Without Struggles Success has no Values.....

in hive-119463 •  3 years ago  (edited)

What do you think about this statement. I read this quote somewhere, and personally I feel this statement is crap....Why is it people think that Success will only come if we struggle very hard for it and only then we can value it. Personally, I do believe that for Success you need to work hard, but then there is a difference between struggling and working hard with commitment, and any success can be valued, it's not necessary that only struggled success is valued, right?. These are what I call the conditioning which has been coming down to us from generations.

Success can also come by working hard and enjoying your work, doing it with joy. Just like here on Steemit, Everyone who has been successful here, I want to ask, did you struggle or did you work hard and enjoyed every bit of your work, and do you value that? I definitely do put in my efforts but at the same time I enjoy my work, I do not struggle.

Statements like, You need to struggle to become rich, or you need to struggle to become successful are more like blocks and self-limiting beliefs. Times have changed, there are many opportunities, there are many ways where one can leverage. But, yes one needs to work hard and smart and not get carried away in emotions.


I had seen my father working very hard all his life, yes, I can say that he struggled also to get finances, but those times were different, opportunities were limited, exposure was minimal. Now it is easy to reach out in any corner of the world and tap on opportunities just sitting in the comfort of our own space. What can be a classic example then Steemit.

It's time that we revisit our old belief systems. Some of the old generation quotes may not be valid anymore, or it can be valid for people who do not want to take actions in life and blame destiny for every set back and every failure. I believe that when we put these labels of Struggles, bad luck, destiny, then all the more we fall behind and things seem to be more difficult than what actually it is.

One needs to change this mindset, of only lucky people are successful and rich. These are self-limiting beliefs. We all have control our own life and by what actions we take we can write our own faith. In my Tarot readings, I have experienced this, that many times the answer comes up as minimal possibility of something to happen for someone, but I have seen those people moving forward with conviction and achieving those things. I never tell my clients that it is a complete NO, I always say that minimal possibility, but if you firmly believe in what you want, you can achieve it.

Success comes with right kind of nurturing, attitude and dedication, this is my mantra. The amount of energy and the type of energy we put into any action decides it's faith.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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If any work is done sincerely to get it done properly, then I think this is the success of man.

Right, success is attributed with attitude

I think that success will depend more than anything on the attitude that the person has with respect to the problems that arise along the way. With regard to fighting and working hard, it is not the same, although many times we automatically substitute the word work hard for fighting; And if I agree that we should change these types of statements and use more positive words and phrases that are not so limiting.

That's the point, we do somethings just out of habit. Work hard means struggle that's what many people frame it as.

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Working reasonably throughout life is the most appropriate, without forgetting the balance so that the results are really favorable, which includes, among others, the health and well-being of our family. Success is measured by how healthy we feel mentally due to good behavior with ourselves, with our neighbors and with the environment. Whoever says that success is being materially rich is deluding himself, they are really "poor rich" because not even sleep can be reconciled if mental hygiene is left aside. We must not forget to live. The lyrics of a song by a famous singer whose title is: "I forgot to live" says a lot.
The sacred scriptures are the maximum authority for a certain criterion. In the biblical book of ecclesiastes, in chapter 5:12 it says: “… The abundance of the rich man does not let him sleep.” Greetings, blessings.

These days Real Success means a Healthy life, you have very well said that. Material things bring a lot of delusion

All success is always achieved with sure effort and prayer, it will definitely be successful at a certain time.@nainaztengra.

Success is good with efforts and dedication. Thank you

Yes, most people say only lucky people get all the wealth, but luck or fortune can only be realized through hard work, struggle, and effort.

Hard work brings what success we desire, when we put in the right efforts with the right intention, results also will be positive. Thank you

Hola amigo @nainaztengra tu articulo esta muy interesante. La palabra lucha etilologicamente hablando es sinónimo de acción, por ende, si queremos ganar una pelea por ejemplo tenemos que entrenar, si no lo haces difícilmente podrás alcanzar el éxito. Ahora bien, en este caso el contrincante también pensará lo mismo, debo entrenar para ganar. Si ambos están con el mismo propósito que es ganar, uno de los dos merece la medalla por lo tanto el éxito lo tienen quien lucha mas. Considero muy respetuosamente que luchar es esforzarse y nos esforzamos para alcanzar un fin, y cual es el fin? El Éxito. Un abrazo para ti. No subestimemos la lucha. Bendiciones.

I would substitute the word fight with Effort. Words carry vibrations and using the right words attracts the right things in life. Like we can use the word concern for fear, effort for struggle or fight, can try instead of it's very difficult.....Thank you for sharing your valuable insight

Gracias a ti por esos escritos interesantes; donde nos podemos dar cuenta que el uso de nuestras palabras tanto para bien o para mal tiene poder. Debemos cuidar lo que decimos como dice el mejor libro del mundo la Biblia: "Con la lengua bendecimos a nuestro Señor y Padre y con ella maldecimos a las personas que han sido creadas a imagen y semejanza de Dios. De manera que con la misma boca bendecimos y maldecimos. Eso, hermanos míos, no debería ser así. ¿Acaso puede dar un manantial agua dulce y agua amarga al mismo tiempo?" Bendiciones a su vida. Éxitos en este nuevo año 2022.

We make our future ourselves with the attitude that we have and the decision-making that we make in our present. Greetings.

What decisions we make brings the results to us and decision making depends on our mindset. Thank you

Success is what each of us dreams of in alcazar. I think that we have to work hard and think well what we do, define the objectives and visualize them, instead of having limiting beliefs, we instill in our mind empowering beliefs, take into account our priorities, in this way we will be on the right track to have success.

Very well said, we need to open up and think of all the possibilities rather then limiting our beliefs

What an amazing and motivating piece I read early morning.. And as you rightly said success is a compilation of hard work and smart work and also many a times it's rightly said :
Work smart, not hard.

Thank you. Glad you like my post and find it motivating. Absolutely we are living in a age now where we need to Work Smart and not hard :-)

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

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I totally agree with you. Just by working hard we all deserve success but when you achieve success just to please others it loses its value. I fundamentally believe that success is achieved when you achieve your goals by working with passion on what you really like and filling your spirit, without fervently waiting for the recognition of others but of yourself.

I love these words like passion, effort, dedication, commitment rather than using words like struggles and fight. The success that we achieve with passion tastes much sweeter than the success that we achieve with struggles

I think your post is excellent, it is very thoughtful. Thanks for sharing, greetings!