugin:  plugin_startup() end
884670ms p2p_plugin.cpp:229            handle_block         ] Error when pushing block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ): attempting to push a block that is too old
    fork_database.cpp:57 _push_block

    database.cpp:880 _push_block

    database.cpp:764 operator()
885242ms p2p_plugin.cpp:229            handle_block         ] Error when pushing block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ): attempting to push a block that is too old
    fork_database.cpp:57 _push_block

    database.cpp:880 _push_block

    database.cpp:764 operator()
885322ms p2p_plugin.cpp:229            handle_block         ] Error when pushing block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ): attempting to push a block that is too old
    fork_database.cpp:57 _push_block

    database.cpp:880 _push_block

    database.cpp:764 operator()
885683ms p2p_plugin.cpp:229            handle_block         ] Error when pushing block:
10 assert_exception: Assert Exception
item->num > std::max<int64_t>( 0, int64_t(_head->num) - (_max_size) ): attempting to push a block that is too old
    fork_database.cpp:57 _push_block

    database.cpp:880 _push_block

    database.cpp:764 operator()


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