Scientific review, Foods you should not consume to burn fat.

in hive-109160 •  4 months ago 

Scientific review, Foods you should not consume to burn fat.

If you want to lose weight you definitely have to stop ultra-processed foods, which are one of the main reasons why we increase the amount of fat in our body and why it is also almost impossible to lose it, with genetically modified foods, artificial sweeteners, processed soy derivatives, vegetable oils such as canola, corn or sunflower, and poor quality meats, ultra-processed foods are one of the worst threats to our health in these times.

And the worst of all is that they are there, within everyone's reach, in the market shelves and they are also accompanied by a lot of marketing, they constantly invite us to buy them, to try them, also creating an addiction because these foods are mostly designed by The food industry does that to make us addicted to them.

And among all the problems that consuming them entails, we must understand that they are loaded with chemicals, antibiotics and endocrine disruptors, which create a true hormonal imbalance that usually counteracts all our efforts to lose body weight, specifically to lose adipose tissue from our body. So don't think about it anymore, and the ideal is that you start changing these packaged foods for whole natural options.

Remember this once again: the idea is to always opt for foods that are present in nature. And if you think this, you will understand that, throughout our very long evolutionary history as a human race, we have accustomed our bodies to eating certain types of foods, processing them and digesting them. Only now, in this last stage, in these last 100 years or so, in which we entered the Ultra-processed food industry, are we putting foods into our bodies for which our body is not prepared.

And possibly, maybe it will be, in several thousand or tens of thousands of years, when none of us will be on Earth. But for now our body does not know how to react to seed oil, refined flours, refined sugars, and much less to foods that contain several of these elements in one. That is why a very clear and practical rule that is very easy to remember is to choose and consume foods that are present in nature. A tomato, a potato, a sweet potato, a fruit, whole grains, fish, eggs, etc., etc.

There are many, many foods that grow or are produced naturally, those are the ones you should choose and base your diet on.

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