Scientific review, Caffeine as a sports supplement.

in hive-109160 •  26 days ago 

Scientific review, Caffeine as a sports supplement.

Caffeine is considered one of the supplements that have a solid scientific basis, the Australian Institute of Sport classifies the different supplements into different categories, the group A category is those that have scientific endorsement, so they have a lot of evidence and there in that group Let's find the caffeine.

Caffeine is considered an ergogenic aid and will be linked to some sports, including endurance sports. This supplement will improve alertness levels, improve cognitive response, and will reduce the subjective perception of effort, which is something Importantly, it will reduce both physical and mental fatigue and also sometimes reduces the pain threshold, which is extremely important and it is well proven that for example in many sports it has an impact, but in this case endurance sports are gone. to see quite a lot of benefits from the use of caffeine.

Caffeine acts by binding to adenosine receptors, adenosine is a molecule that we accumulate during the day and at night it rises and binds to other receptors, so what this does is somehow induce drowsiness and helps to fall asleep, then basically what caffeine does is stick to these adenosine receptors and then interrupt this connection and produce these effects such as keeping us alert, or keeping us awake, being much more active and other benefits that will be associated with sport. not then.

We will normally find caffeine in coffee, it is also in tea, in cola drinks, mate has a lot of caffeine, we will find it in energizers that have a lot and of course in sports foods. What we know most commonly are caffeine capsules and the caffeine that is in sports gels, which are what we usually consume during exercise.

The caffeine content is also related, for example, in coffee to the way you extract, in the caffeine in coffee, for example, in machines that use water pressure, let's say, and that impact the coffee, you will extract much more. caffeine that, if for example you make it in a French coffee maker or even these Italian ones, then that also greatly influences the coffee content of a drink.

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