Steem Data Services (SDS) / Update Notice / Version 0.1.7b

in hive-102132 •  3 years ago  (edited)

Version Details

SDS will be updated to version 0.1.7b within the next few days. The new version is already in the process of being installed on sds0 (developer requests going to sds0 are automatically proxied to sds1 in the meantime).

Here are some of the most important new features and changes in this version:

  • New API Module transactions_api
    This API comes with a full transaction index and enables us to retrieve a block, transaction or block number by transaction_id. I worked really hard on this one to get the database size as small as possible. It's now only about 34G in size and still performs very well.
    For comparison, if one would create a regular database that contains an index on all transaction_ids of the Steem blockchain, the resulting size would be > 120G.

  • New API Module post_tags_api
    This one was already in preparation when the last version came out. Now a few of its API methods are finally ready to be used. It allows to quickly retrieve tag statistics like 'top used tags of all posts/comments in the blockchain' and 'top active tags of all active posts/comments'.
    It also returns a field count for each tag, so it can be used to build some nice daily/weekly statistics too. More methods will be added in future.

  • New API Method witnesses_api/getWitnessVotesSummary
    This method returns a list of all incoming witness votes for the given witness (including the total proxied vesting shares per voter). The resulting rows are sorted by influence descending.
    It was backported to the 0.1.7a already to have way faster backwards proxy and witness votes searching capabilities on SteemWorld.

  • New Field last_reply in all Feed Lists
    The field is now available in all feed list results (for root posts only) and it contains the timestamp of the last created reply for each post. If there are no replies, it will be returned as '0'.
    Thanks to @moecki for the great ideas ;)


I needed to start a full 're-parse' operation, therefore I could use the opportunity to extend the new post_tags_api already in this version:

Installation Status

  • [x] Installing the new version on sds0
  • [x] Live testing the version on sds0
  • [x] Redistributing to sds and sds1 servers

Have a good one! Steem on ~ 🚀

If you like what I do and you want me to be your Steem witness,
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Cool! Danke für deine Arbeit! 👍

New API Module post_tags_api

Die API ist schon sehr interessant. Das erspart mir das Durchlaufen von Posts. Bin gespannt, welche Methoden du da noch einbaust. TagsByCommunity und TagsByAuthor wären sehr nützlich für eine Community- und Autorenseite.

I worked really hard on this one to get the database size as small as possible.

Würde mich schon interessieren, wie du das gemacht hast. Könnte aber auch verstehen, wenn du hier nicht alle deine Algorithmen offenbaren möchtest.
Bedeutet das, dass du für jede API eine eigene Datenbank führst, die mit jedem Block aktualisiert wird?

TagsByCommunity und TagsByAuthor wären sehr nützlich für eine Community- und Autorenseite.

Da sich die Version noch in der Testphase befindet und ich aufgrund eines festgestellten Bugs heute sowieso einen kompletten 're-parse' starten muss, bevor sie in Produktion gehen kann, werde ich bei der Gelegenheit die post_tags_api noch etwas erweitern. Mehr Details dazu demnächst ;)

Bedeutet das, dass du für jede API eine eigene Datenbank führst, die mit jedem Block aktualisiert wird?

Ja, der Parser durchläuft die Blöcke und ruft entsprechende Events in den über die Config aktivierten Modulen auf (soweit das jeweile Modul nicht bereits bei einer höheren Blocknummer ist). Die Module können natürlich auch untereinander verknüpft werden, um Daten anderer APIs direkt abrufen zu können.

Jedes Parser-Modul verwendet normalerweise mindestens eine eigene Datenbank, die aber auch untereinander verknüpft (attached) werden können. Über die Config kann man auch festlegen, dass eine Datenbank für mehrere oder sogar alle Module verwendet werden soll, aber das würde ich aus Performance- und Wartungs-Gründen nicht empfehlen.

Es lassen sich auch Daten aus anderen Modulen direkt in SQL-Abfragen joinen, daher hat es deutlich mehr Vorteile die Datenbanken zu trennen und so unfragmentiert wie möglich zu speichern.

Die Aufteilung bringt zudem auch hinsichtlich der Verminderung der Redundanz sowie der im Notfall erforderlichen Wiederherstellung Vorteile. Allerdings wirst du dir dazu im Vorfeld wohl sehr viele Gedanken über die Art und Weise der Aufteilung und anschließender Verknüpfung (durch die SQL-Abfragen) gemacht haben. Dabei den Überblick zu behalten, ist nicht ohne.

Für den privaten Bereich habe ich ein paar mehr oder weniger komplexe Datenbanken erstellt und mit entsprechenden Abfragen und Codezeilen versehen. Insofern habe ich ungefähr eine Vorstellung davon, welchen Aufwand du mit der effizienten Speicherung der Daten der gesamten Blockchain hattest/hast.

Mehr Details dazu demnächst ;)

Bin gespannt. :-)
Heute hatte ich noch einen neuen Gedanken. Oftmals interessiert mich, bei welchen Posts neue Kommentare eingestellt wurden und würde danach gern sortieren, damit man auch neue Kommentare in älteren Posts nicht übersieht. Für jeden einzelnen Post bekäme man das mit den Replies auch raus. Allerdings ist dies für eine Post-Liste (z. B. aus der feeds_api) nicht ganz so "unaufwendig", da man erst zu jedem Post in der Liste die Replies abrufen müsste.
Wäre es anhand der Daten in deinen Datenbanken (unkompliziert) machbar, in der Response (z.B. nach feeds_api.getCommunityPostsByCreated) auch den Timestamp des letzten Kommentars zurückzugeben?

Wäre es anhand der Daten in deinen Datenbanken (unkompliziert) machbar, in der Response (z.B. nach feeds_api.getCommunityPostsByCreated) auch den Timestamp des letzten Kommentars zurückzugeben?

Mir gefällt deine Idee und ich denke, dass ich ein Feld last_reply in allen Feed-Listen für Root-Posts problemlos zurückgeben könnte. Wahrscheinlich wird das aber erstmal nur für neue Kommentare (Erstellungszeitpunkt) funktionieren, da ich sonst einen weiteren Index für das Feld updated (das den Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderung enthält) brauchen würde.

Ich schau mal, was ich da machen kann.

Das wäre doch sehr gut. Ich denke, es wäre nicht weiter tragisch, wenn es zunächst nur die neuen Kommentare funktioniert. Das wird sich dann ja nach und nach ändern.
Wenn du es eingebaut hast, wäre eine Info gut, damit ich weiß, wie das feld last_reply zurückgegeben wird, wenn es keine (oder keine neuen) Kommentare gibt.

$ curl 2>/dev/null | jq -S '.result.defs.redfish'
  "count": 1815612,
  "from": 0,
  "to": 999999.999999

In SDS, is there any chance you could provide a way to get a look at the partitioning below "redfish" - maybe plankton up to 9,999 and tadpoles/guppies from 10,000 to 99,999 (or any other names would be fine...), then start redfish at 100k?

1.8 million is a lot of accounts. It would be nice to get easier visibility of movement within that partition. Also, it might be useful to have a new category at the top end of the scale to give the whales something to shoot for ;-)

Maybe something like this?


Thanks for your ideas! Unfortunately, I can't change the categories for this upcoming version, but I agree that it would make sense.

I recently added a new method on the SDS dev server (sds0), which returns the account count for a specific VESTS range:

For example, to get the number of accounts owning between 10,000 and 99,999 VESTS, you would call it like:


Hi steemchiller, sorry to bother you. I am a graduate student working on a research project. I found SDS very useful. I want to collect follow history data but I have some issues using the API. For example, only returns 2 records. It seems it does not return the complete records. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

Hi, with the current configuration of the followers_api module you won't be able to retrieve entries older than 3 months, because it is configured with store_history_days = 90 (config can be seen via

So, currently there is no other way than traversing through all blocks' operations (for example with and watch for custom_json ops with id = "follow". Not very efficient and will take a long time to go through the whole chain, but it would work.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hallo Chiller:
Eine kleine Fehlermeldung zur Steemworld von mir (EDIT: sind doch zwei :-) ):

Bei deinem Reward-Info-Tool auf passt irgendwas mit dem Date Range nicht. Obwohl ich ein gültiges Datum in die Felder eingetragen hatte, werden keine Rewards angezeigt.

Meine Eintragungen:

In der Konsole sieht man, dass folgende Abfrage versendet wird:

Anscheinend passt die Umwandlung von Datum in Timestamp nicht so recht.

Bei der Berechnung der Beneficiaries ist etwas nicht nachvollziehbar:
Beim Spender (hier deutschunplugged) wird angezeigt:

Beim Empfänger (hier du-finanzbot) wird angezeigt:

Mir scheint, als wenn beim Empfänger von den SP- und STEEM-Beträgen noch einmal der Benef-%-Satz ermittelt wird.
Ich schätze, es liegt die Abfrage zugrunde.
Da wird im Abschnitt "benef":{"stu":12.053,"sbd":0,"steem":23.908,"sp":23.908,"trx":23.908,"percent":25} der richtige Betrag zurückgegeben, aber bei den Summen in "sum_sp":11.954,"sum_trx":11.954,"sum_steem":11.954 stehen die geringeren Beträge.

Thanks for the latest update. You are very kind. Hopefully, Steemit will be more successful. The presence of really helps me in Steemit. We are waiting for the next update, @steemchiller

Thanks for the compliment

Hey, ich muss schon wieder hier einsteigen :-))
Seit gestern geben diverse Responses vom sds0 das Feld reply_count nicht mehr zurück. Das betrifft - soweit ich das jetzt feststellen konnte - alle Requests aus der content_search_api und feeds_api. Speziell aufgefallen ist dies bei getPostsByAuthorText und getCommunityPostsByCreated.

sds1 und sds sind nicht betroffen. Es sieht so aus, als wenn du an neuen Features arbeitest :-)
Es wäre aber schön, wenn das Feld erhalten bleibt.
Bin gerade dabei, mein Frontend für die Suche aufzubereiten, da michelangelo3 seinen Server (mit der Suchfunktion) abschalten möchte...

Moin, ich habe das Feld gestern aus Kompatibilitätsgründen in children (wie es auch von der posts_api zurückgegeben wird) umbenannt. Dies ermöglicht es Entwicklern eine zentrale Logik für die Behandlung der Ergebnisse der posts_api und feeds_api zu haben, ohne zwischen verschiedenen Feldnamen wechseln zu müssen.

Ein paar neue Felder sind auch hinzugekommen, aber das werde ich alles demnächst in einem Post noch genauer erklären, bevor die neue Version auf sds und sds1 installiert wird. Für den Übergang empfehle ich dir, bis dahin erstmal fest auf sds0 zu gehen ;)

Da bin ich gespannt! :-)
Ich finde die Vereinheitlichung gut, da ich auch bisher eine Klasse für die "Aufbereitung" der Community-Post-Daten nutze. Für die Suche wären das je nach Suchbegriffen (Kombis aus Text, Tags und Accounts) unterschiedliche Requests, so dass dein Ansatz sehr gut passt. Das childrenhabe ich doch glatt übersehen...

Mir ist die Tage noch was anderes aufgefallen: Wir haben in der Community gemutete User, deren Post-Daten is_muted=0 enthalten. Das liegt sicher daran, dass der Beitrag selbst nicht (aktiv) gemutet wurde, sondern der User.
Ich nehme an, das ist so von dir beabsichtigt. Aktuell sehe ich hierfür nur die Möglichkeit, mit communities_api/getCommunityRolesdie gemuteten User abzurufen und abzugleichen. Oder siehst du eine Möglichkeit, dies mit den Community-Posts (aus der feeds_api) zurückzuliefern?

Oder siehst du eine Möglichkeit, dies mit den Community-Posts (aus der feeds_api) zurückzuliefern?

Es gibt ab der Version 0.1.8 (sds0) ein neues Feld author_role, das für gemutete User den Wert muted enthält. Damit könntest du das also jetzt schon lösen.

Trotzdem finde ich die Idee, ein extra Feld wie is_author_muted zu haben, gar nicht mal so schlecht. Ich werde mal schauen, ob ich das noch problemlos in der Version hinzufügen kann...

You always release information that is very important for us to know the Steem Data Service. thank you very much for providing more information regarding Steem Data Services (SDS) / Update Notice / Version 0.1.7b .

I always appreciate your work. Thank you for this.

You are doing an excellent job, you will see that all hard work pays off, congratulations on the upcoming steemit sds updates.


These are great updates sir and i believe with this new upgrades and feautures, SDS would be a better working interface.

Thank you for this again, you are always doing a great Job which is very noticeably and well appreciated and i see no reason why i shouldnt vote for you.

I voted for you as a witness some weeks ago😊.

awesome! great work!

Hi @steemchiller.

I don't know whose attention I should draw this, so I am drawing this to your attention with the hopes you can pass it on to the appropriate people.

I am on a curation trail and find that something is wrong with how it is supposed to work. As you can see, some curations give a 100% upvote.


There isn't any content in the post that is being upvoted:


Looking at the account's posting history, it appears a bot is creating non-content posts and then is being upvoted intermittently. This pattern applies to the other accounts receiving 100% upvotes.



Not only is this filling the database with junk, but it is also syphoning value from the Steem currency.

Hi @dwarrilow2002, thanks for the info! I've downvoted a few of their posts, but I guess they will return in one form or the other at some point.

I recommend to think about manual curation or chosing a curation trail that doesn't upvote shit posts. Who is running the curation trail you joined? Maybe you can contact them and tell them about it.

At this stage, I think the bots are running the show. This is the Steem Skillshare (link here) curation trail. None of the original members are posting anymore (or are available on discord). This is an example of the curation trail recruitment. The person who was supposed to run the trail was digital.mine as reported by the.journal in this post

@digital.mine is currently powering down.

Frohe Ostern!


Danke, wünsche dir auch frohe Ostern ;)

Hey Steemchiller, ich wünsche dir auch schöne Feiertage. :-)

... und muss leider hier auch gleich mal einwerfen, dass ich seit heute eine unerklärliche Fehlermeldung von deinem sds0-Server bekomme. Folgende Abfrage ist betroffen:,permlink,created
Darauf erhalte ich folgenden Fehler:
{"code":-1,"error":"fields.include is not a function"}
Kannst du dir das bei Gelegenheit bitte mal anschauen?

Hey, vielen Dank für den Hinweis! Sollte jetzt wieder funktionieren. Ich wünsche dir auch schöne Festtage ;)

Perfekt, ist wieder alles Top! Danke :-))

Hi @steemchiller,

I was curious how you calculate the average efficiency and weighted average efficiency (and i guess by extension the efficiency) for the pending curation rewards in your dashboard. I was hoping to figure out how to store that metric for posts my bot has voted on after the rewards payout. (I think it would be more accurate since the number will be finalized).

Thanks so much for your help!

Hi @cmp2020,

for calculating the efficiency of a vote I compare its (outgoing) amount to the (incoming) curation reward. The sum of all collected efficiency values are dividided by the number of given votes to get the average.

The weighted average is calculated almost the same way as the normal average with the difference that the voted percentage is being taken into account.

For example, if one fails badly with one 1% vote but at the same time makes a very efficient 100% vote, the total weighted efficiency will be better than the normal one, which only looks at the number of votes and which always sees 1% as the same as the 100% vote.

So, you need to calculate an efficiency factor first (vote.percent / 10000) for each vote and multiply the efficiency and the count (1) by it.

I hope this helps a bit... :)

Thanks! @remlaps came up with a really creative way of calculating efficiency for paid out posts. He did the ratio of curator_vests to total_vests from the payout transaction over the ratio of curator_rshares to total_rshares in the post.

(curator_reward_vests / total_vests)
(curator_rshares / total_rshares)

I thought this was a very smart way of calculating the efficiency without having to convert vests (since the conversion factor is always changing). I think in this case, 100% would represent the rewards the curator earned being equivalent to the amount of value they provided to the post, and more would be the curator earning more than they contributed, and less would be less.

I'm not sure if this efficiency is comparable to your efficiency, but I think it is a good metric for evaluating my ai's performance after payout.

Hi @steemchiller. I'm sorry to bother you.

As you know Steemit has a page but it is not very popular. There are reasons for this, but one of the reasons is that it is not that easy to find. I wanted to suggest that if you like it, add a link to this page in your tool somewhere here:


Of course, I have no idea how difficult it is to do and whether it is even advisable, so the decision is yours. Thanks.

Servus Chiller,

gibt es einen Grund, warum bei getPostsByTagsText und getActivePostsByTagsText der Parameter searchText nicht optional ist?

Hintergrund ist, ich möchte die Posts von zwei (vielleicht auch mehr) Tags auslesen, also z.B. alle aktuellen Posts bei denen die Tags #deutsch und #steemexclusive vorhanden sind.

Moin, ich habe geplant mehrere Tags für alle relevanten Methoden der feeds_api zuzulassen, aber bin leider noch nicht zur Umsetzung gekommen.

An sich könnte ich den Parameter aber wirklich ohne viel Aufwand optional machen. Schaue ich mir heute Abend mal an. Wahrscheinlich könnte ich das sogar noch problemlos mit in die 0.1.7c aufnehmen.

ohne viel Aufwand hört sich ja gut an. Bin schon gespannt, was die 0.1.7c mitbringt. Möcht ja nicht wissen, wieviel Stunden du mit SDS verbracht hast.

Mercy für die Antwort!

Ich habe es jetzt erstmal so gelöst, dass der Suchtext "" für alle Methoden mit Tags-Parameter funktioniert und auf 'Suchen ohne bestimmten Text' umschaltet. Richtig optional kann ich es an der Stelle nicht so einfach machen, da noch Parameter nach dem Suchtext kommen könnten.

Das Ganze sollte bereits auf dem Testserver ( und App-Server ( laufen ;)

Das klingt doch schon mal sehr gut. Danke! Da juckt es mir doch in den Fingern, meine Workarounds gleich mal umzubauen... :-)

Schaut gut aus, sehr gut sogar, DICKES Danke!

Was ich bist jetzt gesehen habe, die API gibt Tags ab der sechsten Position nicht mehr her, SDS schon - sehr schön.

Was mir noch aufgefallen ist, nachträglich reineditierte Tags mag SDS anscheinend nicht, kann das sein?

Sehr schön! Geänderte Tags sollten normalerweise berücksichtigt werden. Falls dies nicht der Fall sein sollte, muss ich da nochmal ran die Tage.

Off Topic, aber schau mal auf wen sich ChatGPT bezieht, wenn die KI was zum Thema Cryptos erzählen soll.

Frohes Fest :) Link

Wow, das ist wirklich beeindruckend! Die KI hat wohl die SDS APIs verwendet, um die Transaktionsanzahl eines Monats zu ermitteln. Dafür gibt es nicht mal direkt eine API-Methode, aber man könnte, wenn man sich eine Weile damit beschäftigt, solche Daten aus den Blöcken des jeweiligen Zeitraums holen. Ziemlich brilliant auf jeden Fall.

Wünsche dir auch ein chilliges Fest und guten Rutsch ins Jahr der Freiheit ;)

Hello. Please help me restore access to my sister Eugene's account, here on steam - @gmenka . Her account has been hacked and power down is enabled.

Hi, please go to and follow the instructions on that site. @gmenka will then receive an email with further instructions for recovering the account. Important is that Eugene uses the same email address that she used when signing up on Steemit.

Thank you. It's already been done. Unfortunately, the letter has not arrived yet. Time is running out and I'm afraid that the attacker will withdraw money from the wallet

The email should arrive immediately as long as the used email address matches the one from the registration on Steemit. If it does not arrive, it may be the wrong email address used when requesting the account recovery.

And if it so happened that she doesn’t remember on which mail she registered the account or, perhaps, she was blocked, she just started writing on Steam a very long time ago. is it possible to unlock the sister's account using passport data or can she make a video call and find her identity?

I informed the Steemit team about the case. So, she will hopefully receive the email soon ;)

Hello Steemchiller.

There is a new user who has received the confirmation

Good news! You have successfully created the account.
Username: rebbrownie233
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone number: ‪+63 918 797 3878‬
To get your login details and Keys for, go and sign in to the Steemit wallet at
Your friends at Steemit

But receives this error message when attempting to login


Who does one contact about this?

Hi, I think it's not a good idea to share the user's contact details here in a comment... Anyway, it looks like the account was not successfully created (maybe it's still in progress), because there exists no account with name 'rebbrownie233' in the blockchain at this point.

Let's wait a bit and see if it will be created later today. In case it does not get created within the next few hours, I will contact the Steemit team ;)

Hi @steemchiller

It seems that the steemworld api is sometimes working and sometimes not when I'm using it with the requests module in python. I just recently got a new computer so I'm not sure if it's the computer, the network, or the api. It seems that steemit has been having problems in the last couple days so I wanted to comment and ask if it is something going on with Steem?

The odd thing is it will download the data sometimes for a bit, and sometimes just freezes on the first element of data I query.

I tried taking the url and pasting it into my browser, and it returns the data every time so that makes me think the problem is with the computer or network.

Thanks for your time!

Hi @cmp2020, there recently occurred some issues with the Hivemind nodes that are being used for parsing and supplying the data for . As far as I know, @ety001 is working on a fix and already found the reason for some of the problems.

I never experienced any similiar issues with the SDS instances so far. So, to me it sounds like a network issue or a bug with the python module. The requests going to sds (main instance) are currently being routed to sds1, because I need to work on that server, but I don't think that this has anything to do with it.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemchiller,

I was curious if you know of a way to get the historic vesting fund in order to convert historic curation rewards in vests to dollars. I've realized that using your api call I can get historic curation rewards much faster than with the function I made a few months ago. Thanks for making it!



I've been trying to solve this problem all day, and figured out how to get the conversion rate using the virtual op "fill_vesting_withdraw" at your api call for a range of virtual ops (calculating the block to start at based on the date). But this method is extremely slow (took about 50 seconds just to get the rate). I was curious about how you and steemit convert curation rewards in vests to steem power.

Hi @cmp2020, there is still no good solution for retrieving the historic values available. As I was asked this question a few times already, I'm planning to provide a new method that can offer a better/faster way in the near future.

I was curious about how you and steemit convert curation rewards in vests to steem power.

The conversion from VESTS to SP just uses the current values from the blockchain. As we receive rewards in VESTS, whose worth increases over time, we acually earned more in terms of SP than what was shown in the past. Hard to say, if it would be more correct to always use daily conversion rates.

Hello @steemchiller
need your help.

Have you made any API which returns list of Recent posts inside a community ?
For Example i want to get Latest post over Steemit Pakistan How can i get that ?

Hi @hassanabid, you could probably use the Feeds API for that:

For example, this method would return the last 100 active posts for a community:

Here you find the description for that method:

But there are many more methods available. In case you have any questions later on, just let me know ;)

Thanks man you are hero ❤️😘

I just want to get link of that post only anyway to do that? Tried split up json but its to difficult How can we apply limit to get links only.?

The limit parameter can be used to limit the number of rows, but there is currently now way to define the returned columns via API. You would need to create a small script that locally converts the data into your desired format.

But I like the idea of having the possiblity to convert directly via API. I will think about adding some kind of converter to support different formats in the future.

Yeahhh columns limiter could be a great thing :)
Do let me know whenever you release that.
Thankyou so much ❤️

Hello @steemchiller

Do we have any post Voting API ??

Hi @hassanabid, there are many API methods available that return post and voting data. What exactly do you want to accomplish?

Talking about Upvote post API is their any api where i can give permalink with credentials it gives vote

If you only want to receive the votes for a post, you can use this one:
The method description can be found here:

This wonder jo .Thanks for the information. very useful for us to know the development and it is great achivevement .@steemchiller

wow appreciated ! Thank you for your work! 👍

The API is very interesting. This saves me from looping through posts. I'm curious what other methods you use. Tags By Community and Tags By Author would be very useful for a community and author site

Please stop copying other users' comments!

Thank you for your update

This API comes with a full transaction index and enables us to retrieve a block, transaction or block number by transaction_id. I worked really hard on this one to get the database size as small as possible. It's now only about 34G in size and still performs very well.

It might be surprise for us great .

this is an excellent job,
curious for update

Hi, I would like to say a thousand thanks to you sir who always support me in any condition. I don't know how to repay what you have given me.

I can only wish you good health and continued success in everything you do.

I always try to say thank you on Discord but I haven't had a response from you in a long time.


Hi friend, you were very helpful when my account was blacklisted before.

The same situation has now happened to another friend of ours in our community. We would be very happy if you could help with this.

Thank you very much in advance

Hi, the account was successfully recovered and just needs to be removed from the blacklist, right?

Yes friend my , the account has been recovered. It should be removed from the blacklist 🙏

Ok, I will let the team know ;)

Thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏😊

My friend, thank you very much for your attention and help. Our friend's account has been activated again🙏😊

Thanks you @steemchiller for the information.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.
Please check my new project, STEEM.NFT. Thank you!

Guten abend! And nice meeting you!
It looks like you are just the right person to help me.
I've got two Steemians who wants to return to the platform.
There is no problem with the wife's account but the husband cannot login with his keys.
Please can you help?

Hi @patjewell, I don't see anything wrong with the account @graviton. The owner key history shows only one entry, so his original keys should still work here. He could try to sign in on, just to check, if it is related to some kind of bug on

Thank you! I appreciate you coming back to me. I will ask him to check again

hello me.i have lost my account key .i have lost,but i failed. my account name is @asamkana1

Hi @jal08, if you don't have access to @asamkana1's Master Password or Private Owner Key, there is no way to recover the account. Nobody other than yourself knows your keys, therefore there is nothing we could do in such case.

Always keep a copy of your Master Password or Private Keys in cold storage (offline location)!

my phone has been restarted, so all the contents of my documents have been deleted, the account password can't be recovered, this happened three months ago.. so I created another steemit account.. please support from you. so I can join steemit, like tan other friends..

Thank you @steemchiller for your information.
I want to work here as a active member.
Please approved me.

Very good

permítame pasar por su casa, he leído su escrito, resulta que ha realizado su tarea muy extraordinaria, estoy seguro de su éxito por un buen logro,

Dear @steemchiller

This comment isn't related to your topic, but we promise that it is not a spam comment.

Allow me to take an opportunity to invite you to interesting initiative aiming to PROMOTE STEEM blockchain:

Hopefully you will find this initiative worth your time and attention :)

Thanks for the information. very useful for us to know the development @steemchiller

Witness vote done 😊

Thank you for this very useful information my good friend, you always do a great job, a very good job and can last a long time in this steemit and I am happy if you help us for full support to steemit players, thank you very much for providing information more about Steem Data Services (SDS) / Update Notifications / Version 0.1.7b.
And I want to continue to learn to maintain good steemit like you my friend.


  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Hi @steemchiller , someone tronsfer my fund from my another account @artist1111 wallet , i tried to send my fund from binance to steemit , i donot share my keys with any body , know keys is not working except ept master key working what i do please help me what should i do


Your work is most appreciated! Keep it up

How come I always feel so invisible, when I have such important information to share...???

Hello Steem Chiller ,
I have been playing around with SDS for some time now and it is amazing
i am currently working on some types of services for educational purposes and would love to know if you have any rate limits on these API

Hi @upex-dev, I'm glad to hear that SDS works well for you. There are rate limiters active on all instances, but this should not be a problem for running your services.

Of course, it depends on how many requests you send per second. If the number of requests exceeds the defined maximum, further requests will be slowed down a bit. Just let me know, in case you experience any problems with the set limits.

For testing purposes, I recommend to use the testing environment (, which always runs the newest SDS version.

hello , thanks
is there a way to have SDS running on local host ?

Not yet, because it's not open source yet.


Do you perhaps know what translation I should use with the date and time value.
Date and time fields are represented by an interger. I am developing in c#
Thank you

Hi, I'm always working with Unix timestamps. I never used C#, but I think this site should be helpful for you:

Thank you very much. Exactly what i was looking for

Very good

I am very proud. I can share with you

Hello sir, can I contact with you on discord. I need to get some development solution about steemit.

Hi, you can contact me via steemchiller#7203 on discord ;)

please accept my request.

Hello Steemchiller. Your steemworld, is by far the most helpful application for steem. I have a question about password security. You are one of the most trusted people on Steem, but anyone can be hacked. What happens if Steemworld gets hacked? If I have put in my active key, will it be in danger? I have been told never to enter your active key into any site. How does steemworld protect our keys that we enter? I am not very knowledgeable about the technical aspects so forgive me if this is silly question. Thanks

Hi there!

If I have put in my active key, will it be in danger?

SteemWorld does not store any keys on any server. In case of using the private posting or memo key on the site, they are locally stored in your browser cache (encrypted). The strict CSP of the SteemWorld domain prevents the site from sending out data to unprivileged servers. So, when using a modern browser, there is nothing that can happen in this regard.

Of course, SteemWorld can not prevent yourself from getting hacked. If you store your private keys unencrypted on your pc (in a text file or so), there is always the risk of someone getting access to your system and just copying the keys.

I always recommend users to install the Steem Keychain browser extension and use only that for signing transactions that require the active key. Keychain stores your keys encrypted with a master password on your machine and is therefore the most secure solution.

When using Steem Keychain on SteemWorld, the signing takes place locally within the extension and even SteemWorld does not have access to any of your higher keys.

Hello sir I am Admin of Steem India community
Which is an Indian community and I want your support for the growth of the community it would be great if you visit us . Thank you and I have a great day ahead!

How do I get/calculate the reputation of an account?

Don't wary. Got it sorted

Ok, in case you still need help, here is how the official steem-js library solved it:

Sorry, keep on bugging you:(
I cannot find out how to calculate or find the SteemPower of an account.
This is what I am busy with:

You need to calculate the amount of STEEM per vesting share with help of the global props (get_dynamic_global_properties) and then multiply it by the number of VESTS.

steem_per_share = total_vesting_fund_steem / total_vesting_shares

Thanks. Been struggling to find the get_dynamic_global_properties address.
Then, the Limit and Offset, cant seem to get it right.
Lets say I want to return 10 rows starting at position 10
No matter what I use I get the same data back everytime.

Been struggling to find the get_dynamic_global_properties address.

If you want to solve it with SDS, you could just use the,
which returns a field 'steem_per_share'.

No matter what I use I get the same data back everytime.

The 'listAccounts' method is not described in detail yet, because it might change in future. I probably will add a replacement without the filter param for the next version.

Currently it would work with this one:{}/false/10/10

Perfect. Thank You very much

mmm No I think it may be calculating something else. If I look at the wallet, one have Steem, Steem Power and Steem Dollars.
I want the Steem Power. In my case it is 271.539

Hi @steemchiller. I'm @happycapital. Nice to meet you. I wanna tell you about very important issue about the STEEM main witness. Please, read this post.

Thank you

Evening Sir,
I would like to ask for your assistance with my account being hacked and I am not in control anymore of the wallet.
How can I recover control of my account?
I tried the recovery process on Steemworld but it led to no correction.
Can you help me, Sir?

Hi, which account do you want to recover?

My account @ybf
I lost control of the key in February 2023
It took me more than a month to realize that I was hacked.
What can I do to regain control of my account @ybf
Thank you so much for your help.

There is nothing that can be done to recover that account, because the owner key has been changed already on February the 7th. When changing the owner key, one has only 30 days to complete the account recovery process.

Thank you
Is it possible to put a mention on that account saying that it was hacked?
or reduce the reputation to minus one?