How I frame my photos

in hive-133716 •  2 years ago 

This is what I do to frame my photos.

After recent wild safari, I could click some satisfied photos and thought of print and framing couple of them. Before printing there are some adjustments to be's how I edit them.


First, as a bulk I go through each and every photo after uploading them to the lightroom. Adobe lightroom is the software I used for years now, very simple and user friendly to edit photos. Specially colour enhancements. For that, we have to take photos in RAW format instead of FINE. Because in RAW format, colour adjustments can be done better than any other formats.


Then why these colour adjustments are important ? See, we cant tell a colours of a photograph exactly, because depending on the device we use, the colours of the photo are different . For example , we see very colourful photo from the camera display but when we open it in our ASUS or acer laptop, the colours are really dull. But in apple displays the same one shows enhanced colours and if we print that one, the printed copy will give a very different colours set.


So, without manipulating anything , colour adjustments are acceptable in wildlife photography. So first, when go through the photos, I selected the best one with better frame, better focused and looks catchy. Then crop it to the desired size. For example, I thought of printing the elephant in to 1218 frame so adjusted the size accordingly and the bird in 69 one. Then do the colour enhancements finally.


Normally when printing, need to use sRGB colour format. Otherwise colours would look dull after printing. So what I normal do is enhance the saturation of the photo just a wee bit that looks good in the computer display and as well as increase the exposure of the photo about 0.20 . In there there is a better chance to get a more lighted and colourful photo print.

Then the final part is done by the studio. I usually go for glass frame for durability but they also offer a box frame which doesn't have a protective frame in front and having a very thin outline of a frame.

Finally all I have to do is put them on the wall and look at them as a satisfied person.

-Ceylonese Eye-


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Both are beautiful. Photo with the bird caught my eye easily. ❤

Thank you! 😊

Look stunning. I would prefer if you added more green to the elephant picture.

yeahI thought it too 😬