How can we burn more fat.

in hive-109160 •  4 months ago 

How can we burn more fat.

Incredibly, even today there are still people who think that sweating is synonymous with burning fat, but this is much more complex, and when we look for a calorie deficit in order to get rid of those extra kilos, of that annoying fat in our adipose tissue, A less intense but longer-lasting activity can be equally or even more effective than a series of intense but shorter exercises.

And then, what is the ideal intensity at which we should exercise if we want to lose body fat? The first thing to be clear about to understand this is that there are 3 energy sources from food: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Each of these sources implies a "fuel" with very different characteristics and our body will prioritize between the use of one or the other depending on some factors. And the main one is the intensity with which we exercise.

Although there are other ways, such as measuring power, heart rate is still the most used way to understand at what intensities we are exercising. And for this there is one piece of information that we must know before starting everything, and that is what our maximum heart rate or HR Max is, which is the maximum intensity with which our heart can work.


The most accurate way to obtain this data is through a maximum stress test, which is done through a protocol. But there is another way that, although it is not very precise, is indicative and is totally free, and it arises from this simple mathematical operation of subtracting your age from the number 220. Once we know this number, that we know what our maximum heart rate is, we will be able to work on the following table that shows us that the first of the zones places us between 50% and 60% of our maximum frequency, in the which the use of fats as fuel is predominant in our body.

In general we will be in that area when we run very, very very gently or even when we walk. It involves a very easy and relaxed rhythm that allows us to breathe perfectly rhythmically and its main benefits have to do with recovery and reduction of physical stress. That's why it's called the "regenerative zone."

If we think purely about fat burning or oxidation, the advantages of staying in this zone are that fats are the priority fuel and that we can sustain that intensity and we can stay there for a long time. But the disadvantage is that in this area the energy demand is not as high and therefore we will not burn as many calories as when we move with more intensity.

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