The Health status with Processed Vegetable Oils

in hive-120078 •  4 years ago 

The most important and basic of our cooking is the oil, almost every food needs oil in cooking. Have you really considered on the use of the Oil in your cooking? Research shows that one of the major damaging component in our diet in today's time is the processed vegetable oil.

So how is the Processed Vegetable Oil harmful?
Processed vegetable oils contains high amount of oxidized omega-6 linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat, which harms the body in a big way. With extended use it changes the structure of our cells and this creates blocks in our arteries which can lead to various heart related diseases, cancer, autoimmune conditions, inflammation and much more damage.

Basically to simplify the processed vegetable oil goes through intense and extreme heating process resulting into high level of toxic oxidation and this high level of oxidation damages the cells structure, not only the cell structure but it can also damage our DNA and proteins and Brain health over a prolonged period of time. Hence it is important for our health to replace these oils with Healthy fats.


The processed vegetable oils are much cheaper then the healthy solutions hence many people go for it and we can understand that not everyone can afford to buy expensive oils. But there are options in this also which one can consider, which may not be as cheap as vegetable oil but still will be reasonable. And considering it is all about our basic health it is worth it to invest a little more in our basic diet. If need be one can cut off on other things which may not be very important. Processed food contains high amount of vegetable oil and hence having processed food is also as unhealthy. Basically Oil which is not refined and overly processed is a good oil to use. When they get refined and highly processed they lose their nutrients.

The other thing is that many oils are branded these days as high in Omega 6 and sold in the market, but if Omega 6 is not balanced with Omega 3 then it will lead to inflammation in the body. Oils with low smoke points are also not advisable to be used in cooking, they are just good for dressing or low flame cooking.

Organic Coconut oil and Ghee are good alternatives to replace the vegetable oils and they are not very expensive also. The other options are blackseed oil, grass fed butter, Avocado oil, Olive oil. If not organic and even if you can replace it with simple coconut oil it will be helpful. Coconut oil is the easiest one on the pocket and hence the option is a convenient one.

In my kitchen we use a mix of Coconut oil, Olive oil and Ghee. My mom makes ghee for me at home, so it is all the safer for me to use. We Indians in the olden days always had more of Ghee use and that too home made in our kitchen, but with changing times it got replaced with fancily branded vegetable oils and cheaper options. These are some small changes that we can make in your diet, but will see in the long run they will bring good positive benefits.

When we go out to eat in a restaurant we do not have a choice but that would be once in a way, all other times we can avoid it by making healthy choices.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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